Democracy Has Prevailed.

Showing posts with label Mass Shooting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mass Shooting. Show all posts

March 22, 2018

Join the "March for Our Lives – Pittsburgh" This Saturday!

Please join in with Pittsburgh’s children and youth on March 24th!
You can R.S.V.P. and keep up-to-date on the march at their Facebook event page here and the national website here.
Follow them on Twitter: @M4OL_PGH   Follow them on Instagram: @m4ol_pgh
You can also print out the above flyer or share it on social media.

June 14, 2016

Tell Congress

"...[T]he right of the petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

It's time to use your voice to tell Congress:

#NoMoreThoughtsAndPrayers  #NoMoreMomentsOfSilence

October 1, 2015

US: More Mass Shootings Than Days in the Year

"That brings the total of mass shootings this year -- incidents where 4 or more people are killed or injured by gunfire -- to 294. 
There have been only 274 days this year."
Via Wonkblog @ The Washington Post 

Nailed it


Just another mass shooting in the U.S. with over a dozen dead and many more injured. But, hey! What did the Pope say to Kim Davis? And, what's the latest on Trump? And, damn it, keep those dangerous Syrian refugees out of my town!!!

("This is the 45th shooting at a school in 2015 and the 142nd shooting since the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut." - ThinkProgress)

January 15, 2013

NRA makes ad out of your cousin's Facebook post

Yeah, this is what it's come to -- the NRA is making the same goofy argument that your cousin/old high school classmate made on Facebook a couple of weeks ago. You know, the ridiculous one that goes, "Obama's kids get armed protection! Why can't mine?"

You can see the ad here (but Lawrence O'Donnell announced on his show tonight that it's already been disappeared from the NRA website).

And, then there's this...

December 20, 2012

How did they get here? (Updated)

Looking at our stat counter, it appears that quite a few people have arrived at this blog in the past few days by way of a two-year old post -- this one:
Pat Toomey: "My idea of gun control is a steady aim"
Hmm, I wonder if he wants to revise that statement?

UPDATE: Here's video of Toomey making his "joke" (Thanks, OPJ):

December 15, 2012

Tracking Teh Crazie

I took a look at crazie central this morning to see if there's any reaction to the Sandy Hook shooting.

And guess what?  Teh crazies are crazie.

The article itself isn't too too weird - teh crazie's in the comments.

First there's the by now expected Gun Owners of America response:
I only wish a few of the teachers had a few .40 caliber Berettas and knew how to use them...they could have saved the lives of 20 babies and six adults in that school today.
But it doesn't take long for it to go complete batshit:
Barrack won the election - Fast and Furious blew up in his face ! This stinks of a White House - Valerie Jarret planned gun control operation !
And then the proper source of the blame is identified:
You, have to ask yourself since he was elected, why so many gun crimes. Are people hopeless...or has this country under libs melted down to no morale base.
And of course:
What is the penalty for abandoning God..a debased immoral, and violent society. We have systematically removed God from our culture. ~Psalm 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and the nations that forgot God."~
Yea, that's it.  That's what caused the deaths of all those elementary school kids.

Peeking in on Teh Crazie.

From The Onion

Reprinted in its entirety:
Following today’s mass shooting that left 20 young children dead at a Connecticut elementary school, numerous sources across the country reported that their government-protected right to own a portable device that propels small masses of metal through the air at lethal rates of speed is completely worth any such consequences. “It’s my God-given right and a founding principle of this country that I be able to own a [piece of metal that launches other smaller pieces of metal great distances, one after the other], and if a few deaths here and there is the price we have to pay for that freedom, then so be it,” said Lawrence Crane of nearby Danbury, CT, who is such a staunch advocate of the portable deadly-pellet-flinging apparatuses that he keeps multiple versions of such mechanisms in his home, often carries one with him, and is a member of a club whose sole purpose is to celebrate these assembled steel things and the small bits of metal they send flying. “Sure, it’s sad that a few kids died, but it’s far better than the tyranny that would result if the government came and took away all our [mechanical contraptions that make a lot of little pointy chunks of metal go through the air fast]. Can you even imagine what kind of horrible world that would be?” The man added that if the events that unfolded today led lawmakers to question his ability to possess any such items of steel and lead, authorities would have to “pry the [wholly inanimate mechanical object, nothing more, nothing less] from [his] dead hands.”
Yea.  While The Onion is a satire news site, this still rings truer than anything else I've read.

December 14, 2012

Massacre at CT Grade School

As reports come in that 18 children and 8 adults were killed today in a tragic mass shooting at a Connecticut elementary school, we know these things to be facts:

Gunmakers are seeing record sales and mass shootings are good business for the NRA in terms of fundraising.


August 9, 2012

Pittsburgh Sikh Gurdwara - Vigil for Wisconsin Incident

Via Facebook:

Pittsburgh Sikh Gurdwara - Vigil for Wisconsin Incident
Public Event

When: Saturday, 7:30pm until 8:45pm

Where: Pittsburgh Sikh Gurdwara, 4407 McKenzie Drive, Monroeville, PA 15146

What: The tragic events at the Wisconsin Gurudwara (Sikh Temple) on Sunday left our entire nation devastated and shocked. We commend the bravery of the Oak Creek Police Department and others, especially, Lt. Brian Murphy, who heroically saved the lives of many. As we remember the innocent people who lost their lives, we also pray for the speedy recovery of the survivors.

Please join us as we come together as a community, both Sikhs and non-Sikhs and solemnly share a prayer in remembrance of the innocent lives that were taken and stand together as a force against hate.

August 10, 2009

Reflections on Reflections on Reflections

It pains me to see two of my favorite bloggers argue (if "argue" is even the right word) with each other.

For those unaware of the back and forth, it started, as most arguments in the Burghospere do (HA - just kidding), with something Chris Potter wrote. In a recent blog post, he penned some cogent commentary on the recent LA Fitness killings. While he opts-out of linking to any of shooter George Sodini's online writing, thinking that that would give Sodini the attention he so desperately craved, Chris goes on to describe some of the webpage:

What follows is a pathetic mixture of abject self-pity, racism and rampant misogyny. None of which would be particularly surprising for someone who carried out these acts. In fact, the author claims to have orginally planned to commit this act several months ago, and nearly went through with it in January.

Reading this over, one is reminded of the old maxim about the banality of evil. Here's a guy who claims that he didn't get enough love as a child, can't get laid as an adult, feels misunderstood ... and so apparently decided to shoot up a roomful of innocent women.

Then Bram wrote this.

To which Maria responded with this. (It was initially a comment in Bram's posting. She moved it to 2PJ and now both postings have independent comment streams.)

As much as I'd like to think that it could be, it's really not my place to try to settle any part of this discussion. Needless to say, Bram and Maria have proved time and again that they are both more than capable of intelligently presenting and defending their positions. Neither needs any sort of validation from anyone - least of all me.

I do, however, feel the need to inject my own two cents into the discussion - for whatever it's worth.

I think the core of their "disagreement" comes from their slightly differing opinions as to why Sodini "decided to shoot up a roomful of innocent women" and to what this society's proper reactions to whose reasons.

As far as I can tell, Maria focuses on Sodini's obvious misogyny while Bram is looking to add "mental illness" into the discussion.

Maria makes a good point when she asks the rhetorical question:
If Sodini had wrote "I plan to kill blacks/gays/immigrants/Jews and detailed his anger against blacks/gays/immigrants/Jews and then had gone to a room with only blacks/gays/immigrants/Jews in it and killed and wounded them, would we be limiting the discussion to mental illness without pretty much any discussion of racism, homophobia, etc?
And I'd agree that limiting the discussion to mental health issues would be an insult to those crime victims, never the less her point is well taken. Indeed Bob Herbert makes a similar point in this column at the NYTimes:
“I actually look good. I dress good, am clean-shaven, bathe, touch of cologne — yet 30 million women rejected me,” wrote George Sodini in a blog that he kept while preparing for this week’s shooting in a Pennsylvania gym in which he killed three women, wounded nine others and then killed himself.

We’ve seen this tragic ritual so often that it has the feel of a formula. A guy is filled with a seething rage toward women and has easy access to guns. The result: mass slaughter.

Back in the fall of 2006, a fiend invaded an Amish schoolhouse in rural Pennsylvania, separated the girls from the boys, and then shot 10 of the girls, killing five.

I wrote, at the time, that there would have been thunderous outrage if someone had separated potential victims by race or religion and then shot, say, only the blacks, or only the whites, or only the Jews. But if you shoot only the girls or only the women — not so much of an uproar.
Though I think Herbert goes a bit too far when he writes:

We have become so accustomed to living in a society saturated with misogyny that the barbaric treatment of women and girls has come to be more or less expected.

We profess to being shocked at one or another of these outlandish crimes, but the shock wears off quickly in an environment in which the rape, murder and humiliation of females is not only a staple of the news, but an important cornerstone of the nation’s entertainment.

I cannot deny that there's misogyny in this society but I would deny that "the barbaric treatment of women" is "more or less expected." I also cannot deny that there have been "outlandish crimes" committed against women (even those where the victims are victims because they are women) but I can not see how "rape, murder and humiliation" against women as an "important cornerstone of the nation's entertainment.

Not unless you're willing to define (or possibly re-define) what exactly "barbaric treatment," and "outlandish crimes" means and what comprises an "important cornerstone" of our entertainment. None of which Herbert does. The crime in Collier was shocking enough without reframing it like that.

But I don't want to get side-tracked here. Sodini hated women, obviously. He targeted women in his rampage, obviously. These statements of fact cannot be denied.

But alot of men hate women (and however many it is, it's too many) while only a few (and however small that is, it's still too large) go on shooting rampages to kill them.

So what was the difference between George Sodini and your average run-of-the-mill misogynist (armed or otherwise)? He, Sodini, was also mentally ill.

Curing society's misogyny is such an obvious goal that it is more or less self-evident but George Sosini was so obviously mentally ill that not pointing that out is not telling the full story of his crime.

I think that Heather Arnet was at least aiming in the right direction when she said at the vigil:
Nearly every day we open our newspapers and read that a woman has been killed by her domestic partner. While the Collier shooter did not know any of his victims, this gender motivated crime, should inspire all of us to speak courageously about how we as a society respond to violence against women, how we can invest in more preventative efforts, early intervention strategies, and how we can develop strong sensitive men out of our boys and how we can create a world where none of our daughters need to feel afraid.
Though I have to add that Sodini's crime was many things (tragic, horrible, frightening and so on) but one thing it wasn't: domestic violence.

Preventative efforts, intervention strategies - good ideas. Tying the shooting to domestic violence or saying that the society is so steeped in its hatred of women that violence against women is to be more or less expected - not so much.

My two cents - for whatever that's worth (and in this economy, that ain't much).

August 7, 2009

More Vigils and Some Remarks From Last Night's

There are two more vigils scheduled for the women who were killed or injured at the Collier shootings. The Post-Gazette has the details here.

They also covered yesterday's vigil in downtown Pittsburgh. In that article they featured some quotes from Heather Arnet, the executive director of The Women and Girls Foundation. I believe her remarks last night bear repeating in full:
Good Evening. My name is Heather Arnet and I am the Executive Director of The Women and Girls Foundation.

We have come together today to lend our prayers and supportive words of strength and sympathy to the families and victims of the Collier gym shooting.

We are here to honor the passing of three incredible women, to share our sympathies with their families, and to pray for the full and speedy recovery of the nine other women whose physical wounds are still being treated, and whose emotional scars will be felt for many more years to come.

We have come together as a community to provide each other the space and support to begin the grieving and healing process. But we also come together to speak out against this hate crime perpetrated against women in our community.

This tragedy should be a wake up call to this community – and to our nation - that we need to engage in a robust and courageous conversation about how women are treated and portrayed in our communities, in the media, online, and in our homes.

From the limited information we know about the shooter, we know that this was not a random act – this was an intentional premeditated act of violence, a hate crime whose perpetrator targeted his victims for the sole fact that they were women.

Tonight, we are heartbroken, we are angry, we are terrified, we are desperately sad, and we are committed to work together as a community to ensure that nothing like this ever happens again.

Several weeks ago, a Harvard University Professor was arrested in his home and that single act inspired a national conversation about race in America.

Nearly every day we open our newspapers and read that a woman has been killed by her domestic partner. While the Collier shooter did not know any of his victims, this gender motivated crime, should inspire all of us to speak courageously about how we as a society respond to violence against women, how we can invest in more preventative efforts, early intervention strategies, and how we can develop strong sensitive men out of our boys and how we can create a world where none of our daughters need to feel afraid.

We will hear from others now, who will lead us in prayers and remembrances...


Reflections on Bram's Reflections on the Sodini Shooting

Actually it's also about the comments section in that post.

Here is the comment that I left there:
Oh lord!

Two huge elephants in the room here.


While Sodini was certainly a racist by his own words he did not go looking for a room full of African Americans to kill.

While Sodini certainly did not seem to have male friends and expressed jealousy of other males (though almost always in the context of their ability to get laid) he did not go looking for a room full of men -- or even a room full of men and women -- to kill.

In Sodini's head women were "hoes." Worse still: "hoes" who would not have sex with him. He went looking for a room full of women -- all women. He found one. And he tried to murder them all. He even wrote: "Why do this?? To young girls?"

That's reality.


I'm hearing so called experts on TV talking about the problem of "people" being isolated. I'm hearing discussions of "peoples" access to guns. I see here someone asking "what if it was a woman attacking men," etc.

Here's a reality check: if you could somehow stop men from murdering others you would stop 90% of all murders.

So talking about what the problem is with "people" killing is like me saying that I want to lose weight but let's not get into what I eat or how much I exercise -- you know, basically unproductive -- and ignoring a huge piece of the puzzle.

And before some heads explode here, I'm not saying all men are murders or violent or would-be murders or are one step away from being violent.

But, if we want to really cut down on murder than we need to figure out why men murder. And, guys, this would be to your benefit because while men overwhelmingly are the ones to commit violent crimes, they are also far more likely to be the victims of violent crimes.

P.S. Where exactly would women wearing gym clothes pack a gun? Do they maybe hold it in their hands while exercising? This is just silly.


August 5, 2009

Candlelight Vigil on Thursday for Victims of Collier Shooting

WHAT: Candlelight Vigil for Victims of Collier Shooting
WHEN: Thursday, Aug. 6th 5:30-6:30 pm
WHERE: City-County Building, 414 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219 (map)

From the Women and Girls Foundation:
Candlelight Vigil to be Held Thursday, Aug. 6th 5:30-6:30pm
at City-County building for Victims of Collier Shooting
Community Groups and Public Officials will gather to offer prayers to families.

PITTSBURGH- The Women and Girls Foundation is organizing a community candlelight vigil to be held in the portico of the City-County Building in Downtown, Pittsburgh, Thursday August 6th at 5:30pm to offer support and non-denominational prayers to the victims and families of the Collier Shooting.

“We are organizing this vigil so that we can join together as a community to send collective prayers to the families of the women who were killed and the women who are still in critical condition, as a result of this horrific and violent act against women,” said Executive Director Heather Arnet. “From the murderer’s own blog and note, it is more than evident that the focus of his rage and violence was women. This vigil is intended to send strength and prayers to the families who are grieving and for those women and their families who are hoping to heal from this horrific event.”

All members of the community are encouraged and welcome to attend. Participating in the vigil will be representatives from the Foundation, local elected officials, the National Organization of Women, National Council of Jewish Women, Pittsburghers Against Domestic Violence, local victims service agencies, and many other community organizations. All are welcome.

Also participating in the vigil will be members of Women and Girls Foundation’s Regional Change Agents, a diverse group of 15 teen girls and 15 adult women from Allegheny, Fayette, Greene and Washington counties, who have come together to engage in civic advocacy in their communities to support women. The tragic events of Tuesday night have moved the Allegheny County team of Regional Change Agents to call attention to the inexcusable acts of violence against women within our community and beyond it.

More information about the Women and Girls Foundation can be found at



What are the odds?

UPDATE: Sodini's sight has been taken down or may just be experiencing too many hits. I made a copy of it at google docs earlier this morning. You can read it here.

When I turned from a cable show to a local network channel at 10:00 PM last night the first thing I heard was that their was a mass shooting at an LA Fitness in Bridgeville/Collier Township.

My immediate thought was some man is pissed off at an ex-girlfriend or ex-wife/his job or former job/all women. I especially thought the latter after I heard that he turned off the lights before he started firing.

You can pretty much bet your house on this stuff.

Now we know that:

Yes, the shooter was male.

Yes, he hated women.
He's been identified as George Sodini:

You can read his "thoughts" here.

In case you didn't know it, women are "hoes" (because they don't want to date him).

He's a racist.

He planned this for a year.

Really, nothing more to say except to extend condolences to the family and friends of those who he murdered.

August 4, 2009

The Mass Shooting in Collier Township PA

UPDATE: here

Why don't these guys skip a step and just shoot themselves instead of deciding to take out as many as possible first?

This miserable fucker had the 'foresight' to shut off the lights before killing and wounding (up to five four dead and nine ten injured as I write this) women who were just doing something that is normally joyful: dancing.

It makes me sick.

And, yes, I -- probably like many of you -- have been to this mall on more than one occasion.

Miserable fucker.

Post-Gazette article here.