Art Nerd New York | Los Angeles

A Calder Not For Your Eyes

I’m your private Calder, a Calder for money, do what you want me to do…

Sing it Tina, or rather Janey Waney. The oversized mobile sculpture by Alexander Calder in Gramercy Park is not meant for your eyes, but instead locked up in the middle of the private park. If you’re lucky, you can peep at the piece, originally commissioned in 1969 by (and thus named for) Warhol star “Baby Jane” Holzer, through the thick foliage and flowers that line the Gramercy oasis. Holzer initially saw a small version of the sculpture at Calder’s studio, and asked for a larger-than-life version for the Smith Haven mall in Long Island- which was developed by her then-husband.


The mobile was originally a one year loan by neighbor and president of the Calder Foundation, Alexander S. C. Rower, but has remained past its 2012 expiration date. If you stand on your tip toes, you can almost feel like your inside the park. (The neighbors love it when you do that.)

Who: Alexander Calder

What: Janey Waney sculpture

Where: Gramercy Park

One Response to “A Calder Not For Your Eyes”
  1. I use firefox and some nights at 12:00 exactly or 12:30 exactly, firefox stops working and does not load a page. The internet connection is perfectly fine though because it says excellent. I am connected to a home router and the signal strength is always excellent. I do not know why this happens at exactly 12:00 or 12:30 on my desktop time but it’s a pain. I’ve tried “ping”ing and everything looks fine..

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