AI Companion

What will you do with your saved time? When AI Companion summarizes your meetings, you’ll find more time in your day.

Understand the time and cost savings meeting summaries with AI Companion can provide for you and your organization when you answer a few questions with our new calculator.

Updated on August 22, 2024

Published on July 29, 2024

What will you do with your saved time? When AI Companion summarizes your meetings, you’ll find more time in your day.

There are a lot of ways people use AI in their everyday work, but one of the most common and useful ways is replacing the need for you to take notes. Whether everyone takes their own notes, or someone volunteers to help out the group, there’s more at stake than you think. People can miss things by dividing their attention, the meeting notes might not get shared with everyone who needs them, or people might not be able to voice their opinions because they’re jotting something down instead of being fully engaged.

We don’t have to accept the tradeoff that taking notes presents. Instead, we can have Zoom AI Companion generate a meeting summary for every meeting. Not only can it save time and effort in maintaining meeting notes, but it can also step in to take meeting notes when you can’t attend a meeting and want to stay informed.

Find out how much time and money you can save with a detailed report

When your employees use meeting summaries with AI Companion, they’re free to give their best during their meetings, knowing that the critical moments are being summarized for them to have at their fingertips later. They don’t need a note-taker because AI Companion has it covered.

It’s one thing to hear you’ll save time, but it’s another to see it. To help, we’ve developed a simple calculator that asks how your organization works: how many meetings you have per week on average and how long they are, how much time you spend taking notes and on follow-up materials, how many meetings you could skip if you received a summary, and how many people you have in your organization. 

Depending on your answers, you’ll get a downloadable report of how much time you could save per week and per year. If you answer any questions about your organization, you’ll also get estimates for how much time and money your organization could save if AI Companion becomes the go-to notetaker for your colleagues.

Calculate how much time, money, and effort you could save with AI Companion

So many workers across different industries are already using meeting summaries with AI Companion to save time in their day-to-day work. And with Zoom, everyone who has an eligible paid account has access to AI Companion at no additional cost, meaning it’s open to your whole organization, not just a select few. With Zoom AI Companion, everyone has the opportunity to save time and focus on what matters most in their workday.

Find out how AI Companion could change the way you work.

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