Democracy Has Prevailed.

Showing posts with label Hugh McGough. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hugh McGough. Show all posts

March 9, 2015

In case you're interested, full ACDC Endorsement List is here

First, a few notes on the Allegheny County Democratic Committee endorsement vote which was held yesterday.

Certainly the ACDC stamp of approval no longer holds the sway it once did. Candidates can win their elections without it and some no longer even seek the endorsement (see Mayor Bill Peduto).

The biggest headline to come out of the vote was the nod to Mark Patrick Flaherty over sitting incumbent Chelsa Wagner for Allegheny County Controller. Flaherty was Wagner's predecessor, and, because this is Allegheny County/Pittsburgh, Flaherty is the son of a former county commissioner and nephew of a former Pittsburgh mayor, while Wagner is the daughter of a former longtime chairman of the 19th Ward and niece of a former state auditor general. Meh.

And, while I'm no big fan of Wagner's, did the vote against her have to come on International Women's Day? Which just points to the fact that out of the 34 people ACDC endorsed, only eight were women.

This also leads to the following note from Kris Rust posted on Facebook by his husband, Pittsburgh Magisterial District Judge Hugh McGough, who did not win endorsement for Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas:
This weekend, the Allegheny County Labor Council and the Allegheny County Democratic Committee endorsed a slate of three straight, white men from the Pittsburgh suburbs as judicial candidates for the Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas, passing over distinguished women and minority candidates, including Hugh (yes, LGBT people comprise a minority group). 
The integrity and legitimacy of our government and our courts depends upon them reflecting the diversity of our citizenry. Yet, two-thirds of the judges on the Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas are straight, white men. While we are grateful to all of the folks who have supported Hugh throughout this endorsement process, I am disappointed that the majority of Labor Council and Democratic Committee members fail to recognize the value and importance of superlative credentials and diversity on the bench. Now I am ready to “rage against the machine!”
(If you'd like to help Hugh McGough's campaign--and I hope you do--his website is here.)

Another person who I would have liked to have been endorsed is Natalia Rudiak (though I have to admit that I don't know if she sought the endorsement). Rudiak is running for Pittsburgh City Controller and the only negative thing I can say about her is I would miss her on City Council. Her campaign website is here and her kickoff party is tomorrow.

Lastly, I hope that no one reading this takes the slate cards mailed out too much to heart. It's a real shame, but I'm guessing that too many people do rely on them, especially when voting for judges.

(Endorsement list is after the fold.)

May 14, 2011

More Follow-up On Shields/McGough

First off, I still haven't heard from the Shields Campaign regarding this.

Second, the story's bubbled up onto the letters page of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

Letter one:
Untrue mailer

On Monday, I received Doug Shields' negative (and false) campaign mailer regarding Hugh McGough, the front-runner for the district judge race in the East End. The mailer's claim that Mr. Shields is the only candidate who intends to serve full time if elected is not merely a disgusting campaign tactic, it is wrong.

Hugh McGough is running for district judge and will serve admirably in that position full time when elected. Mr. Shields has no basis for his claim, and it is disappointing, to say the least, to see him resort to such measures.

Unlike Mr. Shields, Hugh McGough is clearly qualified for the position, having nearly 20 years' experience in the courtroom as a lawyer and judicial clerk. Furthermore, Hugh McGough is the endorsed Democratic candidate for the position of magisterial district judge for District 05-2-35 in the East End and has earned my vote.

Point Breeze

The writer is a member of the Allegheny County Democratic Committee, 14th Ward.
Letter two:
Negative Shields

I am so disheartened by Doug Shields' move to go negative in his race against Hugh McGough for judge of the magisterial district court of the 14th Ward. What Mr. Shields is claiming is flat out not true. He says Mr. McGough is planning to work part time while taking a full-time salary. This is just wrong. What can Mr. Shields be thinking?

Here's an example of Mr. McGough's character. I was asking him what he thought I should say to my neighbor to persuade her to vote for him. "Should I tell her that Shields is not an attorney?" I asked, and he said, "No, let's focus on the positive qualities I have, not the negatives of Mr. Shields." This was before he saw Mr. Shields' mailing.

Squirrel Hill
So right now I am thinking it probably wasn't a good idea to send out that mailer.

May 9, 2011

A Follow-up On The Shields/McGough Story

It's a follow-up on this.

This weekend voters in the east end of Pittsburgh received a mailer reportedly sent out by the Shields campaign claiming that Hugh McGough:
wants the full time $82,303 salary of a District Judge but only wants to work part time.
A charge McGough has denied. As I wrote in my initial blogpost, I sent the Shields campaign a request for a comment via their "contact" page. So far, I've had no response.

In response to the mailing, McGough has written a letter to Councilman Shields:
Dear Councilman Shields,

I write to advise you that the "Pledge" you advance in recent mailings appears at odds with the Rules Governing Standards of Conduct of Magisterial District Judges, which apply equally to candidates for the office. I refer you to Rule 15(D)(3), which states as follows:

"Magisterial district judges or candidates for such office shall ... not make pledges or promises of conduct in office other than the faithful and impartial performance of the duties of the office."

Consistent with the Rules, I have long pledged, if elected to the bench, to perform the duties of the job with faithfulness and impartiality. I hereby do so again.

In light of your recent mailing, I also assure you that, if elected, I will be a full time District Judge. Indeed, I never conceived of the position of Magisterial District Judge as anything but a full time position. I was curious where your campaign was headed with the professional "push-polling" it conducted by phone on this issue in recent months. Now we know it was headed into fabrication and falsehood.

In this regard, I direct your attention again to the Rules Governing Standards of Conduct of Magisterial District Judges. The same section quoted above prohibits a judicial candidate from misrepresenting his "qualifications, present position, or other fact." Your demonstrated inability as a candidate to comply with these Rules reflects poorly on your prospects for adherence should you be elected to the position.


Hugh Fitzpatrick McGough
I'll let you know if anything else happens with this.

May 7, 2011

Campaign Shenanigans

Something's happening in the race for Magisterial District Judge.

From his facebook page, candidate Hugh McGough posted this this evening:
Today, some voters received a sleazy mailing from Doug Shields, one of our opponents in the race for Magisterial District Judge in the East End. In the mailing, Shields asserts that “Hugh McGough . . . wants the full time $82,303 salary of a District Judge but only wants to work part time.” This is false.
I out out some feelers for a description of the mailing. And an astute reader sent this description in:
front side shows a guy laying on the beach and the text "Wouldn't it be nice to get paid full time, but only work part time"

2nd side left shows a black and white picture of Hugh with a red X over his picture and text "Hugh McGough agrees. He wants the full time $82,303 salary of a District Judge but only wants to work part time.

2nd side right shows a picture of Doug with a check mark on his picture "Doug Shields is the only District Judge candidate who has pledged to serve full time." Then it shows "The Shields Pledge - I pledge to the people of my district that I will serve as a full time District Judge."
McGough's comment:
I have no idea on what basis Shields makes this assertion, but he is wrong. I have never conceived nor wanted the District Judge position to be anything other than full time.
Via his contact page, I put a request for a comment from the Shields Campaign. I'll post whatever I get.

May 19, 2009

Some notes for today's primary election

  • The ADB has a press release from Councilwoman Smith.

  • Slag Heap considers what a Zappala Peck win would mean.

  • Infinonymous notes that Ravenstahl can't even be trusted with taking care of the beer.

  • The Pittsburgh Comet finds that Tony Ceoffe ♥ scofflaws.

  • I will be voting for Patrick Dowd for mayor and Hugh McGough for Court of Common Pleas and cribbing from Progress Pittsburgh's Big Endorsement List (among other lists) for judicial votes (Barbara Behrend Ernsberger, Joe Williams, Susan Evanshavik DiLucente, Alex Bicket, Philip Igneizi, Anne Lazarus).

  • If I was in District 2 I'd vote for Georgia Blotzer, if I was in district 4 I'd vote for Natalia Rudiak, if I was in District 8 I'd vote for Bill Peduto, if I was in Wards 9 & 6 I'd vote for Susan Banahasky, and if I had to choose between Motznik and Diven I'd get a really big hammer and a really big steel spike and drive it into my own head.

  • I'll be poll watching all day, so no more posts from me today until fairly late (if any), so I'll say it now:


  • April 20, 2009

    This Just In (Part II), Progress Pittsburgh PAC Endorsments

    Progress Pittsburgh PAC (P2PAC) announced their endorsements for the May 19th primary. This is the first time that P2PAC has endorsed candidates.

    As they put it:
    P2PAC develops, supports, and helps to elect candidates who demonstrate vision, progressive values, and electability. It considers candidates whose districts touch the City of Pittsburgh, and supports candidates that will make good, progressive leaders at higher levels of government.


    These endorsements represent four races where a group of dedicated citizens can make a MAJOR impact on the race. While there are other candidates that support the progressive ideals of social and economic justice (Amanda Green, Bill Peduto, and Patrick Dowd are three who met with us that come to mind), we are confident that your money and your time will be invested wisely, should you choose to support the candidates below.
    Their endorsements:
  • Natalia Rudiak, City Council District 4,

  • Robert Daniel Lavelle, City Council District 6,

  • Susan Banahasky, Magisterial District Judge 5-3-10,

  • Hugh McGough, Court of Common Pleas,
  • P2PAC will have a Happy Hour this Tuesday, April 21, 6-8pm, 900 Cafe & Lounge, 900 Western Ave, North Side to celebrate their endorsed candidates and to talk about how you can make a difference in these races.

    You can contribute to P2PAC here.

    April 16, 2009


    April 16, 2009

    Susan Banahasky for Magistrate Benefit
    Banahasky for District Magistrate
    Date: Thursday, April 16, 2009
    Time: 5:30pm - 7:30pm
    Location: Coca Cafe
    Street: 3811 Butler Street
    City/Town: Pittsburgh, PA 15201

    Lawrenceville, Polish Hill & Bloomfield for Banahasky. Please join us in support of Susan Banahasky Candidate for District Magistrate. Suggested Contribution: $25, $50, $100. Please join us for drinks and appetizers @ Coca Café. Please RSVP to Aaron Sukenik at [email protected] or (412) 452-8823. Checks Made Payable to: Friends for Susan Banahasky. This is Susan's only fundraising event. If you can't make it, please contribute @

    April 17th, 2009

    Carmen Robinson Appearance
    Date: Friday, April 17, 2009
    Time: 5:00pm - 8:00pm
    Location: Sisters Beauty Supply
    Street: 100 5th Ave
    City/Town: Downtown Pittsburgh, PA

    Carmen Robinson for Mayor. Public Appearance.

    April 19, 2009

    McGough4Judge "30 Day Rally to Win" with Lenora Nemetz & Billy Price
    Host: Hugh McGough
    Date: Sunday, April 19, 2009
    Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm
    Location: Pgh Center for the Arts (Shadyside)
    Street: 5th & Shady Aves
    City/Town: Pittsburgh, PA

    The McGough for Judge Committee Invites You To A "30 Day Rally to Win" @ Pittsburgh Center for the Arts in Shadyside. Special Musical Appearances by Lenora Nemetz & Billy Price. RSVP: [email protected] or 412-441-7677. In this last month, we need to hit the streets, get on the phones and help Hugh spread his message of integrity, ability, experience and excellence to the voters of Allegheny County. But before we put on our running shoes, we want to gather together, celebrate and show our support for Hugh. There will be refreshments, incredible music, and of course, the best candidate for Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Hugh Fitzpatrick McGough.

    April 20, 2009

    Steel-City Stonewall Democrats Mayoral Debate Party
    Host: Steel-City Stonewall Democrats
    Date: Monday, April 20, 2009
    Time: 6:30pm - 8:00pm
    Location: There Video Lounge
    Street: 931 Liberty Ave.
    City/Town: Pittsburgh, PA

    The April 15th KDKA Mayoral Debate has been canceled. So, we will be moving the Debate Party to the 20th of April when the local ABC affiliate WTAE has scheduled a debate to be aired between 7 PM & 8 PM. All 3 candidates (City Councilman Patrick Dowd, Mayor Ravenstahl, & Carmen Robinson) will be participating in the debate. Free food & pizza. RSVP: [email protected] or 412-728-5262.

    April 21, 2009

    P2 Happy Hour: Endorsement Excitement!
    Date: Tuesday, April 21, 2009
    Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
    Location: 900 Cafe & Lounge
    Street: 900 Western Avenue
    City/Town: Pittsburgh, PA

    Please join P2pac as it unveils its first group of endorsed candidates ever! The evening at 900 Cafe & Lounge will include P2tini's, good conversation, and the annoucement of who the P2pac has chosen to endorse for the May 19th primary election. Come and bring your friends for some politics and cocktails on the Northside. A $10 contribution is suggested; all funds raised at this event will go directly to support endorsed candidates. 900 Cafe & Lounge is a non-smoking establishment. It is accessible by the following buses: 16A, 16D, and 500. Phone: 412-586-7794

    April 27, 2009

    A Taste of Thailand: Fundraiser for Patrick Dowd
    A delicious way to bring leadership now to Pittsburgh

    Patrick Dowd for Mayor of Pittsburgh
    Date: Monday, April 27, 2009
    Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
    Location: Silk Elephant
    Street: 1710 Murray Ave
    City/Town: Pittsburgh, PA

    Join us as we support Patrick Dowd and enjoy Thai Music & Dancing, Thai Cooking Demonstration and Thai Food (Tapas, Noodles and Salad Stations). Tickets: Adults $35, Students $20, Children (3-14 years old) $10. Please reserve tickets at: Instructions:
    Enter your total ticket amount in Step 1 in the "Other" Box. In Step 3, complete contact information and enter "SILK" as event code. Please contact Anne McCafferty at 412-760-5337 with any questions.

    May 2, 2009

    An Evening with Braddock Mayor John Fetterman and Patrick Dowd
    John Fetterman, Chris Schultz, and the rest of the Host Committee
    Date: Saturday, May 2, 2009
    Time: 8:00pm - 10:00pm
    Location: Braddock’s Elks Lodge 883
    Street: 420 Library Street
    City/Town: Braddock, PA

    John Fetterman, Mayor of Braddock, invites you to a party to benefit the Patrick Dowd for Pittsburgh campaign. Join the current mayor of Braddock and future mayor of Pittsburgh for a fun night of music by Zombo, food and more. Suggested donation is $20 per person. Checks are payable to Citizens for Patrick Dowd. You can also donate online at Please include code “fetterman” on the check or on-line donation event code field. Host Committee: Regina Anderson, Randy Francisco, Robert Hampshire, Jodi Hirsh, Kevin Gannon, Dutch MacDonald, Betsy Magley, Christian Manders, Nathan Martin, Lindsay Patross, Eve Picker, Kathy Risko, Chris Schultz, Justin Strong, Hon. Chelsa Wagner, Abby Wilson. Email: [email protected]

    Other Candidates who can use your $ & shoe leather:

    Georgia Blotzer, Pittsburgh City Council District 2

    Natalia Rudiak, Pittsburgh City Council District 4

    February 18, 2009


    Thursday, February 19, 2009

    Meet Don Cunningham, Exploring a Run for Governor of PA
    Host: Rosalie Glickman
    Date: Thursday, February 19, 2009
    Time: 7:30pm - 9:30pm
    Location: Smallman Street Deli in Squirrel Hill
    Street: 1912 Murray Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA

    Contact Info Email: [email protected]

    Lehigh County Executive Don Cunningham, a possible Democratic candidate for Governor and a social progressive, has cut his teeth on overcoming tough challenges in politics and life. He’s earned a reputation as a reformer who delivers results. Suggested Donation: $36 General, $18 Student, $10 Pleading Poverty.

    Saturday, February 21, 2009

    McGough4Judge H.Q. Open House (Because "It has to be Hugh!")
    Hugh McGough and Sam Hens-Greco
    Date: Saturday, February 21, 2009
    Time: 10:00am - 4:00pm
    Location: McGough for Judge Campaign Headquarters
    Street: 5890 1/2 Ellsworth Ave, Pittsburgh, PA

    Contact Info Phone: 412-427-2486 Email: [email protected]

    The McGough for Judge Committee will host a Campaign Headquarters Open House and our first Door-to-Door Canvass on Saturday February 21st from 10 am to 4 pm at 5890 Ellsworth Avenue in Pittsburgh. Canvassers will be given street lists and nomination petitions. Refreshments and snacks will be served throughout the day. Any questions, please contact [email protected]

    Pittsburgh Pundits
    The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust
    Date: Saturday, February 21, 2009
    Time: 10:30 PM
    Location: Late Night – Cabaret Theater
    7th Street & Penn Ave, Pittsburgh PA

    Tickets: $5.00 at the door / Free for District Patrons (see details):

    A comedy/political panel show unlike anything else in Pittsburgh The economy is screwed and so are we. Does anybody know how to fix it? Beats me. But I do know where a great political comedy and panel discussion show is being held to beat this economic horse to death.

    Host: John McIntire
    Featured Comedian: Gab Bonesso
    Pundits include: Conservative firebrand Heather Heidelbaugh, PG Advice Columnist Cat Specter, blogger David DeAngelo.

    Sunday, February 22, 2009

    Candidate Meet & Greet/Endorsement Meeting
    Steel-City Stonewall Democrats
    Date: Sunday, February 22, 2009
    Time: 2:30pm - 5:30pm
    Location: Inn On The Mexican War Streets
    Street: 604 W. North Ave, Pittsburgh, PA

    Contact Info Phone: 4127285262 Email: [email protected]

    At this meeting we will be having our board elections & our membership will vote on who to endorse in the May 17th, 2009 Pennsylvania Primary. This year there will be key races for City Council, Mayor, County Council, and the PA Judiciary. Including a critical election for an open seat on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Between 2:30 & 4 PM we will have an informal mixer.

    Harold & the Gang Benefit Concert! *Back by Popular Demand*
    Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania
    Date: Sunday, February 22, 2009
    Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
    Location: The Frick Art & Historical Center
    Street: 7227 Reynolds Street, Pittsburgh, PA

    Contact Info: 412.434.8957 x 121, Email [email protected]

    Join Planned Parenthood of Western PA (PPWP) for the "Harold & the Gang Benefit Concert" on Sunday, February 22, 2009! Listen to what happens when the best area musicians perform their favorite selections with spouses and friends in the intimate theatre at The Frick Art & Historical Center. Music begins at 7:00 pm with a post-concert reception with drinks and appetizers! Proceeds benefit PPWP's gynecological services to uninsured and underinsured individuals in the community. Call 412.434.8957 x 121 for ticket purchase and more details.

    Monday, February 23, 2009

    "First Person" Screening (Documentary about Philly kids struggle to get to college)
    Host: PA League of Young Voters
    Date: Monday, February 23, 2009
    Time: 6:00pm - 9:00pm
    Location: CEA Cultural Center in Homewood
    Street: 7143 Fleury Way, Pittsburgh, PA

    Contact Info Phone: 412-371-7226 Email: [email protected]

    CEA joins us in presenting this documentary screening, the Philadelphia Independent Film Festival winner in 2008. FREE! Bring the kids! Light refreshments!

    Wednesday, February 25, 2009

    A Cross City Fundraiser for Natalia Rudiak (Democrat Natalia Rudiak is running for Council in District 4)
    Friends of Natalia Rudiak
    Date: Wednesday, February 25, 2009
    Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
    Location: The Shadow Lounge
    Street: 5972 Baum Blvd, Pittsburgh, PA

    Contact Info Email: [email protected]

    Please join us at the Shadow Lounge on Wednesday, February 25th to celebrate Natalia's candidacy. She needs your dollars and your time to win. Go Natalia, go! Music by DJ Omar Abdul. Checks payable to: Friends of Natalia Rudiak, PO 59375, Pittsburgh, PA 15210$50/head

    Saturday, February 28, 2009

    Intro to POWER -- Grassroots Organizer Institute training
    PA League of Young Voters
    Start Time: Saturday, February 28, 2009 at 10:00pm
    End Time: Sunday, March 1, 2009 at 3:00am
    Location: PA League office
    Street: 6101 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA

    Contact Info Phone: 4123627927 Email: [email protected]

    Attend one of these free trainings that are open to the public and get all the basics to take your community, group, or personal leadership to the next level. Intro to POWER: How to do power analysis, mapping, and research. Free! Register here:

    Tuesday, March 17, 2009

    Rock the Dome: Pennsylvania Equality Rally
    The topic is LGBT equality. The date is March 17, 2009. Buses will depart Pittsburgh around 7:30 AM and return by 8:00 PM. Stay tuned for more details, but so far you've got a mini-advocacy training, free lunch, rally and a chance to meet with your state elected officials. Take a day off, bring the kids and stay tuned for more details.