Community & Business Groups

Participants in the RDF Stream Processing Community Group


More on how to choose chairs
  • Pedro Martinez-Julia's profile picture

    Pedro Martinez-Julia

    National Institute of Information and Communications Technology


  • No Photo

    adeel ahmad

    Individual CLA commitment

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    Khalid Alawfi

    Individual CLA commitment

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    Stephen Allen

    Apache Software Foundation

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    James Anderson

    Datagraph GmbH

  • Amin Anjomshoaa's profile picture

    Amin Anjomshoaa

    Technische Universität Wien

  • Tara Athan's profile picture

    Tara Athan

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Payam Barnaghi's profile picture

    Payam Barnaghi

    University of Surrey

  • No Photo

    Abraham Bernstein

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of Zurich

  • Kushagra Singh Bisen's profile picture

    Kushagra Singh Bisen


  • Eva Blomqvist's profile picture

    Eva Blomqvist

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Linköping University

  • No Photo

    Pieter Bonte


  • Julião Braga's profile picture

    Julião Braga

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Mackenzie Presbiterian University

  • Jean-Paul Calbimonte's profile picture

    Jean-Paul Calbimonte

    University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland HES-SO

  • Melvin Carvalho's profile picture

    Melvin Carvalho

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Oscar Ceballos's profile picture

    Oscar Ceballos

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Yousra chabchoub


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    Raja Chiky

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Oscar Corcho's profile picture

    Oscar Corcho

    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

  • No Photo

    Minh Dao Tran

    Vienna University of Technology

  • Fariz Darari's profile picture

    Fariz Darari

    Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

  • Anicic Darko's profile picture

    Anicic Darko

    Siemens AG

  • No Photo

    Rustem Dautov

    South East European Research Centre

  • Daniele Dell'Aglio's profile picture

    Daniele Dell'Aglio

    Politecnico di Milano - Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione

  • Emanuele Della valle's profile picture

    Emanuele Della valle

    Politecnico di Milano - Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione

  • No Photo

    Alan Dennis

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Amadou Fall DIA's profile picture

    Amadou Fall DIA


  • charbel el kaed's profile picture

    charbel el kaed

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Schneider Electric

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    Ivan Ermilov

    Universität Leipzig

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    Norberto Fernandez

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Centro Universitario de la Defensa, Escuela Naval Militar

  • No Photo

    Guylerme Figueiredo

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Petróleo Brasileiro SA

  • Lorenz Fischer's profile picture

    Lorenz Fischer

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of Zurich

  • Frieder Ganz's profile picture

    Frieder Ganz

    University of Surrey

  • No Photo

    Shen Gao

    University of Zurich

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    Nicholas Gibbins

    University of Southampton

  • Adrian Giurca's profile picture

    Adrian Giurca

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Alasdair Gray's profile picture

    Alasdair Gray

    Heriot-Watt University

  • Michael Jacoby's profile picture

    Michael Jacoby

    Fraunhofer Gesellschaft

  • No Photo

    Brad Jones

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Sebastian Käbisch's profile picture

    Sebastian Käbisch

    Siemens AG

  • Rene Kaiser's profile picture

    Rene Kaiser

    JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH

  • Zakia Kazi Aoul's profile picture

    Zakia Kazi Aoul


  • No Photo

    Arthur Keen

    SPARQL City, Inc.

  • gabriel KEPEKLIAN's profile picture

    gabriel KEPEKLIAN


  • Robin Keskisärkkä's profile picture

    Robin Keskisärkkä

    Linköping University

  • No Photo

    Imran Khan

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Schneider Electric

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    Houda KHROUF


  • Xi Kuai's profile picture

    Xi Kuai

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Wuhan University

  • Kabul Kurniawan's profile picture

    Kabul Kurniawan

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Danh Le Phuoc's profile picture

    Danh Le Phuoc

    Technische Universitaet Berlin

  • No Photo

    Jérémy Lhez

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Erik Mannens's profile picture

    Erik Mannens


  • No Photo

    Roberto Marroquin

    University of Burgundy

  • Stefan Meissner's profile picture

    Stefan Meissner

    University of Surrey

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    Jan Mendling

    WU (Wirschaftsuniversität Wien) - Vienna University of Economics and Business

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    Yatharth (Arjun) Mishra

    Individual CLA commitment

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    Zakariyya Mughal

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Tomislav Novak's profile picture

    Tomislav Novak

    University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics

  • No Photo

    Esko Nuutila

    Aalto University

  • Femke Ongenae's profile picture

    Femke Ongenae

    Ghent University

  • No Photo

    Bernhard Ortner

    Individual CLA commitment

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    Adrian Paschke

    Individual CLA commitment

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    Daniel Peintner

    Siemens AG

  • Axel Polleres's profile picture

    Axel Polleres

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with WU (Wirschaftsuniversität Wien) - Vienna University of Economics and Business

  • No Photo

    Abhishek Potnis

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

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    Daniel Puschmann

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Haroon Rashid's profile picture

    Haroon Rashid

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Muhammad Asif Razzaq's profile picture

    Muhammad Asif Razzaq

    INSIGHT - The Centre for Data Analytics

  • Mikko Rinne's profile picture

    Mikko Rinne

    Aalto University

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    Gregor Schiele

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Universität Duisburg-Essen

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    Stefan Schönig

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Floriano Scioscia's profile picture

    Floriano Scioscia

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Politecnico di Bari

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    Janakan Siva

    Individual CLA commitment

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    James Smith

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of Maryland, College Park

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    Kristoffer Snabb


  • Monika Solanki's profile picture

    Monika Solanki

    Aston University

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    Xiang Su

    University of Oulu

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    Yi Sun

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Ruben Taelman's profile picture

    Ruben Taelman


  • Kia Teymourian's profile picture

    Kia Teymourian

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Rice University

  • Dominik Tomaszuk's profile picture

    Dominik Tomaszuk

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of Bialystok

  • riccardo tommasini's profile picture

    riccardo tommasini

    Politecnico di Milano - Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione

  • Seppo Törmä's profile picture

    Seppo Törmä

    Aalto University

  • No Photo

    d trees

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Mark Underwood's profile picture

    Mark Underwood

    Krypton Brothers

  • No Photo

    Sander Van Dooren

    Essential Complexity

  • Daniel Vangrieken's profile picture

    Daniel Vangrieken

    Individual CLA commitment

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    Srinivasan Vembuli

    Ogilvy & Mather

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    Rob Vesse

    Apache Software Foundation

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    Wolfgang Weiss

    JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH

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    Peter Wetz

    Vienna University of Technology

  • Mohamed ZERGAOUI's profile picture

    Mohamed ZERGAOUI