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**                         ____  __          __         __                       **
**                  ____ _/ / /_/ /   ____ _/ /_  ___  / /____                   **
**                 / __ `/ / __/ /   / __ `/ __ \/ _ \/ / ___/                   **
**                / /_/ / / /_/ /___/ /_/ / /_/ /  __/ (__  )                    **
**                \__,_/_/\__/_____/\__,_/_.___/\___/_/____/  v3.1.1             **
**                                                                               **
** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
**  How To use:                                                                  **
**   Add the following to your common.js [[Special:MyPage/common.js]] (can be    **
**   found under [[]] ):   **
**     importScript( 'User:Joern/altLabels.js' );                                **
**                                                                               **
**  Links:                                                                       **
**    [[User:Joern/altLabels.js]]:                                               **
**    [[]]                  **
**    [[]]                        **
**                                                                               **
**  About:                                                                       **
**    This tool will add the 3 most common labels used in other languages below  **
**    the label's edit box in your language. A simple click will approve the     **
**    selected label for the current item.                                       **
**    If the item already has a label in your language nothing is changed.       **
**    This is especially helpful for names of places or people which are similar **
**    in many languages.                                                         **
**    A useful resource might be this page which lists top items without labels: **
**    [[]]  **
**                                                                               **
**  Bug Reports, Feature Requests, Development:                                  **
**    If you want to report a bug or even have a pull request, please visit      **
** .                          **
**    For testing purposes you can also run the latest development version       **
**    directly from github (see above link).                                     **
**                                                                               **
**  Thanks to:                                                                   **
**    [[User:Jitrixis]] your [[User:Jitrixis/labelLister.js]] helped me a lot.   **

( function ( mw, $ ) {
	'use strict';

	console.log('altLabels 3.0.2-dev loaded');

	 * Check if we're viewing an item
	var itemId = mw.config.get( 'wbEntityId' );
	if ( !itemId ) {

	 * holds the DOM input element for the label
	var labelInput;
	var altLabelsParent;
	var userLanguage;

	 * altLabels
	function altLabels( entity ) {
		 * Check for the label input box, its presence means we don't have a label
		 * If we have a label return, do nothing.
		labelInput = $('h1.firstHeading .wikibase-title.wb-empty');
		if (labelInput.length < 1) {
			// in case we have a label, check if it's not a fallback
			labelInput = $('h1.firstHeading .wb-language-fallback-indicator');
			if (labelInput.length < 1) {

		 * Element into which to add the altLabels
		altLabelsParent = $('#wb-item-' + itemId + ' div.wikibase-entitytermsview-heading');
		if (altLabelsParent.length < 1) {

		 * get user's main language
		userLanguage = mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' );
		if (userLanguage.length < 1) {

		 * load json module

		 * get other labels
		var labels = entity.labels;

		 * get the most often used label across languages
		var label;
		var labelLangs = {};
		for (var labelLang in labels) {
			label = labels[labelLang].value;
			if ( ! (label in labelLangs)) {
				labelLangs[label] = [];
		var topLabels = [];
		for (label in labelLangs) {
			topLabels.push([label, labelLangs[label].length]);
		if (topLabels.length === 0) {
			// sad, we didn't find any other labels ;(
		topLabels.sort(function(a,b) {
			// sort by counts desc, labels asc
			var c = [a[1],b[0]];
			var d = [b[1],a[0]];
			return c < d ? 1 : (c > d ? -1 : 0);

		 * show (up to) top 3 alternative labels
		var altLabelsDOM = $('<div class="wikibase-entitytermsview-heading-aliases">Approve label from other languages: </div>');
		var altLabelsUL = $('<ul class="wikibase-entitytermsview-aliases"></ul>');
		for (var i = 0; i < Math.min(topLabels.length, 3); i++) {
			label = topLabels[i][0];
			var insertElem = '<li class="wikibase-entitytermsview-aliases-alias"> ' +
				'<a class="wb-item-altlabel" href="" title="Approve this label for my language">'+
				label +
				'</a> <span title="'+labelLangs[label]+'">('+topLabels[i][1]+'x)</span></li>';
		// bind click handler to shown altlabels

	 * submit clicked alt label
	function submitAltLabel(ev) {
		var selectedLabel = $(;
		console.log("selected alt label: " + selectedLabel);

		 * the value in the following is really set via UI and submitted... can
		 * probably be improved and be done by API directly, but i didn't want
		 * to break anything
		var labels = {};
		labels[userLanguage] = {
			"language": userLanguage,
			"value": selectedLabel
		setItem(JSON.stringify( {
			"labels": labels,
		} ), "["+userLanguage+"] " + selectedLabel + " (approved from other language)");

	 * Send the input value on the edit menu
	function setItem( item, summary ) {
		$.ajax( {
			type: 'POST',
			url: mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
			data: {
				format: 'json',
				action: 'wbeditentity',
				id: itemId,
				type: 'item',
				token: mw.user.tokens.get( 'csrfToken' ),
				data: item,
				summary: '[[User:Joern/altLabels.js|altLabels]] ' + summary,
				exclude: 'pageid|ns|title|lastrevid|touched|sitelinks'
		} )
		.done( function ( data ) {
			if ( data.hasOwnProperty( "error" ) ) {
				mw.notify( 'API Error' + JSON.stringify( data ), { title: 'altLabels.js :', tag: 'altLabels' } );
				$( '#green-box' ).empty();
				$( '#red-box' ).empty();
				$( '#red-box' ).append( /\n/g, ' ' ) );
			} else {
				$( '#green-box' ).empty();
				$( '#green-box' ).append( summary );
				mw.notify('sent', { title: 'altLabels.js :', tag: 'altLabels' } );
		} )
		.fail( function () {
			mw.notify( 'API Error', { title: 'altLabels.js :', tag: 'altLabels' } );
			$( '#green-box' ).empty();
			$( '#red-box' ).empty();
			$( '#red-box' ).append( "API Error" );
		} );

	mw.hook( 'wikibase.entityPage.entityLoaded' ).add( altLabels );

} ( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );