
Florida Aquarium’s World Ocean Day event benefits marine wildlife programs

Live Caribbean-style music, a dessert cruise and a silent auction kept things festive.
A steel drummer entertains guests aboard the Bay Spirit II at the World Ocean Day Soirée on June 8. The event raised more than $85,000 for marine wildlife programs at the Florida Aquarium.
A steel drummer entertains guests aboard the Bay Spirit II at the World Ocean Day Soirée on June 8. The event raised more than $85,000 for marine wildlife programs at the Florida Aquarium. [ Amy Scherzer ]
Published Aug. 27

Blue Lagoon cocktails and a sea of hors d’oeuvres awaited the Florida Aquarium supporters at the World Ocean Day Soirée on June 8, where lobster rolls, spicy scallop ceviche, a tropical fruit bar and much more surrounded a silent auction on the rooftop terrace.

From left, Chris Glaser, Lisa Yob, Lori Heathershaw and Mark Engeberg.
From left, Chris Glaser, Lisa Yob, Lori Heathershaw and Mark Engeberg. [ Amy Scherzer ]

A sloth named Apaporis joined the party; followed by Nuru, a South African penguin wearing his natural “tuxedo.”

From left, Ed Buckley, Alex Sink, Marlee Strawn and Al Johnson.
From left, Ed Buckley, Alex Sink, Marlee Strawn and Al Johnson. [ Amy Scherzer ]

As for most of the 100-plus guests on that blazing hot evening, cocktail attire meant breezy dresses, polo shirts and shorts.

From left, Doug and Judy Montgomery, Doreen Caudell and Dale Hoffman.
From left, Doug and Judy Montgomery, Doreen Caudell and Dale Hoffman. [ Amy Scherzer ]

Everyone boarded the Bay Spirit II for the second half of the event, an hour-long dessert cruise and sunset salute along the Hillsborough River, accompanied by a steel drum musician’s lively island beats. The event raised more than $85,000 for marine wildlife programs.