Discuss Captain Marvel

No thanks. We got plenty of her already from this movie! There's only so much wooden acting and embarrassingly bad and sluggish movie fighting you can watch in a year. Now the scene where she was doing the dishes - that was about the only believable acting in the movie!

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@The Midi-chlorian Count said:

Well possibly but that argument itself is *moot given - as I've pointed out multiple times now - I made no reference to the MCU at all. That was picked out of thin air by someone looking to troll. Which is why, this:-

Then you responded by saying "so what, Chris Pratt did the same thing" but he did not. Chris Pratt did not star in two movies that earned one billion IN HIS FIRST TWO MCU FILMS. Your brilliant "analogy" wasn't even close to being analogous and all you did was make yourself look like a dumbass.

was completely laughable.

Actually in context with what I just said, that post is pretty valid. His argument was more mocking yours for not understanding the point I was making with my initial post.

I did understand your initial post. That is why I wrote:-

"I don't care about arguing about Brie Larson one way or the other..."

Before making my point. Do you understand that separates my subsequent logic from discussing Brie Larson? If I specifically cut MY context off from a part of a previous post then it's not my error if anyone subsequently chooses to reintroduce it.

Anyway hope that clears things up for you. At the risk that I'm further troll feeding here, I'll drop out at this point. Cheers!

@The Midi-chlorian Count said:

I did understand your initial post. That is why I wrote:-

"I don't care about arguing about Brie Larson one way or the other..."

Before making my point. Do you understand that separates my subsequent logic from discussing Brie Larson?

I understand that, but then this thread (and my initial post) is one specifically talking about an MCU movie (and MCU movies in general), even if your argument isn't about Brie Larson herself. So his point still stands.

Cor blimey - well if that's the case I guess he should probably have been asking why I was talking about Daisy Ridley and Emma Watson then eh? Rather than simply choosing to select the wrong Chris Pratt films because, well just because... 😂

Like I say though unless you want to actually discuss my point then I'm out 👍

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