Democracy Has Prevailed.

Showing posts with label Virginia Not Pennsylvania. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Virginia Not Pennsylvania. Show all posts

December 4, 2012

Lil Ricky finds a new home!

Via Think Progress:
Rick Santorum has joined WorldNetDaily, a conspiracy theory blog best known for its indefatigable work advancing the birther movement, as an exclusive columnist.
Here's a sample of headlines from WorldNetDaily taken off the intertoobs:



February 14, 2012

August 8, 2011

Ricky Santorum vows campaign will not fade away

Desperately seeking attention and a resurrection of his moribund presidential campaign, Lil Ricky Santorum (R-VA) has decided that the one thing "The Day the Music Died" needed was some santorum. Early rockers Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and J. P. "The Big Bopper" Richardson, as well as the pilot, Roger Peterson died in a small plane crash in Iowa on their "Winter Dance Party" tour in 1959. Santorum will be holding a "Santorum Summer Dance Party" in Iowa featuring the late Buddy Holly's backup band the Crickets and the Big Bopper Jr. The jokes write themselves on this one, but you can add your own in the comments section.

Rave on, Lil Ricky!

(No Ritchie Valens tribute by Santorum in Ames, IA for obvious reasons.)

May 6, 2011

Karen and Rick Santorum Go to War!

Love Campaigning is a Battlefield

Karen and Rick Santorum were interviewed recently on CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network) and Karen wants you to know that God wants Lil Ricky to run (natch) and that running for president is not like being on a battlefield, it's literally a battlefield.

Karen Santorum:
"For me it’s not just another political race. It’s about going on to the battlefield and defending God’s truth in the World. Defending the sacredness of marriage. Defending the sanctity of life. So I see it a little differently because I know it's going to be literally on a battlefield, and it's going to be really hard. So there is a lot of reservation. But it really boils down to God's will. What is it that God wants? ...And believe with all our hearts that this is what God wants."
(h/t to Gyma @ A Spork in the Drawer)