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The definitive ranking of the 'X-Men' movies

Kelly Lawler
Imagine what this could have been.

The X-Men are here to save the day. Again.

X-Men: Apocalypsehit theaters this weekend, making it the ninth movie in the superhero franchise in the past 16 years. In honor of the new installment, we've ranked all nine X-Men films.

9. X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) 

Well, this shot is cool.

This movie is the worst. It's not the worst superhero movie ever made, but it certainly tries hard enough to be in the running. Nobody cares about this old, less-fun version of Wolverine.

8. X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) 

Why. Just why.

Never let Brett Ratner direct anything, especially not one of the most iconic comic book stories of all time. Last Stand did pretty much everything wrong, from Dark Phoenix to the cure to the laziness with which it killed off major characters.

7. X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) 

Well you did good work, girl.

The biggest sin of the latest entry into the long-running franchise is that it is wasteful. With a cast this packed, with characters this interesting, it is a downright shame that the movie is as dull and ill-conceived as it is. There are certainly bright spots (like Sophie Turner's young Jean Grey), but overall, in the words of USA TODAY Film Critic Brian Truitt, it's "X-Meh."

6. X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) 

They don't look half-bad together.

This one was supposed to be the best. The movie took on one of the most iconic comic book storylines of all time, managed to get in a gigantic, two-generation cast with more than one Oscar-winner on the payroll. The result was, you know, just fine.

5. Deadpool (2016) 

This shot tells you all you need to know.

Deadpool is not a movie for everyone. It's a distinctly irreverent, male fantasy that has a particular point of view and doesn't care whether or not you share it. But there is an inherent charm to Deadpool, which ends up, weirdly enough, being one of the most romantic movies of the year. It is trying to deliver comic book fans something they are clearly craving: new and different stories.

4. The Wolverine (2013) 


There's nothing particularly wrong with this movie, it's just not nearly as good as the three above it on this list. It was smart to take the character in a very different direction from the much-maligned 2009 movie. But while Wolverine is a great character and can carry a movie by himself, the X-Men are always more fun as a team.

3. X-Men (2000) 

We'd watch them play chess all day.

Bryan Singer helped invent the modern comic-book movie with X-Men. This one suffers a little from all the exposition it needs to dole out, but the core cast is downright genius in Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen and Hugh Jackman. Could you imagine anyone else playing Wolverine?

2. X-Men: First Class (2011) 

Here for this.

It was kind of crazy to try to portray an entirely different generation of X-Men in the 60s with a set of new actors, many of which were subbing in for iconic counterparts. But the result was one of the most delightful and sincere entrants in the franchise.

1. X2: X-Men United (2003) 

Look at these heroes.

One of the best superhero movies of all time, X2 just really gets what to do with the X-Men. While their other films may get lost in the multitude of characters and powers, X-2 knows how to balance a group of heroes as well as sci-fi elements with the right blend of action, humor and emotion. It is the bar against which all other X-Men movies -- and superhero movies in general -- must be measured.

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