Ecco, la Luce!, 1996
Wow. It's been too long since I found a link that has really made an impression on me. Czech photographer Ivan Pinkava's work knocks me out. It's certainly not to all tastes, but finding photos this challenging and multi-layered is a real treat for a jaded old blogger like me.
From Artist's Bio:
"...The topics, such as death, eternity, lost paradise, destiny, the nakedness of being, are in the great tradition of the European fine arts. It appears that hope, as if masked with scepticism, is probably linked with the theme of most of the artist's photographs, the conviction that Being has its own profound existential meaning. The partial androgyny of the photographed beings, who sometimes seem no longer to be of our world, only then points to some sort archetypical eternity of the presented themes."
Ivan Pinkava - Czech photographer
This link found at the excellent Xupacabras blog