Brad Falchuk — Escritor(a)

Episódios 13

Cliff Mantegna

9 setembro 200344m

Christian's difficulties with Kristin are exacerbated when his feelings for Julia are revealed. Jude is hired as an intern, to sexy and disastrous results. Matt is caught mid-threesome by Julia.

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Antonia Ramos

14 outubro 200344m

Sean and Christian are reunited with an old friend, Julia bonds with Sofia Lopez, and Christian and Gina clash over their differences in opinion concerning Gina's pregnancy.

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Joel Gideon

20 julho 200444m

After a car accident due to cell phone use, Sean winds up in the hospital. As a result of the accident, Sean develops a phobia of driving and other dangerous things, causing a dent in his career. He thanks the car company because their safety features saved his life. The car company, wanting a point of view from this doctor who has been in a car accident, offers Sean a new car if he agrees to inspect the cadavers they use as crash test dummies after crash tests. Sean tries to take more risks, causing Julia to become upset. Trying to take more risks, Sean decides to go shark diving, and drags Matt along with him. After realizing how much he cares for his son, Sean decides not to follow through. Christian is reminded that his son is no longer in his life, and he turns for comfort in Julia, who reveals to him that Wilber is not his only son.

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Sean McNamara

28 setembro 200444m

Beauty is a curse on the world. It keeps us from seeing who the real monsters are.

Another victim of the Carver shows up to have his face fixed - this time it is a male, who was both raped and carved. They agree to fix him. A local news station does an interview with Sean about the pro bono work on Carver victims. The Carver finds his way into Sean's home. After Sean gets out of the shower, the Carver drugs him up and has a conversation with him. He slices his right cheek, and tells him that if he fixes another one of his "masterpieces", he is going to kill him. Julia helps him recover, and Sean tries to win her back - but she reminds him that she is happy with Kevin.

Meanwhile, Gina tells Christian that she is HIV positive, meaning that Christian may be also. He calls his past lovers, including Manya, Erica, and Grace. He visits Kimber on the set of a porn movie, which she is directing. She tells him that she got tested quite recently because she's in the business, and that she's clean, which slightly relieves Christian. He has one more call to make - James and Wilbur (now known as Gabriel). They both come to visit, and Christian becomes very emotional. Christian's tests come back negative, and he visits Gina in the hospital with the good news. He lies down next to her in her hospital bed after a heartwarming conversation, and they fall asleep together.

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Derek, Alex, and Gary

4 outubro 200544m

Matt is getting out of control, and Sean, Julia and Christian are trying to find a solution. Quentin and Christian help two students whose faces are glued to the behind of a third student. Christian starts losing interest in the threesome relationship between Kimber, Kit, and himself. He asks Quentin to get involved with Kit to take her off his hands.

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Tommy Bolton

8 novembro 200544m

Sean has feelings for Nikki Moretti. Quentin goes after Julia and she welcomes his attention. Christian has a down-syndrome patient who wants to look like the rest of his family. Christian meets with his birth mother again.

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Cherry Peck

20 dezembro 200544m

Christian finds out that Kimber didn't ditch him at the altar but was abducted by the carver. Quentin is a Carver suspect. Julia has bad dreams about her pregnancy. Sean is threatened into doing pro bono work on the transgender woman who was beat up by Matt.

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Monica Wilder

19 setembro 200644m

Sean and Julia are looking for a nanny. Sean wants to turn to Christian for support after his hidden desires are revealed. But Chistian is busy going to the gym because he thinks he's too fat.

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Burt Landau

17 outubro 200644m

Dawn Budge needs an ear transplant. Burt Landau suffered a stroke and asks Christian and Sean to fix his face.

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Dr. Joshua Lee

11 dezembro 200744m

Sean tries to regain his youth through his relationship with Eden. A violent and traumatic event causes Julia to question her relationship with Olivia. In an effort to better her life, Kimber makes a decision that devastates Matt.

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Kyle Ainge

29 janeiro 200844m

Christian attempts to cope in the aftermath of a death. Colleen feels threatened when another talent agency shows an interest in Sean's acting career.

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Lulu Grandiron

5 fevereiro 200844m

Eden looks to Sean for help after getting into business with Kimber and Ram. A group of wealthy socialites hire Christian for all of their cosmetic surgery needs. Sean discovers another side of Colleen.

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Ricky Wells

3 fevereiro 200944m

Matt becomes envious of Sean and Raj bonding together. Christian and Liz give their relationship another chance. Raj's father pays a visit to see his son.

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