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Outlook and financial targets

In 2024, Storytel expects to deliver group revenue growth of around 10% with an adjusted EBITDA margin of above 13% and operational cash flow above 8% of revenue.

Storytel’s mid-term targets is to reach group revenues of around 4.5 BSEK in 2026 with a streaming revenue CAGR of 10-12%, an adjusted EBITDA margin of above 15%, and an operational cash flow of above 10% of revenue.

Until 2026, Storytel expects increasing EBITDA margins following reinvestments that enable the group to further leverage economies of scale. Over time, 20 percent EBITDA margins are potentially within reach. We are confident that going forward, we can run the company on a cash self-sufficient basis.


3,489 MSEK Revenue

7.1% Adjusted EBITDA Margin

~4,500 MSEK Revenue

>15% Adjusted EBITDA Margin

graph 2023 -> 2026

Growth Drivers: Underlying Market Growth, Differentiated Content Offer Pricing, Packaging, Promotions, Funnel Optimization

Profitability Drivers: Increasing LTV/SAC Ratio, Declining COGS % Revenue, Declining Overhead % Revenue