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Disney World

What is the cheapest trip to Disney World? How to save without sacrificing the magic

  • There are accommodations for every budget within minutes of Walt Disney World, but staying on property can make the most of a trip.
  • Unlike other theme parks, Disney World welcomes guests to bring in their own food and alcoholic drinks, which can save a lot of money.
  • Discount vacation packages and theme park tickets may be available from employers or places guests have a membership to like AAA and Costco.

It's easy to spend a lot of money at Walt Disney World.

Tickets alone to Disney Very Merriest After Hours can cost a family of four roughly $1,000. Add a sit-down dinner, some souvenirs and a hotel for the night and the budget balloons. Multiday vacations cost even more. 

There are, however, lots of easy ways to save without skimping on the experience, which for some families may only come once in a lifetime.