Radio frequency identification (RFID) systems have received increased attention from academicians and practitioners in the past few years. By implementing RFID, companies could achieve “process freedoms” and real-time visibility. Studies have discussed about opportunities, benefits, and challenges in deploying RFID. The issues discussed and insights offered in these studies were mostly of theoretical and conceptual significance due to the emergent nature of the phenomenon and difficulty in collecting data. The purpose of this paper is to get practical insights into organizations’ strategic issues in adapting to this new technological change. It examines the firm’s decision to adopt RFID from strategic perspective and aims to understand the transition process in doing so. The findings and conclusions reported are based on the data collected from organizations that have started the deployment process or have already deployed RFID.
Recommended Citation
Brodbeck, Angela Freitag; Rigoni, Eduardo Henrique; and Hoppen, Norberto, "Uma Analise do Nivel de Maturidade do Alinhamento Estrategico Entre Negocio e Tecnologia de Informacao" (2008). AMCIS 2008 Proceedings. 49.
Since December 13, 2008