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A ‘family matter’: How the story of Alice Munro’s daughter could stay hidden for so long

How could this stay a secret? The Star explores that question, backed by interviews with Andrea Skinner and her family.

10 min read

Andrea Robin Skinner in Port Hope this month. 

The literary world was shocked this month to learn the story of Andrea Robin Skinner. How, as a child, she was indecently assaulted by her stepfather, Gerald Fremlin, and he told her to keep quiet about it, to not tell her famous mother, the prize-winning author Alice Munro.

Skinner didn’t stay silent, but one of this country’s most celebrated authors rejected her own daughter in favour of her abuser.

Deborah Dundas

Deborah Dundas is an editor with the Star’s opinion section. She is based in Toronto. Follow her on Twitter: @debdundas.

Betsy Powell

Betsy Powell is a Toronto-based reporter covering crime and courts for the Star. Follow her on Twitter: @powellbetsy.

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