Good for an all-in-one LMS for your business, no matter the size
April 01, 2021

Good for an all-in-one LMS for your business, no matter the size

Kieran Annis | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with iSpring Learn

We are using iSpring Learn as a tool to deliver training materials to our staff team across multiple departments, eradicating the need to complete multiple face-to-face sessions. Whilst primarily focused on our technical support team, we are also using the platform for bulk training needs, such as health and safety and fire safety. It is also our home for storing knowledge articles for the team to access at their leisure.


  • Courses are easy to set up and it doesn't take a lot of time or effort to get them to look professional.
  • Easy to report on individual users or courses, as well as look at a broader picture.
  • Allows you to create a diverse set of courses, allowing some to be more practical based than others.


  • Only real issue is the fact that you cannot filter out knowledge articles by user/department. We were hoping to use the platform to also allow some of our external customers access; however, iSpring Learn only has the ability to filter out courses. Knowledge articles are more practical for our personal needs, as they are quick PDFs or videos that our customers would be able to access, without seeing any of our internal work.
  • From my personal position, it allows me to spend more time developing materials instead of delivering the same material multiple times.
  • Allows our team to complete more training without relying on face-to-face training.
We used Udemy for Business for a couple of years, which was fine for certain courses; however, you paid per license as opposed to iSpring Learn, where you pay a flat fee for 50, 100, 200 licenses. The fact that we can also create our own content for our bespoke service makes a huge difference as well.

Do you think iSpring Learn delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with iSpring Learn's feature set?


Did iSpring Learn live up to sales and marketing promises?


Did implementation of iSpring Learn go as expected?


Would you buy iSpring Learn again?


  • New starter training
  • Bulk Training--allows you to assign one course to everyone with a click of a button, saving you the effort of delivering the course to all members of the team in a more physical setting.
  • Reporting on who has done what/going the extra mile

  • Not everything can be restricted to certain users, which is the only downside I find.

iSpring Learn Feature Ratings

Course authoring
Mobile friendly
Progress tracking & certifications
Learning administration
Learning reporting & analytics


  • Kseniya Bright | TrustRadius Reviewer
    Hi Kieran, Thank you so much for reviewing iSpring here on TrustRadius. We appreciate it greatly. It’s nice to hear that you are happy with the iSpring solution. As per your cons, if you can use the Catalog to give access to a category to a certain number of departments/users. Here are the instructions on how to enable and preview it Catalog and how to manage categories: Hope this helps!

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