John Birch was a Baptist missionary from Macon, Georgia who dedicated his life to the service of the Lord Jesus Christ through mission work in China. John Birch spread the gospel of Jesus Christ by perfectly blending with the Chinese people. He helped churches and won people to the Lord through his witnessing and gospel tract ministry. During World War II he served the US Army Air Force. Back then the legitimate Chinese government under Chiang Kai-shek was an ally of the US. In 1945 the Chinese communists brutally butchered John Birch to death because the communists hated Americans and Christians in particular. Now we want to ask you to pray for the persecutors. John Birch became the first casualty of the Cold War.
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John Birch - An ambassador for Christ
by John M. Birch
This is the “prose poem” written by John Birch in April, 1945, four months before his death,
that tells about his Christian point of view, his love of God, and his ability to point out the
dangers of a secularized, godless society. It is an invitation to every reader to come to God,
to repent of all sin and be saved, to live a holy life, and to seek God’s will in every matter.
I SHOULD like to find the existence of what my father called “Plain living and
high thinking”.
I WANT some fields and hills, woodlands and streams I can call my own. I
want to spend my strength in making fields green, and the cattle fat, so that I may give
sustenance to my loved ones, and aid to those neighbors who suffer misfortune. I do
not want a life of monotonous paper-shuffling or of trafficking with money-mad trad-
I ONLY want enough of science to enable fruitful husbandry of the land with
simple tools, a time for leisure, and the guarding of my family’s health. I do not care to
be absorbed in the endless examining of force and space and matter, which I believe
can only slowly lead to God.
I DO not want a hectic hurrying from place to place on whizzing machines or
busy streets. I do not want an elbowing through crowds of impatient strangers who
have time neither to think their own thoughts nor to know real friendship. I want to
live slowly, to relax with my family before a glowing fireplace, to welcome the visits of
my neighbors, to worship God, to enjoy a book, to lie on a shaded grassy bank and
watch the clouds sail across the blue.
I WANT to love a wife who prefers rural peace to urban excitement, one who
would rather climb a hilltop to watch a sunset with me than to take a taxi to any
Broadway play. I want a woman who is not afraid of bearing children, and who is able
to rear them with a love for home and the soil, and the fear of God.
I WANT of Government only protection against the violence and injustices of
evil or selfish men.
I WANT to reach the sunset of life sound in body and mind, flanked by strong
sons and grandsons, enjoying the friendship and respect of neighbors, surrounded by
fertile fields and sleek cattle, and retaining my boyhood faith in Him who promised a
life to come.
WHERE CAN I find this world? Would its anachronism doom it to ridicule or
loneliness? Is there yet a place for such simple ways in my own America or must I seek
a vale in Turkestan where peaceful flocks still graze the quiet hills?
John M. Birch
An ambassador for Christ
II. Corinthians 5:20
May 28, 1918 – August 25, 1945
JOHN BIRCH was a Baptist missionary in a remote province of China during World War II
when, through a series of extraordinary coincidences, he helped Colonel James Doolittle
and several of his downed fliers to safety. He was subsequently inducted into the U.S. Army
as an intelligence officer under General Chennault, and served for slightly over three years
of America’s war with Japan. His remarkable feats of personal courage and leadership
helped immeasurably to bring about victory in China. Ten days following the end of the war,
while on a peaceful mission for the Army, he was brutally murdered by Chinese Com-
This tract was distributed by:
2. LIKE many of the noble souls associated with
America's founding, John Morrison Birch
was a man rooted in principles that trans-
cend politics. In a "prose poem" written at
age 26, John Birch gave voice to his Jeffer-
son-esque longing to "live slowly, to relax
with my family before a glowing fireplace ...
to enjoy a good book ... to reach the sunset of
my life sound in body and mind, flanked by
strong sons and grandsons...." Regrettably,
John Birch's tireless service to God and lib-
erty denied him such irenic pleasures.
At the age of seven, Birch expressed a desire
to become a Christian missionary. Upon
learning of the violence inflicted upon mis-
sionaries by Chinese communists, the
youngster selected China as his mission field.
When cautioned by his pastor that "more
will be killed" in China, Birch replied: "I
know the big enemy is communism, but the
Lord has called me. My life is in his hands,
and I am not turning back."
Birch's labors in China began in 1940, a time
when the country was being ravaged by the
Japanese military. After Pearl Harbor he
dyed his hair black, adopted the garb of the
local population, and continued his under-
ground work behind enemy lines.
While near the border of Japanese-occupied
territory on the evening of April 19, 1942,
Birch came upon Colonel James H. Doolittle
and members of the raiding party that had
just completed a dramatic bombing raid on
Tokyo. With his encyclopedic knowledge of
the language, customs, and geography of
China, Birch was able to convey Doolittle
and the crews of 12 American bombers to
safety in free China.
Shortly thereafter, Birch became an intelli-
gence analyst as a second lieutenant with the
China Air Task Force -- General Claire
Chennault's legendary "Flying Tigers." Per-
forming high-risk intelligence-gathering
missions on the ground, Birch acted as "the
eyes of the 14th Air Force," devising an early
warning system that enabled U.S. air units to
come to the aid of Chinese units under en-
emy attack. He also organized a rescue sys-
tem for pilots who were shot down by the
Japanese. Chennault credited Birch with the
fact that 90 percent of his downed flyers
were rescued.
On August 25, 1945 -- ten days after the end
of WWII -- Birch (by then a captain) was
part of an official military mission to Suchow
that was detained by Chinese communists.
Captain Birch and another man were sepa-
rated from their group and shot. An autopsy
later demonstrated that after Birch had been
immobilized by a gunshot to the leg, his
hands were tied behind his back and he was
shot execution-style in the back of his head.
The communists had also desecrated Birch's
dead body. His face smashed with bayonets,
as was that of his aide, who was left for dead.
This man survived to tell the tale. So it was
that John Birch died, without ever knowing
that the China for which he had given his all
to help save had been betrayed into Com-
munist hands by his own nation's leaders. In
its desire to depict the Red Chinese as innoc-
uous "agrarian reformers," the U.S. govern-
ment suppressed the news of the unpro-
voked murder of Captain Birch.
AS THE truth of John Birch’s martyr death
was uncovered years later, it was said about
him: “If we rediscover some of our sounder
spiritual values in the example of his life, re-
charge our determination from the spark of
his courage, and learn essential truths about
our enemy from the lesson of his murder,
then his death at twenty-six ceases to be a
After reading about the life and death of
John Birch, the reader might ask how we can
rediscover those sounder spiritual values to-
day. He is set for an example for us today
that exhorts us to follow Christ. It was John
Birch, who before his tragic death made a
few profound prophetic statements about
the time after World War II. He said: “I be-
lieve that this war and the ensuing feder-
ations will set the world stage, as never be-
fore, for the rise of anti-Christ!” He also
warned about the “lust-ridden years
which will follow this war.” Is not that
what we are observing today? We see how
man shuts God out of his daily activities
and lives a life that is dictated by market-
ing strategies, political correctness, and
lust. This is not what God intended for
man. Only Jesus makes man free from the
bondage of sin and death. God wants to
live within man and reign in the hearts of
man. As John Birch expressed it: “Often in
these days, I feel that those barren years
are my apprenticeship, God-given, and
that a message is being formed, by Him,
within me, that will one day burn its way
out and across man’s barriers, into the
souls of many men. I know that God is pre-
paring me (has prepared, in some re-
spects) to stand privation, pain, isolation,
fatigue, and physical danger. to what end?
That I trust Him to show me in His own
Dear reader, do you have Jesus Christ in
your heart and is He using you for His own
glory? You can make peace with God right
now. Come before the Lord Jesus Christ
and give Him your life. Repent of all your
sin, and tell Him you want Him in your
life. Give your life into His hands. God’s
will is recorded in His Word, the Holy Bi-
ble, and you should nourish yourself in the
word of God, so you can step on God’s side
and receive His wisdom on the many as-
pects of life. Do not forget that God loves
you, and can cleanse you from your sin.
Jesus revealed this love when he came and
took your sin upon himself and died on the
cross. What was he punished for? He lived
a life without sin. But he took upon himself
the punishment for your sin. You can read
that in the Bible in Isaiah, chapter 53. Read
also 2. Peter 2:24,25: “Who his own self
bare our sins in his own body on the tree,
that we, being dead to sins, should live
unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye
were healed. For ye were as sheep going
astray; but are now returned unto the
Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.”
Have you already returned to Jesus Christ,
that good Shepherd? Do not hesitate or put
off God’s call. His grace is there to save
you. You need to claim it by faith. Here is
another scripture that tells you about what
Jesus has done for you and is doing now.
“Let this mind be in you, which was also
in Christ Jesus: who, being in the form
of God, thought it not robbery to be
equal with God: but made himself of no
reputation, and took upon himself the
form of a servant, and was made in the
likeness of men: and being found in fash-
ion as a man, he humbled himself, and
became obedient unto death, even the
death of the cross. Wherefore, God has
also highly exalted him, and given him a
name which is above every name: that at
the name of Jesus every knee should
bow, of things in heaven, and things in
earth, and things under the earth; and
that every tongue should confess that Je-
sus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the
Father.” Jesus has promised eternal life
for those who come and bow before him.
John 3:16 “For God so loved the world,
that he gave his only begotten Son, that
whosoever believeth in him should not
perish, but have everlasting life.” God is
faithful and keeps His promise. When you
have begun your new life with Jesus, He
places in you a desire to unite with other
believers. You need to ask for God’s lead-
ership in finding a church that is true to
His word. Jesus Christ is building His
church even today. The true church con-
sists of baptized believers; a called out as-
sembly of redeemed people (Ephesians
5:21-33) that is local and independent.
“We pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye
reconciled to God.” (2. Cor 5:20)
Read about the life and death of
John Birch, the American patriot
and Christian missionary.
What essential truth can we learn
from the sacrificial life and tragic
death of John Birch?