Tuesday, February 17, 2015


I LOVE this drawing!
The way the pose is balanced, the feeling for fabric like the stiff apron and the soft chef's hat.
Guess what? This drawing does not appear in the movie Lady & Tramp. Animator John Lounsbery reworked the part where Joe lifts a sizable chunk of spaghetti with meatballs from a pot and slams it on to a plate.
The final film version shows him looking already at the plate during this part of the action. Who knows wether Lounsbery decided to make this change, he might have been asked by the director or Walt himself to alter the animation during a sweatbox session.
So much life and energy in the drawing, the sort of feeling you can only get from pencil animation.

I think I am going to frame this one.

For more on Joe and his buddy Tony, go here: