Yoga, originating in ancient Nepal over 5,000 years ago, is a profound practice uniting mind, body, and spirit. Rooted in the Vedic traditions, it blends philosophy, meditation, and physical postures. This presentation explores yoga's historical evolution, its spiritual foundations, and its enduring relevance in promoting holistic well-being worldwide.
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Origin of Yoga By Dr. Hemraj Koirala.pptx
योग अवतरण
Dr. Hemraj Koirala
Founder and Director
Yogi Naraharinath Yoga and Nature Cure Hospital
Bharatapur-1, Vageeshwaree Chitawan Nepal
2. Antiqueness of Yoga
• Yoga is an Art, a science and a culture originated in our soil
before the Vedic Era.
• Yoga is deeply intertwined with our culture and heritage.
• Science the time immemorial people have been adopting the
path of Yoga for searching the secretes of life and the Universe.
• This science also develops our individuality into a harmonious,
healthy, self-contained, and humble personality.
• Yoga fosters for the developments of physical, mental,
intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual personalities of a
• This science was existed even before the Vedic Era because The
Rishis who inculcated Veda were also a great Yogis.
• Our three principal gods of Hindu tradition were also Yogi.
• Our 33 Koti (33 Million) Gods and Goddesses were also Yogi.
• All the form of Buddha and Tirthankars were depicted as Yogi.
3. Antiqueness of Yoga
According to Vaishnava Tradition
• In the holy Bhagawat Geeta Lord Sri Krishna Said to warrior
श्रीभगवानुवाच |
इमं विवस्वते योगं प्रोक्तवानहमव्ययम् |
विवस्वान्मनवे प्राह मनुरिक्ष्वाकवेऽब्रवीत् || 1||
एवं परम्पराप्राप्तमिमं राजर्षयो विदु: |
स कालेनेह महता योगो नष्ट: परन्तप || 2||
स एवायं मया तेऽद्य योग: प्रोक्त: पुरातन: |
भक्तोऽसि मे सखा चेति रहस्यं ह्येतदुत्तमम् || 3
I taught this eternal science of Yog to the God Sun, Vivasvan, who
passed it on to Manu; and Manu, in turn, instructed it to Ikshvaku.O
subduer of enemies, the saintly kings thus received this science of
Yog in a continuous tradition. But with the long passage of time, it
was lost to the world. The same ancient knowledge of Yog, which is
the supreme secret, I am today revealing unto you, because you are
My friend as well as My devotee, who can understand this
transcendental wisdom.
4. Antiqueness of Yoga
According to Brahma Tradition
• According to Brahma Tradition Lord Hiranyagarbha (The Golden Seed)
is the progenitor of Yoga.
• In Holy Epic Mahabharata Vedavyasa Says:
सांख्यस्य वक्ता कपिल: परमर्षि स उच्यते।
हिरण्यगर्भो योगस्य वक्ता नान्य: पुरातन:।।12/349/65
Maharshi Kapila is the pioneer of Sankhya Philosophy and Hiranyagarbha is the pioneer of Yoga
philosophy. None else than Hiranyagarbha is more archaic in the field of Yoga.
हिरण्यगर्भ; समवर्तताग्रे भूतस्य जात; पतिरेक असीत् ।
स दाधार पृथ्वीं द्यामुतेमां कस्मै देवाय हविषा विधेम । रिग् वेद मण्डल १०
All the creations have been created by Hiranyagarbha. This mighty daity is holding the
earth, heaven and Neatherworld. He is the progenitor for all the knowledge and arts.
हिरण्यगर्भो योगस्य वक्ता नान्य: पुरातन:।। यज्ञवल्क्य स्मृति
None else than Hiranyagarbha is more archaic in the field of Yoga.
इदं हि योगेश्वर योगनैपुणं हिरण्यगर्भो भगवान् जगाद यत्। श्रीमद्भागवत् पुराण ५/१९/१३
Its means Oh Yogeshwor the lord Hiranyagarbha is the pioneer and earliest
protagonist of Vedic Yoga.
5. Who Was Hiranyagarbha
We may find seven kind of Hiranyagarbha mentioned in Vedic
literature. Few of them were subjects and few were objects.
1. First Hiranyagarbha : Lord sun is also considered as the
Hiranyagarbha. This name could be the name of the sun or
the name of a person. If we considered sun as a man, there is
no any Yoga related literature or work by sun Hiranyagarbha.
2. Second Hiranyagarbha: The Mahata Tatwa (The intellect) is
also considered as the Hiranyagarbha. “हिरण्यगर्भो भगवानेष
बुद्धिरिति स्मृत महाभारत
3. Third Hiranyagarbha: Third Hiranyagarbha was meintained in
Ahirbadhnyu Samhita. He was Adi Yogi and has written two
Yoga related books
• Karmayaga Samhita
• Nirodh Samhita
4. Fourth Hiranyagarbha: The fourth Hiranyagarbha was the
devotee and disciple of lord Shiva. His name is mentioned in
Yogashikhopanishad. Buts there is no proof for his yoga
related works. Therefore we cannot consider him as a pioneer
and protagonist of Yoga.
6. Who Was Hiranyagarbha
5. Fifth Hiranyagarbha: Fifth Hiranyagarbha was the
father of Urja Rishi in Uttama manvantara. He also had
not done any yoga related work therefore we cannot
consider him as a pioneer and protagonist of Yoga.
6. Sixth Hiranyagarbha: Sixth Hiranyagarbha was a Veda
Rishi of Vidic era. He was the sun of king Prajapati. He
had inculcated 127 Vedamantra of 10th mandal of Rig
Veda. These all 127 Mantras are related to Yoga.
Therefore we can considered him as the pioneer and
protagonist person of Yoga.
7. Seventh Hiranyagarbha: Seventh Hiranyagarbha:
Vedic literature has considered the God father Brahma
as Hiranyagarbha. He has written the Brahma samhita
which describes about Yoga. there fore we can
concidered him as the pioneer and protagonist person
of Yoga.
7. Origin of Yoga In Shaiva Tradition
• Lord Shiva is regarded as the Adi Yogi, the father and founder of
Yoga. He is considered the foremost of all yogis and the first
teacher of the science of Yoga. He embodies flawless meditation
and spirituality.
• According to the Shastras, Lord Shiva first shared his knowledge of
Yoga and meditation with his wife, Parvati. Only after this exchange
did the cosmic union of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati take
• On the night when Lord Shiva first revealed the secrets of Yoga to
Parvati, he earned the title of Adi Guru of Yoga. During this spiritual
teaching, Shiva did not allow anyone near them. This sacred event
occurred on the banks of Lake Manasarovar.
• While Lord Shiva was teaching this profound science, a divine fish
named Matsya overheard their conversation. During the lesson,
Parvati fell asleep, but Shiva continued teaching. The fish
attentively listened to the entire dialogue, while Parvati missed
parts of it due to her sleep. When Parvati awoke and admitted that
she could not follow the full teaching, Shiva became furious and
prepared to punish the fish. However, Parvati intervened with
mercy and saved the fish.
• That fish later transformed into the renowned yogi,
8. Emergence of Guru Gorakhanatha
• According to tradition, Guru Matsyendranath once visited a village seeking alms. While he was at a
house, he noticed a woman who appeared to be deeply saddened. Concerned, the guru asked her
about the cause of her sorrow.
• The woman replied, "I have no children." Seeing her distress, Guru Matsyendranath recited a
mantra, gave her a pinch of ashes, and blessed her with the boon of having a son. He then left the
• About twelve years later, Guru Matsyendranath returned to the same village and visited the woman's
house. Calling to her from outside, he said, "Your son must be around twelve years old by now."
However, the woman, unaware of the guru's mystical powers, had thrown the ashes into a dung
heap instead of consuming them.
• Guru Matsyendranath asked her to show him where she had discarded the ashes. At the dung heap,
he saw a cow spilling its milk over the pit. Inside the pit, a twelve-year-old boy was present, alive
and well. Guru Matsyendranath called the boy out, and he emerged—a handsome child who
immediately bowed before the guru.
• Thus, the birth of Baba Gorakhnath did not happen through a mother's womb but through the
nurturing and protection provided by cow dung and the cow’s milk. He was named Goraksha (the
protector of cows) in honor of this miraculous birth. Guru Matsyendranath took the boy with him, and
he later grew up to become Guru Gorakhnath.
• Guru Gorakhnath established the Nath tradition of Yoga and introduced various yogic practices,
including asanas, pranayama, shatkarma, mudras, nadanusandhana, and Kundalini awakening.
These practices remain significant and are widely studied and practiced to this day.
9. Origin & Development of Yoga
Pre-Classical Yoga Classical Yoga Post Classical Yoga
Yoga in Shamanism Patanjali Yoga Hatha Yoga Texts
Indus various civilization (Yoga Darsana ,Raja Yoga
Yoga in Vedas Astanga Yoga) [Hatha Yoga Pradeepika,
Yoga in Upanisads Gheranda , Goraksha, &
Yoga in Tantras (Kundalini ,Mantra, Laya Yoga) Hatha
Shiva Samhithas
Yoga in Bhagavadgita
(Karma ,Jnana & Bhakti Yogas) Pioneers of Modern Yoga
Pre-Columbian civilization
Yoga in Religions Swamy Vivekananda
Paramhamsa Yogananda (Kriya Yoga)
Buddhism Swami Dr. Shivananda
Jainism Swami Kuvalayananda
Shikhism Sri Aurobindo(Integral Yoga)
Kiratism Swamy Sathyananda (BSY)
Bonism Osho , Maharshi Mahesh Yogi (TM)
Dalai Lama , Richard Hittleman ,
Andrew Rawlinson
10. Shamanism(Shramanas) dated around 25000 Years old
Oldest cult the base of all the
civilizations. They are tribal
medicine persons and
spiritual beings with the
ability to heal, work with
energies and 'see' visions by
way of trance journey in the
world of spirits. Shamanism
contains Yoga elements.
Shamanic postures are
very similar to yoga postures.
Like Yoga postures each
specific shamanic posture
has its own distinct effect on
the mind and are capable of
entering various states of
11. Indus Valley Civilization dated around 3000BC
Archaeological excavations made in the Indus valley at
Harappa and Mohenjodaro, now in modern Pakisthan
Many statues have been unearthed sitting in various
meditative asanas like :
Padmasana Siddhasana
12. Yoga in Vedas
Rig Veda - Yujur Veda - Sama Veda - Atharva
Practiced various sitting asanas with complex
mudras as spiritual practices
Practiced Mantra Yoga (Mystic sounds)
13. Yoga in Upanisads (600 BC)
Upanisads are known as ‘Vedanta’
Upanisads describes Yoga in more definite
Describes Asanas, Pranayamas, Mudras,
Chakras and Nadis.
There are separate upanisads for Yoga such as
Yoga kundalyopanisad
Yogachoodamani upanisad
Yogatattvopanisad e.t.c.
14. Yoga in Tantras
Tantric systems of Yoga are still in vogue in
Tibet, China e.t.c .
Male and female together practice Yoga to
balance the Masculine and Feminine
15. Yoga in Bhagavad Gita
Nobody knows
the exact origin
of Sun and the
human being.
Hence Yoga has
come from time
16. Yoga in Bhagavad Gita
Gita Says that Lord
Krishsna taught Yoga to :
Sun God Manu
( the first human being)
Iksvaku Royal Sages
(Saptarshis) To their
disciples .
Nobody knows the exact origin of Sun and
the human being. Hence Yoga has come
from time immemorial.
17. Yoga in Pre-Colombian
Evidence of Hatha Yoga
found in the Pre-
Coloumbian culture of
Ammerica. Even now at
St. Augustine, a southern
province of Coloumbia in
South America , there are
large stone figures and
carvings depicting Hatha
yoga practices.
18. Yoga Elements in Jainism (600 B C)
The Jainists used Padmasana for
It focussed more on rigid Self-denial
(the denial of one's own interests and
needs; self-sacrifice) and Self
restraint to the extent of self
mortification (voluntary self-
punishment in order to be free from
the sins ) as the means to liberation.
Strictly observed Ahimsa.
It focussed more on rigid Self-denial (the denial of one's own interests and needs; self-sacrifice) and Self restraint to the extent of self mortification( voluntary self-punishment in order t
19. Yoga in Buddhism (563 B C)
Buddha himself meditated in
Padmasana .
The Buddha was against hurting the
body for spiritual aids. He advocated a
softer approach the middle path in
which he emphasis the more on using
the right means to achieve eight ends.
The ancient Buddhist Yoga consisted of
the practice of dhyana and becoming
aware breath and body sensations to
cultivate mindfullness, called
They followed Ashta Marga a very
similar practice of Astanga Yoga for
20. The Katha Uapnisad is the first vedic scripture
use the word Yoga and define it as control of
senses to achieve the supreme state.Yama taught
Naciketas the fire meditation and contemplation of
self or Adyatma Yoga. (II.3.11)
21. Sequential Development of Yoga
Yoga is regarded as the oldest discipline of the Aryan Vedic tradition. Though the
Vedas are considered the oldest scriptures of Vedic literature, Yoga predates them.
The chronological evolution of Yoga can be outlined as follows:
1. 25,000 BCE: Early humans initiated practices of healing (through chants and
rituals), nature worship, and belief in divine powers.
2. 5,000–3,000 BCE: Vedic sages gained the realization of the Vedas. Evidence of
Yoga was found in civilizations like Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa.
3. 1,500–500 BCE: Compilation of the Vedas, incorporating Yogic concepts.
Practices like Mantra Yoga, Yama, Niyama, Pranayama, and Dhyana were
included in Vedic hymns.
4. 1,000 BCE: Emergence of Tantra Yoga and practices like Kundalini Yoga and
Laya Yoga.
22. Sequential Development of Yoga
5. 700 BCE: Evidence of Yoga practices in pre-Columbian civilizations.
6. 600 BCE: Compilation of the Upanishads. Integration of Yoga into
Buddhism and Jainism.
7. 500 BCE: The famous Yogic scripture Bhagavad Gita was
8. 200 BCE: Patanjali compiled the Yoga Sutras.
9. 100 BCE: King Bhartrihari was initiated into Yoga by Guru
23. Sequential Development of Yoga
10. 7th Century CE: Emergence of Shankaracharya. Guru Gorakhnath
meditated in Mrigasthali, Nepal. Arrival of Rato Matsyendranath In
Nepal and introduction of the Rato Matsyendranath chariot festival.
11. 10th Century CE:Arrival of Swoto Matsyendranath in Nepal.
12. 11th Century CE: Composition of Gorakhvani by Gorakhnath.
13. 13th Century CE: Writing of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.
14. 15th Century CE: Composition of the Shiva Samhita.
15. 16th Century CE: Guru Gorakhnath blessed King Drabya Shah with
kheer prasad, making him king.
24. Sequential Development of Yoga
16. 17th Century CE: Writing of the Gheranda Samhita and Hathratnavali. Guru
Gorakhnath blessed King Prithvi Narayan Shah with curd prasad for Nepal's
unification. Yogi Bhagwant Nath assisted King Prithvi Narayan Shah in unification.
17. 19th Century CE: Emergence of Lahiri Mahasaya, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa,
and Yukteswar Giri. Swami Vivekananda introduced Yoga to the West. King Rana
Bahadur Shah of Nepal renounced the throne to follow the Yogic path.
18. 20th Century CE (First Half): Figures like Swami Sivananda, Paramahansa
Yogananda, and Sri Aurobindo spread Yoga to the West. Tirumalai
Krishnamacharya began Yoga training. In Nepal, figures like Judda Shumsher,
Swargadwari Mahaprabhu, Yogini Yogmaya, and others promoted Yoga.
25. Sequential Development of Yoga
16. 20th Century CE (Second Half):Tirumalai Krishnamacharya’s disciples, including
Pattabhi Jois (founder of Ashtanga Yoga), B.K.S. Iyengar (founder of Iyengar Yoga),
and T.K.V. Desikachar (founder of Viniyoga), modernized Hatha Yoga. Osho
reinterpreted Yoga. Swami Satyananda Saraswati established the Bihar School of
Yoga, and H.R. Nagendra founded the Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana
Center. In Nepal, notable figures like Yogi Naraharinath, Shivapuri Baba, and others
propagated Yoga.Yogi Manasanghni started observing January 15 (Magh 1) as
World Yoga Day.
17. 21st Century CE: Baba Ramdev popularized Yoga on a global scale. The United
Nations declared June 21 as International Yoga Day. Nepal began celebrating Magh
1 as National Yoga Day.