Community & Business Groups

Participants in the RDF-DEV Community Group


More on how to choose chairs
  • No Photo

    Dan Brickley

    Google LLC

  • Pierre-Antoine Champin's profile picture

    Pierre-Antoine Champin



  • Paul Alagna's profile picture

    Paul Alagna

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    James Anderson

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Datagraph GmbH

  • Julián Arenas-Guerrero's profile picture

    Julián Arenas-Guerrero

    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

  • Ghislain Auguste Atemezing's profile picture

    Ghislain Auguste Atemezing


  • Danny Ayers's profile picture

    Danny Ayers

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Phil Barker's profile picture

    Phil Barker

    PJJK Limited

  • Arto Bendiken's profile picture

    Arto Bendiken

    Haltia, Inc.

  • Thomas Bergwinkl's profile picture

    Thomas Bergwinkl

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Jerven Bolleman's profile picture

    Jerven Bolleman

    Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics

  • David Booth's profile picture

    David Booth

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Jeen Broekstra


  • No Photo

    Jonas Bülow

    Schneider Electric

  • Sarven Capadisli's profile picture

    Sarven Capadisli

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Melvin Carvalho's profile picture

    Melvin Carvalho

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    R. Michael Cary

    IHS Markit

  • Wayne Chang's profile picture

    Wayne Chang

    Spruce Systems, Inc.

  • Timothy Cook's profile picture

    Timothy Cook

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Tolga Coplu's profile picture

    Tolga Coplu

    Haltia, Inc.

  • Bev Corwin's profile picture

    Bev Corwin

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Robert David's profile picture

    Robert David

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Semantic Web Company GmbH

  • Jos De Roo's profile picture

    Jos De Roo


  • Elvin Dechesne's profile picture

    Elvin Dechesne


  • Bob DuCharme's profile picture

    Bob DuCharme

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Kalvin Eng

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of Alberta

  • Andreas Esser's profile picture

    Andreas Esser


  • No Photo

    Roman Evstifeev

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Raúl García Castro's profile picture

    Raúl García Castro

    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

  • Florent Georges's profile picture

    Florent Georges

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Stefan Götz

    Individual CLA commitment

  • amelie gyrard's profile picture

    amelie gyrard


  • Olaf Hartig's profile picture

    Olaf Hartig

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Linköping University

  • No Photo

    Peter Hopfgartner


  • Andrea Wei-Ching Huang's profile picture

    Andrea Wei-Ching Huang

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Academia Sinica

  • No Photo

    Martynas Jusevicius

    Linked Data, UAB

  • No Photo

    Masahide Kanzaki

    Individual CLA commitment

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    Benjamin Kass

    Enterprise Knowledge, LLC

  • Gregg Kellogg's profile picture

    Gregg Kellogg

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Mike Kim

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Kjetil Kjernsmo's profile picture

    Kjetil Kjernsmo

    Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation

  • No Photo

    Jindřich Kolman

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Dimitris Kontokostas's profile picture

    Dimitris Kontokostas

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Kabul Kurniawan's profile picture

    Kabul Kurniawan

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Jose Emilio Labra Gayo's profile picture

    Jose Emilio Labra Gayo

    Fundacion CTIC

  • No Photo

    Aly Lamuri

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Ora Lassila's profile picture

    Ora Lassila


  • No Photo

    Yanzeng Li

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Niklas Lindström's profile picture

    Niklas Lindström

    National Library of Sweden

  • No Photo

    Carlos Manuel López Enríquez


  • Pano Maria's profile picture

    Pano Maria


  • No Photo

    Siti Muninggar

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Marco Neumann's profile picture

    Marco Neumann


  • No Photo

    Matilda Otiede

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Marcel Otto

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Paul Park's profile picture

    Paul Park

    Historic England

  • Peter Patel-Schneider's profile picture

    Peter Patel-Schneider

    Individual CLA commitment

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    Thomas Pellissier Tanon

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Helsing

  • No Photo

    Niklas Petersen

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of Bonn

  • Brendan Quinn's profile picture

    Brendan Quinn

    IPTC - International Press Telecommunications Council

  • Rashif Rahman's profile picture

    Rashif Rahman

    Meaningfy SARL

  • Christopher Regan's profile picture

    Christopher Regan

    Thematix Partners, LLC

  • No Photo

    Dave Richardson

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Peter Rivett's profile picture

    Peter Rivett

    Federated Knowledge, LLC

  • No Photo

    Bill Roberts

    TPXimpact Scotland Limited

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    Laura Robinson

    Recreational Equipement Inc (REI)

  • Gregory Saumier-Finch's profile picture

    Gregory Saumier-Finch

    Culture Creates Inc

  • No Photo

    Michael Schmidt


  • No Photo

    Benjamin Schnabel

    Hochschule der Medien

  • Andy Seaborne's profile picture

    Andy Seaborne

    Apache Software Foundation

  • Joshua Shinavier's profile picture

    Joshua Shinavier


  • Jonas Smedegaard's profile picture

    Jonas Smedegaard

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Alan Snyder's profile picture

    Alan Snyder

    Deronyan, LLC

  • A Soroka's profile picture

    A Soroka

    Apache Software Foundation

  • Eric Stephan's profile picture

    Eric Stephan

    Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

  • Ruben Taelman's profile picture

    Ruben Taelman


  • James Tauber's profile picture

    James Tauber


  • Wouter Termont's profile picture

    Wouter Termont

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Ted Thibodeau Jr's profile picture

    Ted Thibodeau Jr

    OpenLink Software Inc.

  • No Photo

    Bryan Thompson


  • Dominik Tomaszuk's profile picture

    Dominik Tomaszuk

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of Bialystok

  • Pieter van Everdingen's profile picture

    Pieter van Everdingen


  • Miel Vander Sande's profile picture

    Miel Vander Sande


  • No Photo

    Mihnea Vasile

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Nestor VB

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Maxim Veksler's profile picture

    Maxim Veksler

    K Health

  • No Photo

    Fabio Vitali

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of Bologna

  • No Photo

    Huajin Wang

    Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • brandon whitehead's profile picture

    brandon whitehead


  • No Photo

    Austin Wright

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    राम सङ्गिन्

    Individual CLA commitment