1. Storia perfetta dell'errore Roberto Mercadini
  2. Poesie d'amore Pablo Neruda
  3. Il Cantico dei Cantici Anonimo
  4. L'infinito senza farci caso Franco Arminio
  5. La grande poesia del mondo Vol.1 AA.VV
  6. The Color of Our Sky: A Novel Amita Trasi
  7. Raccolto diurno Erri De Luca
  8. Le parole dell'angelo: Poesie scelte di Rainer Maria Rilke. Con due prose da I quaderni di Malte Laurids Brigge e poesie di George Trackl Rainer Maria Rilke
  9. La lupa Giovanni Verga
  10. La patente: Novella Luigi Pirandello
  11. Tre novelle Luigi Pirandello
  12. Iliade Omero
  13. Le metamorfosi Ovidio
  14. Antologia di Spoon River Edgar Lee Masters
  15. Reconstruction of the Poet: Uncollected Works of Zbigniew Herbert Zbigniew Herbert
  16. Il Paradiso di Dante Dante Alighieri Vittorio Sermonti
  17. Il Processo Franz Kafka
  18. Sono nata il ventuno a primavera. Diario e nuove poesie Alda Merini
  19. Poesie Emily Dickinson
  20. Breve ma intenso manuale per attori di cinema: Tecniche funzionali, segreti e formule che hanno del magico Claudio Vita
  21. Typewriter Rodeo: Real People, Real Stories, Custom Poems Kari Anne Holt
  22. Planting Gardens in Graves III R.H. Sin
  23. I Wrote This for You: Just the Words Iain S. Thomas
  24. Planting Gardens in Graves II R.H. Sin
  25. Rest in the Mourning r.h. Sin
  26. Every Day We Get More Illegal Juan Felipe Herrera
  27. Not Yet Christmas: It's Time for Advent J.D. Walt
  28. Poetry of the Civil War John Boyes
  29. Favourite Poems George Davidson
  30. Dante's Divine Comedy: Inferno Dante Alighieri
  31. The Raven: And Other Poems Edgar Allan Poe
  32. War Poems: An Anthology of Unforgettable Verse Brian Busby
  33. Matthew Arnold, The Poetry Of: "Truth sits upon the lips of dying men." Matthew Arnold
  34. Summer, A Season In Verse William Blake
  35. Victor Hugo - Poetry Volume 1: Rare poetry collection from the masterful author of Les Miserables and Hunchback Of Notre Dame among others, translated tnto English. Victor Hugo
  36. Robert Louis Stevenson, The Poetry Of: "I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move." Robert Louis Stevenson
  37. Scotland, A Nation In Verse Walter Scott
  38. Narrative Verse, The Second Volume John Keats
  39. Robert Burns, The Poetry Of: "Suspicion is a heavy armor and with its weight it impedes more than it protects." Robert Burns
  40. Poems that Will Save Your Life John Boyes
  41. February, A Month In Verse Sara Teasdale
  42. Ireland, A Nation In Verse Thomas Moore
  43. The Poetry Of Kissing: A Kissing Hand Book From Literatures Best Love Poets Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  44. Christina Georgina Rossetti, The Poetry Of: "Better by far you should forget and smile, than that you should remember and be sad." Christina Georgina Rossetti
  45. Father's Day Poetry: The perfect Fathers day gift Ben Jonson
  46. April, A Month In Verse Christina Georgina Rossetti
  47. The Poetry Of D H Lawrence: "Ours is essentially a tragic age, so we refuse to take it tragically." DH Lawrence
  48. December, A Month In Verse Robert Herrick
  49. In Flanders Fields Brian Busby
  50. October, A Month In Verse Edmund Spenser
  1. Nessun porto terrà lontana la tempesta Gabriele Ametrano
  2. Fertile solitudine: Poesie Viola Fischerová
  3. Di tanti Palpiti Roberta Cucini
  4. La sete lo sguardo e il volo Marco Valeriani
  5. Vorrei che questa poesia non finisse mai Mahmud Darwish
  6. Dall'Emozione in poi Valentina Gavioli
  7. Il canto dell'aquila, risveglio di un'anima Monica Florian
  8. Waka: 100 poesie giapponesi dell’anno 1000 AA.VV.
  9. L'undecimo comandamento Anton Giulio Barrili
  10. Inferno Dante Alighieri
  11. Galatea Anton Giulio Barrili
  12. Un sorriso guarisce Gianpiero Grasso
  13. Foglie e conchiglie Maria Anna Pascale
  14. Raccolta indifferenziata Natino Lucente
  15. Tersicore Beatrice Di Santo
  16. Pazzia: una vita al limite Maria Vittoria Grieco
  17. La notte dalle mille luci Franco Villa
  18. I miei propositi inespressi Tania Motta
  19. Introspezione pubblica Fabrizio Di Biase
  20. Uscimmo a riveder le stelle – Vol. 3 Paradiso: La Divina commedia raccontata ai ragazzi Franco Nembrini
  21. Il giardino della mia anima Rosalia Sciacchitano
  22. Parole di noi Sebastian Vincent Barresi
  23. Eneide: Testo a fronte Publio Virgilio Marone
  24. Scioa: L'Africa di Arthur Rimbaud AA.VV.
  25. Anima Antonietta Natalizio
  26. Le voci dei giorni all'alba Emanuela Calura
  27. Qualcos’altro…! Un’opportunità da riscrivere Paolo Ceradini
  28. Palestina cristiana Corry Filomé
  29. Vado per versi per sguardi di apollinea parola Armida Noemi Elvira Bertoli
  30. Esserci non esserci Micól Klar
  31. Novella d'amore - Edizione 2024 Matilde Serao
  32. Nuove storielle a Ninetta Émile Zola
  33. The Ring of the Niblung Richard Wagner
  34. Consunta speranza: Bocca che annega nel mare scolpito Bruna Serni
  35. Ordem no progresso: L’amore come principio, l’ordine come base, il progresso come scopo Davide Barzotti
  36. Simmetrie tra cielo e terra Carlo Rivieri
  37. Gli inni sacri Alessandro Manzoni
  38. Iliade: Storia di uomini Corrado D'ELia
  39. La mia voce narrata David Penco
  40. Canne al vento Grazia Deledda
  41. Breve ma intenso manuale per attori di cinema: Tecniche funzionali, segreti e formule che hanno del magico Claudio Vita
  42. Una finestra sulle emozioni Caterina De Carolis
  43. Echi dall'est della Repubblica Democratica del Congo: poesie da una terra di guerra perpetua. Marien-Edgard Ngbali BEMI
  44. Pazzia: l'Amore Maria Vittoria Grieco
  45. A spasso con il tempo Gennaro Buonanno
  46. The Secrets Hidden In Mud Lake: Italian Version Rocjane
  47. Gli Imperi Della Mente Elio Crifò
  48. Ogni giorno... un nuovo giorno Michela Intropido
  49. Orologio di emozioni Rosario Pullano
  50. La mia strada: Lettere aperte dalle esperienze della mia vita Rita Vincenza
  1. The Color of Our Sky: A Novel Amita Trasi
  2. Reconstruction of the Poet: Uncollected Works of Zbigniew Herbert Zbigniew Herbert
  3. Typewriter Rodeo: Real People, Real Stories, Custom Poems Kari Anne Holt
  4. Planting Gardens in Graves III R.H. Sin
  5. I Wrote This for You: Just the Words Iain S. Thomas
  6. Planting Gardens in Graves II R.H. Sin
  7. Rest in the Mourning r.h. Sin
  8. Every Day We Get More Illegal Juan Felipe Herrera
  9. Not Yet Christmas: It's Time for Advent J.D. Walt
  10. Poetry of the Civil War John Boyes
  11. Favourite Poems George Davidson
  12. Dante's Divine Comedy: Inferno Dante Alighieri
  13. The Raven: And Other Poems Edgar Allan Poe
  14. War Poems: An Anthology of Unforgettable Verse Brian Busby
  15. Matthew Arnold, The Poetry Of: "Truth sits upon the lips of dying men." Matthew Arnold
  16. Summer, A Season In Verse William Blake
  17. Victor Hugo - Poetry Volume 1: Rare poetry collection from the masterful author of Les Miserables and Hunchback Of Notre Dame among others, translated tnto English. Victor Hugo
  18. Robert Louis Stevenson, The Poetry Of: "I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move." Robert Louis Stevenson
  19. Scotland, A Nation In Verse Walter Scott
  20. Narrative Verse, The Second Volume John Keats
  21. Robert Burns, The Poetry Of: "Suspicion is a heavy armor and with its weight it impedes more than it protects." Robert Burns
  22. Poems that Will Save Your Life John Boyes
  23. February, A Month In Verse Sara Teasdale
  24. Ireland, A Nation In Verse Thomas Moore
  25. The Poetry Of Kissing: A Kissing Hand Book From Literatures Best Love Poets Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  26. Christina Georgina Rossetti, The Poetry Of: "Better by far you should forget and smile, than that you should remember and be sad." Christina Georgina Rossetti
  27. Father's Day Poetry: The perfect Fathers day gift Ben Jonson
  28. April, A Month In Verse Christina Georgina Rossetti
  29. The Poetry Of D H Lawrence: "Ours is essentially a tragic age, so we refuse to take it tragically." DH Lawrence
  30. December, A Month In Verse Robert Herrick
  31. In Flanders Fields Brian Busby
  32. October, A Month In Verse Edmund Spenser
  33. Ghosts (1881) Henrik Ibsen
  34. June, A Month in Verse Anne Bradstreet
  35. Lady Inger (1857) Henrik Ibsen
  36. An Enemy of the People (1882) Henrik Ibsen
  37. Cricket, A Sport In Verse Lord Byron
  38. The Englishman & Other Poems: “Before night something beautiful will happen to change everything.” Ella Wheeler Wilcox
  39. Imagist Poets - Volume 2: Early 20th Century Anglo-American literature movement that was a precursor to modernism D.H. Lawrence
  40. The Feast of Solhoug (1856) Henrik Ibsen
  41. Best-Loved Poems John Boyes
  42. Utopia by Thomas Moore: "You wouldn't abandon ship in a storm just because you couldn't control the winds." Thomas Moore
  43. Mal Moulee: “A poor original is better than a good imitation.” Ella Wheeler Wilcox
  44. The Poetry Of Death Daniel Sheehan
  45. Helen Hunt Jackson - A Calendar Of Sonnets & Other Poems: "When love is at its best, one loves so much that he cannot forget." Helen Hunt Jackson
  46. Hello Boys!: “Love much. Earth has enough of bitter in it.” Ella Wheeler Wilcox
  47. The Poetry of Alice Guerin Crist: "The evening air was full of sweets, Of Springtime odours vague and faint" Alice Guerin Crist
  48. W. B. Yeats - All Soul's Night & Other Poems: "A pity beyond all telling is hid in the heart of love." W.B. Yeats
  49. Alfred Austin, The Poetry Of Alfred Austin
  50. The Poetry Of HP Lovecraft: "Almost nobody dances sober, unless they happen to be insane." HP Lovecraft