02.01.1943: the He 111H-6 Werknummer 7186 coded 'A1 + CK' flown by Leutnant Ernst K�nig of 2./ KG 53 was shot down by Anti-Aircraft fires 6 km north-west of the Airfield of Idriza. The plane was completely destroyed when the pilot crashed the plane trying to make an emergency landing.
Flugzeugf�hrer Lt K�nig, Ernst, KIA
Beobachter Uffz Wieczorek, Erwin, KIA
Bordfunker Ofw Sch�tt, Siegfried, WIA
Bordmechaniker Uffz M�ller, Heinz, KIA
Bordsch�tze Uffz Abel, Alfred, KIA
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