- The Sociology Project 2.0: Introducing the Sociological Imagination
- Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses
- The Structure of Schooling: Readings in the Sociology of Education
- Aspiring Adults Adrift: Tentative Transitions of College Graduates
- Improving Quality in American Higher Education: Learning Outcomes and Assessments for the 21st Century
- Jonathan H. Turner
- Don Williams
- Howard F. Taylor
- Carole Lexa Schaefer
- Steven Vago
- Tao Nyeu
- William G. Roy
- Jeanne H. Ballantine
- Bob Kolar
- William B. Badke
- Leonard Beeghley
- Charles H. Powers
- Peter Brooker
- Josipa Roksa
- Christopher J. Hurn
- Cornelius Riordan
- Robert James Parelius
- Floyd M. Hammack
- Sociology Writing Group
- Ellen Strenski