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Are bananas good for dogs? Keep your pet safe from toxic foods with these tips.

Clare Mulroy

Your dog is sitting beneath you at the table, begging for food with irresistible puppy eyes. Maybe it accidentally got into scraps that fell to the floor. Panic ensues. Is this food safe for your dog? 

One of the most common red-flag fruits are grapes, which are highly toxic to dogs because of tartaric acid that can cause vomiting, diarrhea or even kidney failure, according to Grady Veterinarian Hospital in Cincinnati.

Bananas are a household favorite for many but raise alarms just like any other fruit for dogs. Are they safe? Are they good for dogs? Here’s what you need to know about bananas and your furry friends.

A dog eating from a bowl with a child.

Can dogs eat bananas?

Yes, bananas are safe for pup consumption. While they aren’t dangerous for dogs, they shouldn’t be a part of your dog’s regular diet, Purina experts advise. Bananas can act as a treat in small quantities.

Discover them all:Here's which foods are safe for your pet to consume

How much banana can I give my dog?

Bananas are a good treat for dogs because they are high in potassium, fiber, vitamin B6 and vitamin C. Still, like other “human” foods, the best rule of thumb is everything in moderation. Bananas contain a lot of sugar, which can cause weight gain if eaten in excess. The fiber in bananas can also cause digestive problems like diarrhea, making them a treat that’s best served on occasion, Purina says. 

Check out this recipe for peanut butter banana dog treats, or opt for a no-bake snack with this frozen peanut butter banana recipe.

Can dogs eat banana peels?

Some fruit peels, like oranges, are toxic to dogs. This isn’t the case with bananas, though they may cause some upset because of the fiber content, the American Kennel Club says. You can breathe a sigh of relief if your pup scarfs down a banana peel.

Do bananas give dogs diarrhea?

Because there's a lot of fiber and sugar in bananas, too much of the fruit can give dogs diarrhea or an upset stomach. According to Rover, the amount of banana that avoids having an unhappy pup depends on the size of your dog — limit small dogs to thin slices. 

What fruits can dogs eat?

If bananas make a tasty treat for dogs, which others make the list of fruits that are safe for pup consumption? Here are the fruits the American Kennel Club says are safe, or toxic, for dogs.

What fruits are toxic to dogs?

How often should you walk your dog?:Best practices for keeping your pup healthy

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