Democracy Has Prevailed.

September 18, 2024

Women Are Dying

Thanks to Trump's SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade, women are now dying.

(h/t to Lawrence O'Donnell):

From Propublica

Candi Miller’s health was so fragile, doctors warned having another baby could kill her.

“They said it was going to be more painful and her body may not be able to withstand it,” her sister, Turiya Tomlin-Randall, told ProPublica.

But when the mother of three realized she had unintentionally gotten pregnant in the fall of 2022, Georgia’s new abortion ban gave her no choice. Although it made exceptions for acute, life-threatening emergencies, it didn’t account for chronic conditions, even those known to present lethal risks later in pregnancy.


Miller ordered abortion pills online, but she did not expel all the fetal tissue and would need a dilation and curettage procedure to clear it from her uterus and stave off sepsis, a grave and painful infection. In many states, this care, known as a D&C, is routine for both abortions and miscarriages. In Georgia, performing it had recently been made a felony, with few exceptions.

Her teenage son watched her suffer for days after she took the pills, bedridden and moaning. In the early hours of Nov. 12, 2022, her husband found her unresponsive in bed, her 3-year-old daughter at her side.

And finally:

Her family later told a coroner she hadn’t visited a doctor “due to the current legislation on pregnancies and abortions.”

She died and it was preventable and it was all because of Georgia's ban on abortions, a law made possible by Trump's SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade.

Not the first time this has happened.

More from Propublica:

In her final hours, Amber Nicole Thurman suffered from a grave infection that her suburban Atlanta hospital was well-equipped to treat.

She’d taken abortion pills and encountered a rare complication; she had not expelled all of the fetal tissue from her body. She showed up at Piedmont Henry Hospital in need of a routine procedure to clear it from her uterus, called a dilation and curettage, or D&C.

But just that summer, her state had made performing the procedure a felony, with few exceptions. Any doctor who violated the new Georgia law could be prosecuted and face up to a decade in prison.

Thurman waited in pain in a hospital bed, worried about what would happen to her 6-year-old son, as doctors monitored her infection spreading, her blood pressure sinking and her organs beginning to fail.

It took 20 hours for doctors to finally operate. By then, it was too late.

She died and it was preventable and it was all because of Georgia's ban on abortions, a law made possible by Trump's SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade.

Then there's this from Oklahoma:

The molar pregnancy Jaci Statton had would never become a baby. It was cancerous, though.

At the last hospital in Oklahoma she went to during her ordeal last month, Statton says staff told her and her husband that she could not get a surgical abortion until she became much sicker.

"They were very sincere; they weren't trying to be mean," Statton, 25, says. "They said, 'The best we can tell you to do is sit in the parking lot, and if anything else happens, we will be ready to help you. But we cannot touch you unless you are crashing in front of us or your blood pressure goes so high that you are fixing to have a heart attack.'"

Oklahoma has three overlapping abortion bans, with different and sometimes contradictory definitions and exceptions. A study published Tuesday along with a commentary in the Lancet medical journal shows hospitals all over Oklahoma are struggling to interpret the laws and create policies that comply with the state's abortion bans. The resulting confusion is having dangerous consequences for women like Statton.

She didn't die. She was just made to suffer. 

It was preventable. It was cruel. And in Trump's America, the cruelty is the point.





September 16, 2024

Meanwhile, Outside

From NOAA:

The August global surface temperature was 1.27°C (2.29°F) above the 20th-century average of 15.6°C (60.1°F), making it the warmest August on record. This was 0.01°C (0.02°F) above the previous August record set last year, and the 15th consecutive month of record-high global temperatures. August 2024 marked the 46th consecutive August (since 1979) with temperatures at least nominally above the 20th-century average.


And then there's this:

The June 2024–August 2024 global surface temperature was the warmest June–August period in the 175-year record, 1.24°C (2.23°F) above the 20th-century average of 15.6°C (60.1°F). The past eleven June–August seasons have been the warmest such periods on record.

More science. 

Of course Project 2025 calls for the end of NOAA:

Break Up NOAA. The single biggest Department of Commerce agency outside of decennial census years is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which houses the National Weather Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, and other components. NOAA garners $6.5 billion of the department’s $12 billion annual operational budget and accounts for more than half of the department’s personnel in non-decadal Census years (2021 figures). (pg 674) [Bolding in original.]

But not because the science is wrong but for this reason:

Together, these form a colossal operation that has become one of the main
drivers of the climate change alarm industry and, as such, is harmful to future
U.S. prosperity.

Of course.

It's getting warmer out there.  It'll still get warmer if NOAA is broken up and no one knows but that's ok because business is boomier!


September 11, 2024

The Debate Summed Up

VP Kamala Harris could have started every rebuttal with:

Nothing Donald Trump just said is actually true.

In short:

  • Immigrants are not stealing their neighbor's pets for food.
  • No one "aborting" children after they're born.

If you support the guy who said so during the debate, you're supporting a guy with little (if any) contact with reality.

September 10, 2024

More On Trump's Politicization of the DOJ

So when our right wing friends claim that Biden/Harris/Walz has politicized/is going to politicize the DOJ, just mention this:

A new report from Rolling Stone claims that former President Donald Trump wanted to use the United States Department of Justice to go after late-night comedians who made fun of him.

In a lengthy report on Trump's second-term ambitions, sources told the publication that Trump believed that comedians who mocked him on television were guilty of giving what amounted to illegal campaign contributions to Democrats.


"During his 2024 campaign, according to a source with direct knowledge, Trump has raised this topic again, venting about the need to punish late-night comedians for giving “illegal” campaign contributions to the Democratic Party — in the form of jokes and on-air satire."

Free speech, anyone?

The story was mentioned in The NYTimes:

An article in Rolling Stone said that while Trump was president, he tried to persuade Justice Department officials to use campaign finance laws and equal-time broadcast regulations to rule that anti-Trump jokes on late-night shows were illegal. Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel were among those on Trump’s list of targets.

Lest we forget:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

And, since all those late-night jokes are regarding politics and/or a politician positioning himself in a political arena, isn't political speech kinda sorta uber-protected?

Well, yes. From The Congressional Research Service:

The Court has long considered political and ideological speech to be at the core of the First Amendment, including speech concerning “politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion.” This speech can take forms beyond the written or spoken word, such as funding or symbolic acts.

So,  next time our MAGA friends warn about how Biden has politicized DOJ, gently remind them that the felon Trump has already looked into it.














September 9, 2024


And this is how I started here at 2PJ.

It's good to be here. Now there are truly 2 political junkies present.

If memory serves, it would be some time before I was posting here exclusively.

My first post here, as I see it now in 20/20 hindsight, was perhaps a tad optimistic as it was about how the reporting at the time burst the bubble of George W. Bush's military heroism.

In case you missed it, Dubya won that election.

Oh well. 

September 8, 2024

Trump's Promise to Politicize The DOJ

It's right here:

Except there was no evidence of of any of this happening in 2020.

Look, for example, here:

The various claims of evidence alleging a stolen 2020 election have been exhaustively investigated and litigated. Judges heard claims of illegal voting and found they were without merit. (Learn more about how the changes that have happened since 2020 will affect the 2024 election and beyond.)

Rep. Liz Cheney, the former chair of the House Republican Conference, stated on February 23, 2021: "The president and many around him pushed this idea that the election had been stolen. And that is a dangerous claim. It wasn't true," she said. "There were over 60 court cases where judges, including judges appointed by President Trump and other Republican presidents, looked at the evidence in many cases and said there is not widespread fraud."

Or here:

After the 2020 US presidential election Donald Trump refused to concede, alleging widespread and unparalleled voter fraud. Trump’s supporters deployed several statistical arguments in an attempt to cast doubt on the result. Reviewing the most prominent of these statistical claims, we conclude that none of them is even remotely convincing. The common logic behind these claims is that, if the election were fairly conducted, some feature of the observed 2020 election result would be unlikely or impossible. In each case, we find that the purportedly anomalous fact is either not a fact or not anomalous.

 Or here (this one has ties to Pennsylvania):

Free, fair elections are the lifeblood of our democracy. Charges of unfairness are seri-
ous. But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations
and then proof. We have neither here.

The Trump Presidential Campaign asserts that Pennsylvania’s 2020 election was unfair.
But as lawyer Rudolph Giuliani stressed, the Campaign “doesn’t plead fraud. . . . [T]his is
not a fraud case.” 

And so on.

So when a Republican (any Republican) complains about how President Biden has "politicized" the DOJ - they're just projecting their Trump wet dreams.