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Showing posts with label BRESMA Orphanage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BRESMA Orphanage. Show all posts

January 19, 2010

BRESMA Haitian Orphans Land In Pittsburgh

On the bus to the plane

The kids on the plane to Pittsburgh

Coming off the plane

PA Gov. Ed Rendell

Rep. Jason Altmire (PA-D)

UPMC Sr. Consultant for Government Leslie McCombs

Ali McMutrie

From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:
The chartered plane carrying the 53 orphans from earthquake-ravaged Haiti has arrived at Pittsburgh International Airport and the children are en route to Children's Hospital.

The plane arrived from Orlando, Fla., at about 9:30.

The rescue mission came in response to messages last week from sisters Jamie and Ali McMutrie of Ben Avon, who said this month's devastating earthquake endangered the health of 130 children in their care at the BRESMA orphanage in Port-Au-Prince.

While Ali McMutrie arrived in Pittsburgh today, one child -- Emma --couldn't be found during the rush to leave. She has since been found and she and Jamie McMutrie -- who refused to leave without her -- and the rest of the McMutrie family are coming back to Pittsburgh on a later plane.

Ali McMutrie verified that the other 90 children from the orphanage were being taken in similar rescue missions conducted by the Dutch and French governments.

The rescue mission also brought 2.5 tons of medical supplies, two doctors and a nurse with them to stay in Haiti.

Again as wonderful as this is, it bears keeping in mind that there's millions of Haitians who still need help.

NOTE: Updated and revised at 12:35 PM, 1-19-10

Overnight BRESMA Orphanage News

UPDATE: BRESMA orphans arrive in Pittsburgh. Story here.

Michael Henninger / Post-Gazette

As the Post-Gazette reports here, Children's Hospital is ready to receive 53 children coming from the BRESMA orphanage in Haiti to Pittsburgh. There were some last minute hurdles on the Haiti end:
The original plane carrying a medical team, as well as Gov. Ed Rendell and U.S. Rep. Jason Altmire, was forced to take off without the children, so the group stayed behind and managed to secure a C-130 military plane.

Security hurdles, caused in part by reports about the mission by the media, made it impossible for the group to get the children aboard within the two-hour window they had been given to be on the ground in Haiti, according to Paul Wood, vice president of public relations for UPMC.

"Word leaked and security at the compound [where the orphans were located before being taken to the airport] became compromised by the incredible needs of others," he said.

But the group was able to secure the C-130, which left Port-au-Prince at 11:23 p.m., carrying the children, the governor, Mr. Altmire and caregiver Ali McMutrie, one of the two Ben Avon sisters who ran the orphanage and refused to leave the country without the children, according to Mr. Wood.

Mr. Wood did not know whether other children and Ms. McMutrie's sister Jamie were still in Haiti.

PittBriefly has more photos of the preparations for the orphans here.

The exact number of children originally at BRESMA and number of orphans on the plane has varied in different reports: from 130 - 150 originally at BRESMA and from 61 to 53 children on the plane.

The following message was posted at That's Church last night:

“Please don’t panic about what you may be hearing on the media about numbers of BRESMA orphans who have left Haiti. You will know the accurate numbers as soon as we are permitted to say.”
An earlier article by the Post-Gazette has also reported:
About 90 other children from the orphanage were being taken in similar rescue missions conducted by the Dutch and French governments, he said.
So, that would be 5-6 children evacuated on Sunday, 53-61 today and about 90 being handled by Dutch and French governments. That would seem to account for all the orphans who were at BRESMA -- we hope.

Of course that would leave the entire country of Haiti which still needs help...

January 18, 2010

Sec. Napolitano Announces Humanitarian Parole Policy for Certain Haitian Orphans

Press release:
January 18, 2010
Contact: DHS Press Office,


WASHINGTON—Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano, in coordination with the U.S. Department of State, today announced a humanitarian parole policy allowing orphaned children from Haiti to enter the United States temporarily on an individual basis to ensure that they receive the care they need—as part of the U.S. government’s ongoing support of international recovery efforts after last week’s earthquake.

“We are committed to doing everything we can to help reunite families in Haiti during this very difficult time,” said Secretary Napolitano. “While we remain focused on family reunification in Haiti, authorizing the use of humanitarian parole for orphans who are eligible for adoption in the United States will allow them to receive the care they need here.”

Humanitarian parole into the United States may be granted by the Secretary of Homeland Security to bring otherwise inadmissible individuals into the country on account of urgent humanitarian reasons or other emergencies. The humanitarian parole policy announced by Secretary Napolitano today will be applied on a case-by-case basis to the following children:

Children who have been legally confirmed as orphans eligible for intercountry adoption by the Government of Haiti and are being adopted by U.S. citizens.

Children who have been previously identified by an adoption service provider or facilitator as eligible for intercountry adoption and have been matched to U.S. citizen prospective adoptive parents.

Under applicable laws, unaccompanied minors entering the country without a parent or legal guardian will be turned over to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Refugee Resettlement.

Today’s announcement expands the humanitarian relief that the U.S. Government is extending to Haitians in response to the devastation caused by the earthquake. Last week, Secretary Napolitano announced the designation of Temporary Protected Status for Haitian nationals who were physically present in the United States as of Jan. 12, 2010—allowing eligible Haitian nationals to continue living and working in the United States for the next 18 months. Those who attempt to travel to the United States after Jan. 12, 2010 will not be eligible for TPS and will be repatriated

More information about humanitarian parole and TPS is available at or by calling USCIS toll-free at (800) 375-5283. DHS encourages U.S. citizens with pending adoption cases in Haiti to send us detailed information about their cases to [email protected] .
Latest on BRESMA orphanage here.

CNN Update & WPXI Report On BRESMA Orphanage (Updated 5x)

UPDATE 6: BRESMA orphans arrive in Pittsburgh. Story here.

UPDATE 5: Overnight BRESMA update here (1/19/10, 3:00 AM ET)

UPDATE 4: Report from Bob Mayo's blog here. (For those coming to this blog from outside Pittsburgh, Mayo is an excellent and reliable reporter from WTAE.)

UPDATE 3: Best advice from Chris Potter (Slag Heap at Pittsburgh City Paper) here

UPDATE 2: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette story here. [Completely new article, same URL]

UPDATE: KDKA is reporting on a "secret mission" (well, not so secret if they broadcast it on their noon news). They report that 60 more children will be flown to the US from the BRESMA orphanage. A plane left Pittsburgh today with Rep. Jason Altmire, and ten doctors from UPMC and McMutrie family members. See the video here.

WPXI story here.

First, let's state from the start that the media has been mistaken in some of their reports; most notably when they claimed that all 150 children from the Brebis de Saint Michel de L'Attalaye (BRESMA) orphanage in Port-au-Prince -- run by Pittsburgh (Ben Avon) sisters Jamie and Ali McMutrie -- had received clearance to leave Haiti and come to Pittsburgh.

The children are in various states in the adoption process and many were never slated to be adopted in the US to begin with (for example, we've received numerous hits from France and the Netherlands in the last couple of days).

What's most important to know now is that the situation at BRESMA is still dire. Getting water and food into the walled-off orphanage is dangerous because there are Haitians understandably desperate for supplies surrounding it. At this point, the BRESMA orphanage probably needs security as much as supplies.

Those following the situation on Twitter at #BRESMA know that rumors abound and that people are "retweeting" old information. Virginia Montanez at her That's Church blog took the extraordinary step of removing several older blog posts so that people would not stumble upon outdated information, post rumors, or give out too much information in their comments which could possibly lead to breaches of security that could endanger the orphans. (I'm seeing GPS coordinates being tweeted publicly which I'm sure is a bad idea!)

What we all need to understand in this era of texting, IMing and tweeting is that the old saying, "A lie can be halfway round the world before the truth has got its boots on" is more true now than ever before.

That said, three sources -- CNN, WPXI and the KAS in Haiti blog -- are all reporting that five children from BRESMA have been evacuated to the US. These children were apparently all well along in the adoption process and had the most documentation available. Note that there is one main source for all these stories: Diana Boni. She has worked with BRESMA Orphanage directly for five years and is the Haiti Coordinator for Kentucky Adoption Services. However, CNN has actual video of children leaving Haiti on a military plane.

You can see WPXI's interview with Boni here (they've been repeating parts of it this morning). Her blog is here. She is quoted in Time Magazine here.

You can view the CNN update on BRESMA here (original CNN story here):

I would still highly recommend going to That's Church, @JanePitt on Twitter, and Ali Pace's Facebook page for McMutrie Family-verified information. It may be slower in coming, but that is because their top priority is the safety of all those concerned and because they are busy working to get all the kids out.

January 17, 2010

BRESMA Updates - Latest News (Updated 1x)

UPDATE: Most recent news here (1/18/10, 6:30 AM ET).

10/17/10, 4:30 AM ET, from the sister-in-law of the McMutrie sisters:

10/16/10, 10:27 PM ET:
An AP report which was apparently also mentioned on CNN yesterday made it seem as though all 150 children from the Brebis de Saint Michel de L'Attalaye (BRESMA) orphanage in Port-au-Prince -- run by Pittsburgh (Ben Avon) sisters Jamie and Ali McMutrie -- had received clearance to leave Haiti and come to Pittsburgh.

That is false.

As the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review report, the truth is far more complicated.

There may be some movement on getting some children out of Haiti, but nothing seems to be truly settled as of now. The children and the McMutrie sisters are all still in Haiti and no one, at this point, knows exactly if and when they will get out and exactly where they will end up if evacuated. The complications in getting all the orphans out of Haiti are numerous because of the differing status of the children. Some are far along in the adoption process, but many more are not. Additionally, the adoptive parents are scattered throughout the US and the world.

A small bit of good news: according to Ali Pace, who is a sister-in-law of the McMutrie sisters, the orphanage received a small amount of water and supplies last night. They had run out of water entirely on Saturday.

Also, the donations of goods received at the drop-off point in the North Side of Pittsburgh yesterday was a great success and no more donations are being accepted as of now. You can still donate to the orphanage at:

January 16, 2010

BRESMA Orphanage Update (Updated 5x)

UPDATE 5: Most recent news here (1/18/10, 6:30 AM ET).

UPDATE 4: 10/17/10, 4:30 AM ET, from the sister-in-law of the McMutrie sisters:
UPDATE 3: 10/16/10, 10:27 PM ET:
UPDATE 2: They are now out of water. Contact anyone you can to help.

UPDATE: Very lastest update from the family via Facebook is here:
i'm sure you all know that the girls were on CNN (Anderson Cooper) last night. even though the show was on at night, they talked to the girls much much much earlier in the day. since then the babies have started to get very sick. the girls have started to get sick. the fact that CNN has found and interviewed them, unfortunately, doesn't mean your senators. and donate. the senators and political higher ups are now involved. but, that doesn't mean that you should stop harassing them. we need them to stay involved. we need them to stay passionate about this cause. especially now that it's the weekend. so please just keep calling. call and call and call and call. email and email and email.

For how you can help, see here.
For CNN video, see here.
For WAPO article, see here.

Stories in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review this morning agree that former U.S. Attorney Mary Beth Buchanan claims that she has obtained "a humanitarian parole"/"one of two key permits" to allow the children of the BRESMA orphanage in Haiti to come to the US. Both articles also quote Rep. Jason Altmire on his efforts (along with Gov. Ed Rendell, Sen. Bob Casey, Sen. Arlen Specter and Rep. Mike Doyle) to secure passage for the children.

However, the P-G positions Buchanan's efforts as "one part of a two-prong push to get permission for the children to enter the country early" (with Altmire & others as the other prong), while the Trib has a somewhat different slant:
...Rep. Jason Altmire said he and other government officials -- including those in the White House -- knew nothing of such plans [speaking of Buchanan's efforts] and still were trying to secure the permits.
Bram Reichbaum of The Pittsburgh Comet blog was assisting Mary Beth Buchanan last night. I asked him (via email) if the two factions were working at cross purposes or if it's just a matter of everyone attacking the problem from different angles with their own resources (which could maximize the chances of pulling off a rescue). Bram answered as follows:
It was DEFINITELY different channels and not cross-purposes. We definitely got the impression that some Dems weren't thrilled with our attempts, but I never once got the impression either effort was screwing up the other one. If anyone succeeds in getting some aid thru it'll all be worth it.

For the record though we didn't know about what Jason Altmire was doing any more than he knew about our effort. ;) Cong. Tim Murphy was our man on the inside, called us every hour or so.
For those who don't know it, Buchanan -- a Republican -- may be a challenger for Democrat Altmire's House seat.

I say: The more the merrier.

I'm trusting that everyone has the best intentions and KUDOS to all of them for trying to work a miracle. However, it's likely going to be easier -- and nothing is the least bit easy in any of this -- to get the 30 children who are already well into the adoption process with American sponsors into the country than the 120 who don't already have future US homes. Jamie and Ali McMutrie have expressed their intentions to get all 150 children out together as a group because any child left behind would face a high risk of death.

BRESMA is running out of water and food and the children and staff are not safe. Let's hope all the parties involved can work some magic and that all of you reading this who have called and emailed these public leaders keep up the pressure.

NOTE: Photo removed at the request of the tweeter/photographer.


January 15, 2010

CNN Video of BRESMA Orphanage & ACTION ITEMS (Updated 3x)

UPDATE 3: Most recent news and CNN's update here (1/18/10, 6:30 AM ET).

UPDATE 2: They are sick and out of water. See here, here and here. please keep pressuring anyone you can.

Brebis de Saint Michel de L'Attalaye (BRESMA) orphanage in Port-au-Prince, Haiti run by Pittsburgh (Ben Avon) sisters Jamie and Ali McMutrie covered by CNN:

For updates on how you can help go to That's Church and Let's Help Them Get Out of Haiti

You can donate to the orphanage at:


There is a need for:
•diapers (infant, baby, toddler)
•powdered baby formula
•crackers/snacks (appropriate for small children)
•warm coats/winter clothes/shoes (baby, toddler, children)
•bottled water.
There is no need for:
•baby food
•or summer clothes at this time.
If you would like to drop off items you can do so (after 11 a.m.) at 1212 West North Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15233. Please proceed through the gate. Leave your donations in the right front apartment (1212) on the first floor. The doors will be unlocked. There will be a sign that says “BRESMA Donations”. [map]

More ACTION ITEMS @ That's Church

Donate to Help Haitians

We've added a button on our right nav bar to donate to Doctors Without Borders.

Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières or MSF) has already treated more than 1,000 people on the ground in Haiti following Tuesday's earthquake. An inflatable hospital with operating theatres is expected to arrive in the next 24 hours.

Very little of their money goes to overhead and they won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1999.

Other Donation Opportunities:
  • You can also text 'HAITI' to '90999' and a donation of $10 will be automatically made to the Red Cross for relief efforts. The donation will be charged to your cellphone bill.

  • If you've been reading about the Brebis de Saint Michel de L'Attalaye (BRESMA) orphanage at That's Church, you can donate to the orphanage at: UPDATE: CNN story on BRESMA here.

  • Via Digby:
    A man surveys hundreds of bodies of earthquake victims
    at the morgue in Port-au-Prince, Thursday, Jan. 14, 2010.
    (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)


    January 13, 2010

    Haitian Orphanage With Pittsburgh Connection Needs Help Now (Updated 2x)

    UPDATE 2: Most recent news here (1/18/10, 6:30 AM ET).

    For background on the BRESMA orphanage in Port-au-Prince and Ben Avon sisters Jamie and Ali McMutrie who run it, please read here.

    What you need to know is that the children are now living in the yard and that the babies won't live long on contaminated water. The sisters expect rioting to break out within two days and they are trying to evacuate all the children from Haiti.

    Only private planes are getting out now. So, if you somehow know someone who has or can get a private plane -- yes, we're talking a heavy hitter, folks -- please direct them to this blog post [here] by PittGirl who knows the sisters personally and has messages from them on her blog.
