Steve Madden: Steve Madden

Starting out in 1990 with just over $1,000 in the bank, Steve Madden followed his passion to create one of the most recognized brands in the world of footwear and fashion. Over the last 30 years, Steve has built his eponymous company into one that is worth over $3 billion. But, as some of you may already know, he almost lost it all at one point after spending 2.5 years in prison for his involvement with the infamous Stratton Oakmont scandal that was portrayed in “The Wolf of Wall Street.”

We had a super interesting discussion with Steve about his life and upbringing, what inspired him to become a fashion designer, his takeaways from prison and the first thing he did when he got out, why he wrote his book “The Cobbler,” and much more.


Steve Madden: @stevemadden
The Founder Hour: @thefounderhour
Pat: @patricktanahan
Posh: @posh


Chriselle Lim: Lifestyle and Beauty Blogger


Miranda Kerr: KORA Organics