This page contains the old news for the W3C HTML Speech Incubator Group. See the main news link for more recent news.
2011-04-19 Draft final report updated. Dan Druta writes an overview paragraph which sparks discussion.
2011-04-13 Early draft of final report structure available.
2011-04-07 Weekly telecons begin to discuss topics suggested by the various strawman proposals.
2011-03-17 A more focused survey was opened, through March 22.
2011-03-07 A face-to-face meeting planning questionnaire was opened (through 14 March).
2011-03-04 Voxeo sent a summary of Voxeo's Tropo ASR and TTS APIs.
2011-03-01 Microsoft sent a speech API proposal.
2011-02-28 Google sent a Speech input API proposal and an HTML TTS Element proposal. Mozilla sent a speech API proposal.
2011-02-03 A new requirements draft was posted.
2011-01-25 The raw questionnaire results are available. Dan Burnett also sent recommendations on how to use them. There was some discussion on the list.
2011-01-21 The questionnaire deadline has been extended.
2011-01-13 A new requirements draft was posted. Also, a prioritization questionnaire (group members only) was sent out to the list here. The results will be public.
2010-12-23 A new requirements draft was posted.
2010-12-16 A new requirements draft was posted.
2010-12-09 A new requirements draft was posted.
2010-11-25 A new requirements draft was posted.
2010-11-18 A new requirements draft was posted to the list.
2010-11-11 A new requirements draft was posted to the list.
2010-11-04 Google sent a new TTS proposal to the list.
2010-11-02/04 The group held its first face-to-face meeting at the Lyon TPAC and made good progress on discussing and refining several of the more difficult requirements. See the minutes for details. The following rough schedule was laid out:
- 31 Jan 2011
- Requirements completed and prioritized
- 28 Feb 2011
- Proposals due
- 31 Mar 2011
- General direction established
- 30 Jun 2011
- Last substantive changes due
- 31 Aug 2011
- XG deliverables
2010-10-28 Google made available an API proposal of theirs for discussion at next week's face-to-face meeting. This is a submission by Google and not a work product of the group, although after the requirements discussions it is possible that portions of or ideas from this proposal could make their way into a group proposal.
2010-10-22 Based on the survey results (including another reply on the list), a requirements discussion order was set and discussion began on two of the requirements.
2010-10-11 A survey was created to determine interest in each of the requirements to help prioritize discussion.
2010-10-04 The use cases and requirements sent in on the mailing list have been collected into a rough first draft.
2010-08-30 The group was formed today! We seek members to join and contribute.