Community & Business Groups

Participants in the Web Components Community Group


More on how to choose chairs
  • Westbrook Johnson's profile picture

    Westbrook Johnson

    Individual CLA commitment


  • Max Albrecht's profile picture

    Max Albrecht

    Quatico Solutions AG

  • Mario Aleo's profile picture

    Mario Aleo

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Golfleet Tecnologia

  • No Photo

    Hasan Ali

    Cancer Research UK

  • Pablo Almunia's profile picture

    Pablo Almunia

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Graphery

  • No Photo

    Todd Andrae

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Jina Anne's profile picture

    Jina Anne

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Rodrigo Antunes's profile picture

    Rodrigo Antunes

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Petru Arakiss

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Jordan Austin's profile picture

    Jordan Austin


  • No Photo

    Sangeetha Babu

    IBM Corporation

  • No Photo

    Leonardo Balter


  • No Photo

    Maxime Bétrisey

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Renoir Boulanger's profile picture

    Renoir Boulanger

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Owen Buckley's profile picture

    Owen Buckley

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with LendingClub

  • Raymond Camden's profile picture

    Raymond Camden


  • José David Cano Pérez's profile picture

    José David Cano Pérez

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Jeff Chew's profile picture

    Jeff Chew

    IBM Corporation

  • No Photo

    Alistair Chisholm

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Trem Christ's profile picture

    Trem Christ


  • Romulo Cintra's profile picture

    Romulo Cintra


  • Daniel Clark's profile picture

    Daniel Clark

    Microsoft Corporation

  • Michael Clayton's profile picture

    Michael Clayton

    Red Hat

  • No Photo

    Salem Cobalt


  • Andres Correa Casablanca's profile picture

    Andres Correa Casablanca

    KindSpells Labs

  • No Photo

    Jonathan Crockett

    Individual CLA commitment

  • James Da Costa's profile picture

    James Da Costa


  • Pierre-Marie Dartus's profile picture

    Pierre-Marie Dartus


  • Luke Dary's profile picture

    Luke Dary

    IBM Corporation

  • Alan Dávalos's profile picture

    Alan Dávalos

    LY Corporation

  • Cleber de M. Goncalves's profile picture

    Cleber de M. Goncalves

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Liam DeBeasi's profile picture

    Liam DeBeasi


  • Jorge del Casar's profile picture

    Jorge del Casar

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Benjamin Delarre


  • No Photo

    Lars den Bakker

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with ING Bank

  • No Photo

    maria dera

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Evangelos Dinopoulos


  • Rob Eisenberg's profile picture

    Rob Eisenberg

    Blue Spire

  • No Photo

    Johan Ekhager

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Mohamed Elgendi


  • No Photo

    Danny Engelman

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Justin Fagnani

    Google LLC

  • Sasha Firsov's profile picture

    Sasha Firsov

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Ariella Gilmore

    IBM Corporation




  • Aaron Gray's profile picture

    Aaron Gray

    Individual CLA commitment

  • ANOOP GUPTA's profile picture


    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Sapient

  • No Photo

    Mellisa Hankins

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Brantley Harris's profile picture

    Brantley Harris

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Chris Haynes's profile picture

    Chris Haynes

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Matt Henry

    U.S. General Services Administration

  • Tom Herni's profile picture

    Tom Herni

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Rabobank Nederland

  • Richard Hess's profile picture

    Richard Hess

    Cox Automotive

  • No Photo

    dang hieu

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Jeremiah Hoyet

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Duncan Hunter

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Julian Iff

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Andrew Jakubowicz

    Google LLC

  • Bem Jones-Bey's profile picture

    Bem Jones-Bey


  • Sanket Joshi's profile picture

    Sanket Joshi

    Microsoft Corporation

  • No Photo

    Jesse Jurman

    Orthogonal Networks, Inc

  • Brian Kardell's profile picture

    Brian Kardell


  • Jeremy Keith's profile picture

    Jeremy Keith


  • Yavor Kolev's profile picture

    Yavor Kolev

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Ken Kubiak

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Cory LaViska's profile picture

    Cory LaViska

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Nolan Lawson's profile picture

    Nolan Lawson


  • No Photo

    Shahaf Levi

    Sl's Repository Ltd

  • No Photo


    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Vikas lodh

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Hunter Loftis


  • No Photo

    Rui Lopes

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Phillip Lovelace's profile picture

    Phillip Lovelace

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Niels Lyngsø

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Umbraco

  • No Photo

    Zacky Ma

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Simon MacDonald's profile picture

    Simon MacDonald

    Beginner Corp.

  • No Photo

    Noël Macé

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Aline Machado

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Jamie Maguire's profile picture

    Jamie Maguire

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Kito Mann

    Virtua, Inc.

  • Elliott Marquez's profile picture

    Elliott Marquez

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Manuel Martin

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Paul Mason's profile picture

    Paul Mason

    Games Global

  • Rob McKeown's profile picture

    Rob McKeown

    ADP, Inc.

  • No Photo

    Ciaran Morinan

    HASH, Inc.

  • Jonathan Neal's profile picture

    Jonathan Neal

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Kieran Nichols's profile picture

    Kieran Nichols

    Tyler Technologies

  • No Photo

    gökberk nur


  • Ste O'Neill's profile picture

    Ste O'Neill

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Kristján Oddsson's profile picture

    Kristján Oddsson

    Microsoft Corporation

  • Takanori Oki's profile picture

    Takanori Oki

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Balikis Olayinka

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Jakob Pack

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Emanuel Palacios's profile picture

    Emanuel Palacios

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Caridy Patiño


  • Brian Perry's profile picture

    Brian Perry


  • David Pham's profile picture

    David Pham

    The Washington Post

  • No Photo

    Tung Pham

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Matthew Phillips

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Charleno Pires's profile picture

    Charleno Pires

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Instituto Federal do Piauí

  • Vladislav Ponomarev's profile picture

    Vladislav Ponomarev

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Benny Powers's profile picture

    Benny Powers

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Gregory Pratt

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Ruud Prein

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Miles Rausch's profile picture

    Miles Rausch

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    John Rhea

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of Virginia

  • John Riviello's profile picture

    John Riviello

    Comcast Corporation

  • Cassondra Roberts's profile picture

    Cassondra Roberts


  • David Rupert's profile picture

    David Rupert

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Dale Sande's profile picture

    Dale Sande

    Alaska Airlines

  • Pradeep Kumar Saraswathi's profile picture

    Pradeep Kumar Saraswathi


  • Kevin Schaaf's profile picture

    Kevin Schaaf

    Google LLC

  • pascal schilp's profile picture

    pascal schilp

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Florian Schulz

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Felicia Sephodi

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Hardik Shah's profile picture

    Hardik Shah

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Rochester Institute of Technology

  • Guilherme Siquinelli's profile picture

    Guilherme Siquinelli

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    John Siwicki

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Conrad Sollitt's profile picture

    Conrad Sollitt

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Jennifer Strickland's profile picture

    Jennifer Strickland

    MITRE Corporation

  • Miriam Suzanne's profile picture

    Miriam Suzanne

    Individual CLA commitment

  • John Teague's profile picture

    John Teague

    Logical Phase Systems

  • Laurent Thiebault's profile picture

    Laurent Thiebault


  • Matias Trujillo's profile picture

    Matias Trujillo

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Deepak Verma

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Lea Verou's profile picture

    Lea Verou

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Luke Warlow's profile picture

    Luke Warlow


  • Michael Warren's profile picture

    Michael Warren

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with CarMax

  • No Photo

    Ashley Watson-Nolan

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Just Eat

  • Greg Whitworth's profile picture

    Greg Whitworth


  • No Photo

    Justin Wilaby

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Oliver Williams

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Jan Wloka

    Quatico Solutions AG

  • Mantaroh Yoshinaga's profile picture

    Mantaroh Yoshinaga

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    bo you

    Individual CLA commitment

  • D7460N ~'s profile picture

    D7460N ~

    Individual CLA commitment