LETTER | Limpho Hani has every right to be outraged

Janusz Waluś must be dead inside after languishing in a prison cell for so long

30 November 2022 - 12:14
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The writer says Chris Hani’s widow Limpho is well within her rights to be outraged at the imminent release of her husband's killer. File photo.
The writer says Chris Hani’s widow Limpho is well within her rights to be outraged at the imminent release of her husband's killer. File photo.
Image: Alaister Russell/The Sunday Times

Limpho Hani is well within her rights to be outraged at the imminent release of Janusz Waluś. Her family’s life was turned upside down at a time when they should have been rejoicing.

Whatever motivation pushed Clive Derby-Lewis and Waluś to contemplate and execute their plan defies belief. What were they thinking?

Derby-Lewis is dead, and I suppose Waluś must be dead inside his body and mind after languishing in a prison cell for almost three decades.

If things were different, both would have faced the gallows many years ago. Their actions destroyed a family and almost caused a racial war, but somehow cool heads prevailed.

Waluś must immediately be deported and hopefully the Hani family will find closure and peace.

The Hani legacy lives on.

Peter Bachtis

Lakefield, Benoni 

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