Merger and Acquisition Software

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(1-14 of 14)

Datasite Diligence Virtual Data Room

Datasite Diligence is a sell-side virtual data room offering rigorous security and seamless collaboration. Users can categorize and redact with AI, track tasks, answer questions, and analyze progress.

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Devensoft helps strategic business leaders…


DealRoom in Chicago offers their flagship application to support due diligence in data exchange related to deals between organizations and entities (notably mergers and acquisitions) with automation, risk detection via request tracking, easy document location, all under the auspices…

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Grata is a deal sourcing platform that helps users find, research, and engage with middle market companies. Grata helps dealmakers gain a competitive edge in finding previously undiscoverable companies.

Virtual Vaults

Virtual Vaults: Empowering M&A and Real Estate Transactions

Key Offerings of Virtual Vaults:

  1. Secure Transactions: An encrypted Data Room, that ensures due diligence while safeguarding confidentiality.

  2. Real Estate Transactions: Streamlines real estate deals using Workspaces, f…

0 reviews

Synrgix helps companies unlock their growth potentials through Merger and Acquisition strategies. They offer a cloud-based software and related services for managing Mergers and Acquisitions strategies and processes. The software guides users in setting up and managing execution…

0 reviews

SourceScrub is the a data service for firms looking to research, find and connect with privately held companies.

SS&C Intralinks DealCentre

DealCentre brings together a purpose-built set of solutions into one fully integrated M&A technology platform suite that delivers value across the deal — from the early prep phase through due diligence, and ultimately a successful close.

The solution includes:

  • VDRPro™ Accelerates M&A due diligence with automated setup, easy file management — including bulk uploads, document-based workflows, integrated red…

0 reviews

MergerWare is SaaS based secure enterprise digital M&A platform dedicated to the management and execution of M and A deals. The platform allows companies to run systematic deal discovery, due diligence, and post-merger integration all within the same platform. MergerWare helps companies…

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Midaxo headquartered in Boston offers their eponymous platform to support M&A project management, providing a virtual data room (VDR) solution for due-diligence, M&A analytics, pre and post-merger processes, and other tools supporting M&A.

Collaboration Capital

Collaboration Capital is a digital investment bank allowing companies to connect with M&A targets worldwide.

The platform offers various applications dedicated to M&A operations:
- AI sourcing of M&A targets
- Pipeline management, with collaborative features
- Access to the projects of investment banks and M&A professionnals (Private Equity firms, lawyiers, accountants...…

0 reviews

Donnelley Financial Solutions (DFIN) offers the Venue virtual data room (VDR), securing access to sensitive documents, perform contract review, and collaborate with stakeholders securely.

iDeals Virtual Data Rooms

iDeals Solutions in New York offers their easy to use virtual data room software, iDeals Virtual Data Rooms,

Learn More About Merger and Acquisition Software

What is Merger and Acquisition (M&A) Software?

Merger and Acquisition (M&A) software is used by various departments within an organization involved in the process of mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, or other corporate restructuring activities. These departments typically include the finance team, legal department, corporate development team, and senior executives.

The primary goal of Merger and Acquisition (M&A) software is to automate the complex processes associated with managing merging and acquisition transactions. It helps organizations streamline deal management, financial modeling, and due diligence. Merger and Acquisition Software aims to efficiently manage deals, organize digitized documents, and plan for financial scenarios on a centralized platform. Other benefits of this software include post-merger integration organization, like timeline planning and compliance management.

While there may be some overlap with project management software or document management tools Merger and Acquisition software platforms, M&A-specific solutions provide additional functionality tailored specifically for deal-making purposes.

Merger and Acquisition (M&A) Software Features

Common features found in Merger and Acquisition (M&A) software include:

  • Deal pipeline management
  • Document repository
  • Due diligence tracking
  • Collaboration
  • Valuation analysis
  • Integration planning capabilities
  • Compliance management
  • Risk assessment and mitigation
  • Reporting and analytics
  • Workflow automation

Merger and Acquisition (M&A) Software Comparisons

When purchasing Merger and Acquisition (M&A) software, potential buyers should consider the following:

  • Use-case: Evaluate if your organization’s project management platforms possess all the tools required for data storage or if a more tailored toolset is required for merging and acquisition processes.
  • Customization and Scalability: Look for a solution that allows customization to fit specific organizational needs and can scale as deal volumes increase.
  • Integration Capabilities: Determine whether the software seamlessly integrates with existing systems such as ERP, CRM, or project management platforms to avoid silos of information.
  • Security and Data Privacy: As Merger and Acquisition (M&A) deals involve sensitive information, it is crucial to choose a platform that offers robust security measures, including encryption and limited access controls.

Merger and Acquisition (M&A) Pricing

Pricing for merger and acquisition software varies widely depending on factors such as the size of the organization, number of users, functionality requirements, and deployment options (cloud-based or on-premises). Most vendors do not publicly display their pricing but provide custom quotes based on individual business needs. Free trials are commonly available from many vendors to allow potential buyers to evaluate their purchasing decision.

It is common for software to include subscription pricing models where vendors offer monthly or annual subscription plans based on the number of seats/users or usage tiers. However, for larger organizations with extensive needs or bespoke requirements, vendors may offer customized enterprise pricing packages.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does Merger and Acquisition (M&A) Software do?

Merger and Acquisition (M&A) Software is designed to streamline and optimize integration processes across organizations. It organizes document repositories, financial analyses, scenario models, compliance regulatory practices, and due diligence.

What are the benefits of Merger and Acquisition (M&A) Software?

The major benefits of using Merger and Acquisition (M&A) Software include increased functionality and accelerated merging processes through optimal integration practices. By reducing risks of noncompliance, securing confidential documents, and automating lead management, Merger and Acquisition Software can help streamline due diligence within an organization.

What does Merger and Acquisition (M&A) Software cost?

Pricing for Merger and Acquisition (M&A) Software varies based on factors such as organization size and required features. Vendors typically offer custom quotes tailored to customer needs rather than disclosing standard pricing information on their websites. However, they often provide free trials or demonstrations so prospective buyers can evaluate the software before making a purchase decision.