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Showing posts with label James O'Keefe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label James O'Keefe. Show all posts

March 8, 2013

More On James O'Keefe

Hey, remember when videologist James O'Keefe unearthed ACORN and it's connections to human trafficking?

Here's how my friends at the Trib explained it:
Videotaping covertly while posing as a pimp and prostitute wanting a loan to open a brothel featuring underage Latin American girls, the pair sought ACORN's advice. The resulting YouTube videos show ACORN staff, apparently undeterred by the shocking, blatantly felonious inquiry, offering helpful hints about evading tax, immigration and police scrutiny.
Remember that?

Well Jimmy-boy got that one wrong and he's gotta pay for it.

From Huffingtonpost:
Conservative provocateur James O'Keefe agreed on Thursday to shell out $100,000 to former ACORN employee Juan Carlos Vera to settle a longstanding lawsuit. Wonkette first reported the development, citing court documents.

Vera was an employee of the activist group Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now in 2009 when O'Keefe and accomplice Hanna Giles traveled to his San Diego office -- dressed in pimp and prostitute attire -- to film a segment for their sting investigation, which used heavily edited footage to allege the group supported prostitution and tax-evasion. After the video's release, Vera was fired for "unacceptable conduct" over footage that appeared to show him advising the duo on how to set up a supposed child prostitution ring. It was later reported that Vera had contacted authorities and described the details of the encounter.
Conservative provocateur James O’Keefe has agreed to pay $100,000 and apologize to a former ACORN employee who was fired after being portrayed in one of O’Keefe’s undercover video stings.

The ACORN sting was one of O’Keefe’s first and most successful operations, leading to a congressional prohibition on federal funding for ACORN that caused the group to collapse. But Juan Carlos Vera, a former employee whom O’Keefe and accomplice Hannah Giles secretly filmed in a California ACORN office, said the tape violated a state law against recording someone without their permission, so he sued the two conservative sting artists.

Giles settled this summer, but the suit against O’Keefe is still in federal court.

Now, according to documents obtained by Wonkette, Vera has agreed to drop the case against O’Keefe in exchange for $100,000 and acknowledgment from O’Keefe that the video did not include the fact that Vera had called the police during the sting. The settlement, dated Wednesday, adds that O’Keefe “regrets any pain suffered by Mr. Vera or his family.” He has 30 days to pay up.

In an email exchange with Salon, O’Keefe confirmed the settlement and said a statement was forthcoming.
I wonder if any of this will get reported by Scaife's paper.

March 14, 2012

James O'Keefe's Voter Fraud Fraud

WND (aka Crazie Central) is on the story:
James O’Keefe and Project Veritas are demonstrating once again how easy it is to perpetrate voter fraud in states that do not require voters to show photo identification.

Last week, O’Keefe and his team went to Vermont and had no trouble getting ballots for both living and dead voters.
Really, last week?

That's just one questionable claim by WND and O'Keefe.

January 13, 2012

October 12, 2010

You'd Think They'd Learn

From the Op-Ed page of today's Tribune-Review:
Congress must ensure that successor organizations don't circumvent its ban on federal funding of the defunct national ACORN and its affiliates.

That defunding happened after video of Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now workers helpfully advising a purported pimp and prostitute made continuance of Obama Democrats' longtime ACORN love affair politically untenable. Now, Congress must ensure that old flame isn't rekindled.
They're basing this on the O'Keefe pimp tapes??
For those of you who don't know (and there maybe one or two) O'Keefe lied his way through the tapes:

They know the pimp story's crap, right? O'Keefe's pimp costume was no where to be found when he was taping in the ACORN offices. He never presented himself as a pimp. It was plainly dishonest. They know O'Keefe's a creep, right? The Pimp hoax was posted on Breitbart's website - they know Breitbart's a liar, don't they? Then why even touch the story? The clue (inadvertant projection as it is) can be found in the op-ed's last few lines:
ACORN's Washington sweethearts must think taxpayers -- and lawmakers -- have awfully short memories. Hopefully, enough remember ACORN scandals to deny federal funding to its renamed affiliates.
They're hoping YOU have a short memory and have forgotten that O'Keefe and Breitbart have no credibility whatsoever.

But then again, this is the Tribune-Review we're talking here.

September 30, 2010

More On James O'Keefe (Conservative "Investigative Reporter")

Some highlights of Conservative Journalism:
  • Christopher Ruddy: Main pusher of the universally debunked "murder" of Vince Foster
  • James Guckert (aka Jeff Gannon): Male escort given extraordinary access to the Bush White House in order to lob softball questions during press briefings
  • Andrew Breitbart: Serial video faker
  • James O'Keefe: Employed by Breitbart, fake pimp, another video faker...
And now total and complete creep (as if he was ever anything otherwise).

The story from CNN:
A conservative activist known for making undercover videos plotted to embarrass a CNN correspondent by recording a meeting on hidden cameras aboard a floating "palace of pleasure" and making sexually suggestive comments, e-mails and a planning document show.

James O'Keefe, best known for hitting the community organizing group ACORN with an undercover video sting, hoped to get CNN Investigative Correspondent Abbie Boudreau onto a boat filled with sexually explicit props and then record the session, those documents show.
By the way, those ACORN videos?
The videos led to some of the employees being fired and contributed to the disbanding of ACORN, which advocated for low- and middle-income and worked to register voters.

But prosecutors in New York and California eventually found no evidence of wrongdoing by the group, and the California probe found the videos had been heavily and selectively edited.
For the record.

The plan revolved around getting CNN reporter Abbie Boudreau into a boat (a "pleasure palace"). In the boat would be video equipment (hidden, of course, so as to be able to video the upcoming tryst) and some other props:
  1. condom jar
  2. dildos
  3. lube
  4. porn
  5. candles
  6. viagra
  7. fuzzy handcuffs
  8. blindfold
Which he was gonna use to seduce Ms Boudreau and video it. Misogynist, creepy, disgusting.

This is the current state of Conservative Investigative Reporting, ladies and gentlemen.

By the way Mediamatters reports that there's legislation in the house (from Pete Olson of Texas) "honoring" O'Keefe for his (now fraudulent) work on ACORN.

According to Mediamatters, there are 31 cosponsors on this. Included is Pennsylvania's very own Joseph Pitts (PA-16).

January 26, 2010

James O'Keefe Gets Watergate Backwards

James O'Keefe

From Talking Points Memo:
James O'Keefe, the young conservative filmmaker who was behind the undercover operations that led to the ACORN scandal last year, was arrested with three others for allegedly trying to bug the New Orleans office of Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) yesterday.
O'Keefe may think he's Woodward/Bernstein when he's actually Hunt/Liddy.

What a moran...
