Acting Class

A short story

A comic panel depicts two characters having a difficult conversation across a desk.
Nick Drnaso
Editor’s Note: Read an interview with Nick Drnaso about his writing process.
In the first page of Nick Drnaso's "Acting Class," two members of an acting class volunteer for an activity.
In the second page of Nick Drnaso's "Acting Class," Thomas reacts angrily to the news that he has been laid off in acting simulation
In the third page of Nick Drnaso's "Acting Class," Thomas reveals that was in fact replicating his own emotional reaction to having been laid off
In the fourth page of Nick Drnaso's "Acting Class," Thomas and Danielle begin their acting simulation anew
In the fifth page of Nick Drnaso's "Acting Class," Thomas reenacts how he actually reacted upon learning that he had been laid off
In the final page of Nick Drnaso's "Acting Class," Thomas and Danielle's classmates clap for their performance

This story is an excerpt from Nick Drnaso’s upcoming book, Acting Class.

Nick Drnaso lives in Chicago with his wife and their two cats. Acting Class is his third book.