Vote for the sake of future generations and more letters to the editor
Vote for the sake of future generations
Vote for the sake of future generations
Only a few more days until the election, and there is so much that could be commented on.
My wife and I have known Esther Helton-Haynes for almost 13 years. Esther is someone who knows what her values are. She is aware of the concerns of the people …
If the majority votes for or against candidates based solely on the party affiliations with little or no regard to their qualifications, occasionally the desir…
Times' editorial missed return on investment
We hear, from both parties, that electing their opponent will bring the end of the republic. To discern who is truthful, "look to what they do, not to what the…
The citizens of Walden need to be critical thinkers in the Alderman race between Lou Ziebold and Lizzy Schmidt.
Michele Reneau is a passionate, driven, and hard-working individual who will fight to defend our faith, family, and freedom in Tennessee.
We strongly support Michele Reneau for Tennessee state representative for District 27.
Winston Churchill is often attributed with the quote, "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter."
My grandmother (may she rest in peace) had a saying: "The Truth will stand when the world's on fire."
I applaud your endorsement of Missy Crutchfield for the Tennessee Senate District 10.
In a July interview, Michele Reneau said, "There is no reason to compromise in a supermajority. Every Democrat could stay home, and we could still pass every b…
I know many lies are told in politics, but some are visible.
Local elections do matter. While media outlets tend to focus on the November presidential election, it is our local positions that make a huge difference for e…