


冷戰時期,在使用核武器方面的威懾理論作為一种軍事戰略獲得了越來越多的重視。在這段期间里,它具有独特的意义,因为一个相对弱的(拥核)力量可以凭借其极端的破壞力量阻止另一个更強大的對手,只要其能够在第一波突发袭击中幸存下来。威慑是一种策略,旨在吓阻其对手採取尚未開始的行動,或阻止他們做出其他國家期望的事情。伯納德·布羅迪英语Bernard Brodie (military strategist)在1959年寫到,可靠的核威懾力量必須始終處於準備使用的狀態,但不能已经被使用。[1]



在2007年1月《華爾街日報》的一篇文章中,資深冷戰決策者亨利·基辛格比爾·佩里英语William Perry喬治·舒爾茨山姆·納恩英语Sam Nunn扭轉了他們以前的立場,並聲稱这遠不能讓世界更安全,核武器已成為極端風險的因素。[4]他們的理論基礎和結論並不是建立在只有少數国家拥有核武器的舊世界的基礎上,而是建立在許多国家擁有這些技術的不穩定因素上,而且缺乏足夠的資金來妥善維護和升級:



  1. ^ Brodie, Bernard, 8, "The Anatomy of Deterrence" as found in Strategy in the Missile Age, Princeton: Princeton University Press: 264–304, 1959 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Since the consequence of a breakdown of the nuclear deterrence strategy is so catastrophic for human civilisation, it is reasonableness to employ the strategy only if the chance of breakdown is zero. Schelling, T. C., 2, The Diplomacy of Violence, New Haven: Yale University Press: 1–34, 1966 
  3. ^ Zagare, Frank C., Reconciling Rationality with Deterrence: A Re-examination of the Logical Foundations of Deterrence Theory, Journal of Theoretical Politics 16 (2), 2004, 16 (2): 107–141, doi:10.1177/0951629804041117 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Nuclear endgame: The growing appeal of zero. The Economist. June 16, 2011 [2018-05-17]. (原始内容存档于2018-04-27). 
  5. ^ Kåre Willoch, Kjell Magne Bondevik, Gro Harlem Brundtland, Thorvald Stoltenberg, Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz, Ruud Lubbers, Jean-Luc Dehaene, Guy Verhofstadt; et al. Nuclear progress, but dangers ahead. The Guardian. 14 April 2010 [2018-05-17]. (原始内容存档于2018-08-19). 


  • 存在艦隊
  • 核訛詐
  • Schultz, George P. and Goodby, James E. The War that Must Never be Fought, Hoover Press, ISBN 978-0-8179-1845-3, 2015.
  • Freedman, Lawrence. 2004. Deterrence. New York: Polity Press.
  • Jervis, Robert, Richard N. Lebow and Janice G. Stein. 1985. Psychology and Deterrence. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. 270 pp.
  • Morgan, Patrick. 2003. Deterrence Now. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • T.V. Paul, Patrick M. Morgan, James J. Wirtz, Complex Deterrence: Strategy In the Global Age (University of Chicago Press, 2009) ISBN 978-0-226-65002-9.
  • Garcia Covarrubias, Jaime. "The Significance of Conventional Deterrence in Latin America", March–April 2004.
  • Waltz, Kenneth N. "Nuclear Myths and Political Realities". The American Political Science Review. Vol. 84, No. 3 (Sep, 1990), pp. 731–746.

