• 0 friends
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    The fed government is sending/sent us a $600.rebate If we spend it at Wal-Mart, the money will go to China. If we spend the money on gasoline, the money will go to the Arabs. If we purchase a computer, it will go to India. If we purchase fruits & vegetables, it will go to Mexico, Honduras & Guatemala. If we purchase a good car, it will go to Japan. If we purchase useless craps, it will go to Taiwan...and none of it will help American economy. The only way to keep the money here at home is to spend it on prostitutes, weed, beer and tattoos since these are the only products still produced in the  good U.S of A........

    Therefore, I spent my money at the Bunny Ranch in Vegas.

    What did you spend your stimulus check on?

    • 123 friends
    • 206 reviews

    I put it in savings.. then I had to pull it out to pay last months PG&E bill :*(

    • 20 friends
    • 126 reviews

    iphone, ps3 and a tv.

    • 41 friends
    • 119 reviews

    for me: new linens for my bed...700 thread count sheets & pillowcases... :-)

    • 6 friends
    • 11 reviews

    I got $900 and that 900 was gone quicker than you can say stimulus. I think I spent it on clothes,bars,gas, and narcotics.

    • 15 friends
    • 42 reviews

    give your monies to the arabs... we will spend it wisely on underwater restaurants and two mile high skyscrapers.

    • 31 friends
    • 86 reviews

    According to the talking chin (Jay Leno)...

    ...there was an increase in online porn consumption during the same period the stimulus checks were released...so people spent the stimulus checks on stimulating themselves.

    ba dum dum...

    • 373 friends
    • 806 reviews

    used it as partial payment for HULK 181 comic book

    • 119 friends
    • 313 reviews

    a brand spankin new catalytic converter for my crappy old car.

    • 123 friends
    • 206 reviews

    lorree "moo" s. says:

    a brand spankin new catalytic converter for my crappy old car.
    Don't you hate that? I had to do that stuff with my income tax returns evey year for a while :-(

    • 276 friends
    • 304 reviews

    Jeff "flies under the radar" H. says:

    According to the talking chin (Jay Leno)...

    ...there was an increase in online porn consumption during the same period the stimulus checks were released...so people spent the stimulus checks on stimulating themselves.

    ba dum dum...


    Fck! Caught!

    • 24 friends
    • 0 reviews

    Some bills and a cruise to Mexico.

    • 201 friends
    • 321 reviews

    I put it towards a Macbook laptop.

    • 478 friends
    • 6 reviews

    must of went to the ex wife,  I never saw it.  sad for me.  boo hoo  :(

    • 242 friends
    • 409 reviews

    Went to a local mechanic to rebuild an engine for our 76 VW so we can FINALLY get it registered in Cali. (damn smog laws, damn that the cutoff is 1975)

    • 144 friends
    • 325 reviews

    Don't think we're getting a stimulus check. The gov't thinks we made too much $ last year since we cashed in some stock options......

    • 882 friends
    • 158 reviews
    • G L.
    • San Francisco, CA
    • 64 friends
    • 89 reviews

    didn't get one so as usual I had to stimulate myself

    • 45 friends
    • 0 reviews

    You had to file taxes to get one right?

    • 554 friends
    • 1880 reviews
    • 62 friends
    • 87 reviews

    New tires. I know booooring.

    • 558 friends
    • 3 reviews

    Paid a few bills and put the rest in my Orange acc.

    • 28 friends
    • 156 reviews
    • 1458 friends
    • 119 reviews

    hookers and blow.

    wtf no one's said that yet!?

    • 0 friends
    • 0 reviews

    gun - $345
    gun parts - $170
    bullets - $100
    total $615

  1. Carole - we didn't get one either! =(

    • 81 friends
    • 140 reviews

    giving it right back to IRS for estimated tax..

    • 35 friends
    • 174 reviews

    I bought a sword.

    • 86 friends
    • 74 reviews

    I bought a Canon 40D

    • 12 friends
    • 54 reviews

    Got high man, got loose,
    had me a triple shot of that juice
    Got drunk, didn't have no fear
    I had one bourbon, one scotch and one beer
    One bourbon, one scotch, one beer....................


    • 26 friends
    • 0 reviews

    booze....copious amounts of booze...and a new pair of Sambas

    • 74 friends
    • 76 reviews

    I'm helping the mortgage crisis by saving it for a rental cabin in Tahoe next season

    • 0 friends
    • 124 reviews

    Haven't gotten it. But, I figure it's best to put it into savings as a way of telling off the folks who actually thought this was a good idea.

    • 174 friends
    • 153 reviews

    I wisely pulled my $300 out and bought NKOTB concert tickets, a couple shirts, a lunch with a friend, and got my hair done. Still have about $40. $600 went to debt. My husband didn't pull his $300 out and he says it disappeared to bills...he pays them, so it's his fault.

    • 80 friends
    • 0 reviews

    There's talk about a possible "second" stimulus payment...

  2. I used part to buy my boyfriend a great messenger bag at Kenneth Cole, then I filled up my 100$ gas tank. :(  
    What should I do with the remaining100$?  Save it for a rainy day...

    • 144 friends
    • 325 reviews

    Marvy, I think that sucks fur us! Totally not fair. Like we don't have to pay the high prices for gas or something, yeah, right......

    • 976 friends
    • 1226 reviews

    I spent it on a sore spot...as in I got a tattoo and now I'm really really sore spot....spots

    • 124 friends
    • 62 reviews

    i got a new laptop...woo who!

  3. The govt thinks i earn to much =(

    • 49 friends
    • 479 reviews

    A lovely velvet couch.

    • 174 friends
    • 226 reviews

    uhh.. paid down my credit card.. whoop whoop!

    • 10 friends
    • 44 reviews

    I thought the stimulus check was to buy coffee at Starbucks.   Is your local Starbucks "underperforming?"

    • 103 friends
    • 37 reviews

    I got a nice Townie Bike, so I could get my lazy ass out more, and save on gas.  So far it's working.  I love it!! =)

    • 415 friends
    • 819 reviews

    i got me an xbox 360 with rockband and gTA iV.  it was perfect

    • 441 friends
    • 1715 reviews
    • 24 friends
    • 114 reviews

    i refused it. f bush, its a bribe, the economy is still in the dumps and hes not going to have me pay it back next year.

    p.s. in person im really a nice guy.

    • 897 friends
    • 1007 reviews

    took a weekend trip to los angeles

    • 54 friends
    • 0 reviews

    I got mine last week and it's GONE! Car Repair, Car Registration and Contact Lenses. Done. Why did I have to be such an adult and spend it intelligently?  I should have just blown it. Oh, well.

  4. I treated it as ordinary income (which it is):

    10% giving to others
    10% education
    10% long-term savings for spending
    10% play money (frivolity, drinks, dinner, hookers, blow)
    10% financial freedom account (we used to call this retirement)
    50% necessities (food, gas, rent or mortgage)

    Hardly noticed it.

  5. Honestly, I didn't feel very stimulated.

    • 403 friends
    • 0 reviews

    I borrowed from myself to buy a HDTV and it was very stimulating to pay myself back. (check went into savings.) Even had a nice steak dinner out of it.

    • 8 friends
    • 27 reviews
    • 168 friends
    • 379 reviews

    Spent it on clothes, Mario Kart for the Wii, and beers. The rest (a bit less than half) is in my savings account.

    • 71 friends
    • 216 reviews

    Gave it to Sallie Mae. Urg.

  6. Cont from before...
    I just spent the rest on a day in Napa with my friends. :)

    • 249 friends
    • 15 reviews

    When you owe you just don't get one, which totally sucked!

    • 0 friends
    • 161 reviews

    I didn't get one.  Government doesn't acknowledge me until it's time to pay THEM.

    • 595 friends
    • 440 reviews

    I'm not eligible. :|

    • 84 friends
    • 477 reviews
  7. got gypped....got nothing....not fair~!...

  8. i haven't gotten it yet... bastards!!!!!!!!111 (not you all the govt). I was supposed to get it on the July 11th.. nothing has been sent or automatically deposited.

    • 766 friends
    • 918 reviews

    damn car insurance

    • 10 friends
    • 63 reviews

    Uhm...what check? They only collect from me.

    • 74 friends
    • 148 reviews

    Me no get one. I hope people paid off debt though.

    • 430 friends
    • 905 reviews

    Used it to pay part of our mortgage back in June......real fun!

    • 41 friends
    • 56 reviews

    bought got stocks.

    • 251 friends
    • 106 reviews

    they spent it for me on back taxes.

    • 214 friends
    • 323 reviews

    spent it in may on my trip to japan

    • 624 friends
    • 147 reviews

    havent received mine yet.  checked online for the status.  got a message:

    "You did not qualify for the Stimulus payment because your Adjusted Gross Income was too high."

    fucking bastards!

    • 116 friends
    • 14 reviews
    • 4 friends
    • 28 reviews
    • 4 friends
    • 28 reviews
    • 167 friends
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    I put it in my bank account........... didn't really spend it on anything special I dont already buy.

    • 882 friends
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    • 23 friends
    • 9 reviews
    • 352 friends
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    Donation to the Obama campaign.

    • 200 friends
    • 58 reviews

    never got one....:(.  Not eligible

    • 386 friends
    • 18 reviews

    Went straight to the credit card. :(

    • 110 friends
    • 239 reviews
    • 18 friends
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    I didn't. Five sixths of it will sit in the bank for a whole year before I can get to it!
    yuk yuk.

    • 647 friends
    • 1572 reviews

    Can't really remember cuz $600 doesn't really go that far anymore.

    Stimulating the economy is a political euphemism for kick backs or bribery.  It's an economic pacifier in hopes to quiet many of those who is feeling the economic recession.

    • D K.
    • San Francisco, CA
    • 10 friends
    • 28 reviews

    In a blink of an eye..it was spent.

    Financial pay back's a bitch.

    • 0 friends
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    47 liters of insecticide

    • 1 friend
    • 5 reviews

    bills...that's depressing . I want another one

    • 1232 friends
    • 777 reviews


    almost the same, just an 18" barrel and synthetic fore end

    • 118 friends
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    I'm still waiting for the refund.....

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