Meryl Streep som Mary Louise Wright

Avsnitt 7

What Have They Done?

9 juni 201944m

Following first-day-of-school events, Madeline is worried by Bonnie's behavior. Mary Louise, Celeste's mother-in-law, offers her unvarnished assessment of Madeline's character. Jane learns from her new coworker, Corey, that she's known in town as one of the “Monterey Five.”

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Tell-Tale Hearts

16 juni 201954m

Renata faces an uncertain future when Gordon lands in legal trouble. Corey asks Jane out on a “practice” date. After a challenging therapy session with Dr. Reisman, Celeste opens up to Mary Louise about her relationship with Perry. Bonnie's mom, Elizabeth, arrives. Ed confronts Madeline about her secrets.

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The End of the World

23 juni 201945m

Mary Louise tries to get closer to Jane. Renata focuses her wrath on Principal Nippal. Madeline is forced to confront her issues at a couples therapy session with Dr. Reisman. Celeste remains conflicted by her memories of Perry.

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She Knows

30 juni 201946m

Celeste accuses Mary Louise of overstepping boundaries with Jane. Renata endures a prying court hearing with Gordon. Jane opens up to Corey at Amabella's disco-themed birthday party. Madeline continues to try to make things right with Ed.

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Kill Me

7 juli 201945m

Renata deals with the fallout from Gordon's legal troubles and attempts to help Celeste. Bonnie relives painful memories from her past.

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The Bad Mother

14 juli 201949m

Celeste is blindsided by Mary Louise. Gordon continues to disappoint Renata. Bonnie contemplates a solution to her mother’s suffering and her own ongoing guilt. Ed entertains an unusual proposition before catching Madeline in an unguarded moment. The Monterey Five feel the pressure of increased scrutiny of Perry’s death.

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I Want to Know

Season Finale
21 juli 201950m

Celeste questions Mary Louise about a tragic event from Perry’s childhood. Madeline worries their lie is tearing the Monterey Five apart.

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