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“Let Him Deliver Him Now”
“He trusted in God. Let Him deliver Him now, if He will have Him: for
He said I am the Son of God.”
Matthew 27:43
THESE words are a fulfillment of the prophecy containedin the twenty-
secondPsalm. Readfrom the seventhverse–“Allthey that see Me laugh Me to
scorn:they shoot out the lip, they shake the head, saying, He trusted on the
Lord that He would deliver Him: let Him deliver Him, seeing He delighted in
Him.” Thus to the letter does our Lord answerto the ancient prophecy.
It is very painful to the heart to picture our blessedMasterin His death-
agonies, surrounded by a ribald multitude who watchedHim and mocked
Him. They made sport of His prayer and insulted His faith. Nothing was
sacredto them–they invaded the Holy of Holies, His confidence in God and
taunted Him concerning that faith in Jehovahwhich they were compelled to
admit. See, dearFriends, what an evil thing is sin, since the Sin-bearer suffers
so bitterly to make atonementfor it! See, also, the shame of sin, since even the
Prince of Glory, when bearing the consequencesofit, is coveredwith
contempt! Behold, also, how He loved us! Forour sake He “endured the
Cross, despising the shame.” He loved us so much that even scornof the most
cruel sort He deigned to bear, that He might take awayour shame and enable
us to look up unto God.
Beloved, the treatment of our Lord Jesus Christby men is the clearestproof
of total depravity which can possibly be required or discovered. Those must
be stony hearts, indeed, which can laugh at a dying Saviorand mock even at
His faith in God! Compassionwould seemto have desertedhumanity while
malice satsupreme on the throne. Painful as the picture is, it will do you good
to paint it. You will need neither canvas, norbrush, nor palette, nor colors.
Let your thoughts draw the outline and your love fill in the detail. I shall not
complain if imagination heightens the coloring. The Son of God, whom angels
adore with veiled faces, is pointed at with scornful fingers by men who thrust
out the tongue and mockinglyexclaim, “He trusted on the Lord that He would
deliver Him: let Him deliver Him, seeing He delighted in Him.”
While thus we see our Lord in His sorrow and His shame as our Substitute,
we must not forget that He also is there as our Representative. Thatwhich
appears in many a Psalmto relate to David is found in the Gospels to refer to
Jesus, our Lord. Often and often the student of the Psalmwill say to himself,
“Of whom does the Prophet speak?”He will have to disentangle the threads
sometimes and mark off that which belongs to David and that which relates to
the Sonof God. And frequently he will not be able to disentangle the threads
at all because theyare one and may relate both to David and to David’s Lord.
This is meant to show us that the life of Christ is an epitome of the life of His
people. He not only suffers for us as our Substitute but He suffers before us as
our Pattern. In Him we see whatwe have in our measure to endure. “As He is,
so are we also in this world.” We also must be crucified to the world and we
may look for some of those tests of faith and taunts of derision which go with
such a crucifixion. “Marvel not if the world hates you.” You, too, must suffer
without the gate. Not for the world’s redemption but for the accomplishment
of Divine purposes in you and through you. To the sons of men you must be
made to know the Cross and its shame. Christ is the mirror of the Church.
What the Head endured, every member of the body will also have to endure in
its measure.
Let us read the text in this light and come to it saying to ourselves, “Here we
see what Jesus sufferedin our place and we learn hereby to love Him with all
our souls. Here, too, we see, as in a prophecy, how greatthings we are to
suffer for His sake atthe hands of men.” May the Holy Spirit help us in our
meditation so that at the close ofit we may more ardently love our Lord, who
suffered for us and may we more carefully arm ourselves with the same mind
which enabled Him to endure such contradiction of sinners againstHimself.
Coming at once to the text, first, observe the acknowledgmentwith which the
text begins–“He trustedin God.” The enemies of Christ admitted His faith in
God. Secondly, considerthe test which is the essenceofthe taunt–“Let Him
deliver Him, if He will have Him.” When we have taken those two things into
our minds, then let us for a while considerthe answer to that testand taunt–
God does assuredlydeliver His people. Those who trust in Him have no
reasonto be ashamedof their faith.
1. First, then, my Beloved, you who know the Lord by faith and live by
trusting in Him, let me invite you to OBSERVE THE
ACKNOWLEDGMENTwhichthese mockers made of our Lord’s
faith–“He trusted in God.” Yet the Saviordid not wear any peculiar
garb or token by which He let men know that He trusted in God. He
was not a recluse, neither did He join some little knot of separatists who
boastedtheir peculiar trust in Jehovah. Although our Savior was
separate from sinners, He was eminently a man among men, and He
went in and out among the multitude as one of themselves.
His one peculiarity was that “He trusted in God.” He was so perfectly a man
that although He was undoubtedly a Jew, there were no Jewishpeculiarities
about Him. Any nation might claim Him but no nation could monopolize Him.
The characteristicsofour humanity are so palpably about Him that He
belongs to all mankind. I admire the Welchsisterwho was of opinion that the
Lord Jesus must be Welch. When they askedher how she proved it she said
that He always spoke to her heart in Welch. Doubtless it was so and I can,
with equal warmth, declare that He always speaksto me in English.
Brethren from Germany, France, Sweden, Italy–you all claim that He speaks
to you in your own tongue. This was the one thing which distinguished Him
among men–“He trusted in God,” and He lived such a life as naturally grows
out of faith in the Eternal Lord. This peculiarity had been visible even to that
ungodly multitude who leastof all caredto perceive a spiritual point of
character. Was everany other upon a cross thus saluted by the mob who
watchedhis execution? Had these scorners evermockedanyone before for
such a matter as this? I Doubt it. Yet faith had been so manifest in our Lord’s
daily life that the crowd cried out aloud, “He trusted in God.”
How did they know? I suppose they could not help seeing that He made much
of God in His teaching, in His life and in His miracles. WheneverJesus spoke
it was always godly talk. And if it were not always distinctly about God, it was
always about things that related to God, that came from God, that led to God,
that magnified God. A man may be fairly judged by that which he makes most
of. The ruling passionis a fair gauge ofthe heart. What a soul-ruler faith is! It
sways the man as the rudder guides the ship. When a man once gets to live by
faith in God, it tinctures his thoughts, it masters his purposes. It flavors his
words, it puts a tone into his actions and it comes out in everything by ways
and means most natural and unconstrained–till men perceive that they have
to do with a man who makes much of God.
The unbelieving world says outright that there is no God and the less
impudent, who admit His existence, put Him down at a very low figure–so low
that it does not affect their calculations. Butto the true Christian, God is not
only much, but ALL. To our Lord Jesus, Godwas All in All. And when you
come to estimate God as He did, then the most carelessonlookerwill soon
begin to say of you, “He trusted in God.” In addition to observing that Jesus
made much of God, men came to note that He was a trusting man and not
self-confident. Certain persons are very proud because they are self-made
men. I will do them the credit to admit that they heartily worship their
maker–Selfmade them, and they worship Self.
We have among us individuals who are self-sufficientand almost all-sufficient.
They sneerat those who do not succeed, for they cansucceedanywhere at
anything The world to them is a football which they can kick where they like.
If they do not rise to the very highest eminence it is simply out of pity to the
rest of us who ought to have a chance. A vat of sufficiency ferments within
their ribs! There was nothing of that sort of thing in our Lord. Those who
watchedHim did not say that He had greatself-reliance and a noble spirit of
self-confidence. No, no!They said, “He trusted in God.” Indeed it was so. The
words that He spoke He spoke not of Himself. The greatdeeds that He did He
never boastedof but said, “the Father that dwells in Me, He does the works.”
He trusted in God, not a boasterin self.
Brethren, I desire that you and I may be just of that order. Self-confidence is
the death of confidence in God. Reliance upon talent, tact, experience and
things of that kind kills faith, Oh that we may know what faith means and so
look out of ourselves and quit the evil confidence which looks within!
On the other hand, we may wiselyremember that while our Lord Jesus was
not self-reliant, He trusted and was by no means despondent–He was never
discouraged. He neither questioned His commission nor despaired of fulfilling
it. He never said, “I must give it up–I can never succeed.”No–“Hetrusted in
God.” And this is a grand point in the working of faith, that while it keeps us
from self-conceit, it equally preserves us from enfeebling fear. Our blessed
Lord set His face like a flint when, being baffled, He returned to the conflict.
When being betrayed, He still perseveredin His love–then men could not help
seeing that he trusted in God. His faith was not mere repetition of a creed, or
professionof belief but it was childlike reliance upon the Most High. May ours
be of the same order!
It is evident that the Lord Jesus trusted in God openly, since even yonder
gibing crowd proclaimed it. Some goodpeople try to exercise faith on the sly–
they practice it in snug corners and in lonely hours but they are afraid to say
much before others for fear their faith should not see the promise fulfilled.
They dare not say, with David, “My soul shall make her boastin the Lord–the
humble shall hear thereof and be glad.” This secrecyrobs God of His honor.
Brethren, we do not glorify our God as He ought to be glorified. Let us trust
in Him and own it. Why should we be ashamed? Let us throw down the gauge
of battle to earth and Hell. God, the true and faithful, deserves to be trusted
without limit.
Trust your all with Him and be not ashamed of having done so. Our Savior
was not ashamed of trusting in His God. On the Cross He cried, “You did
make Me hope when I was upon My mother’s breast.” Jesus lived by faith.
We are sure that He did, for in the Epistle to the Hebrews He is quoted as
saying, “I will put my trust in Him.” If so glorious a Personageas the only
begottenSon of God lived here by faith in God, how are you and I to live
exceptby trust in God? If we live unto God, this is the absolute necessityof
our spiritual life–“the just shall live by faith.” Shall we be ashamedof that
which brings life to us?
The cruel ones who saw Jesus die did not say, “He now and then trusted in
God.” Nor, “He trusted in the Lord years ago.” Theyadmitted that faith in
God was the constant tenor of His life–they could not deny it. Even though,
with malicious cruelty, they turned it into a taunt, yet they did not casta
question upon the fact that, “He trusted in God.” Oh, I want you to live that
those who dislike you most may nevertheless know that you trust in God!
When you come to die, may your dear children sayof you, “Our dear mother
did trust in the Lord”!
May that boy who has gone furthest awayfrom Christ and grievedyour heart
the most, nevertheless sayin his heart, “There may be hypocrites in the world
but my dear father does truly trust in God”!Oh, that our faith may be known
unmistakably! We do not wish it to be advertised to our own honor. That is
the farthestthing from our minds. But yet we would have it knownthat others
may be encouragedand that God may be glorified. If nobody else trusts in
God, let us do so. And thus may we uplift a testimony to the honor of His
faithfulness. When we die, may this be our epitaph–“He trusted in God.”
David, in the twenty-secondPsalm, represents the enemies as saying of our
Lord–“He trusted on the Lord that He would deliver Him.” This practical
faith is sure to be knownwherever it is in operation, because it is exceedingly
rare. Multitudes of people have a kind of faith in God but it does not come to
the practicalpoint of trusting that God will deliver them. I see upon the
newspaperplacards, Startling News!People in the Planets!“ Not a very
practicaldiscovery. For many a day there has been a tendency to refer God’s
promises and our faith to the planets, or somewhere beyond this present
everyday life.
We sayto ourselves, “Ohyes, God delivers His people.” We mean that He did
so in the days of Moses and possibly He may be doing so now in some obscure
island of the sea. Ah me, the glory of faith lies in its being fit for everyday
wear. Can it be said of you, “He trusted in God, that He would deliver him”?
Have you faith of the kind which will make you lean upon the Lord in
poverty, in sickness, in bereavement, in persecution, in slander, in contempt?
Have you a trust in God to bear you up in holy living at all costs andin active
service even beyond your strength? Can you trust in God definitely about this
and that? Can you trust about food and raiment, and home? Can you trust
God even about your shoes, that they shall be iron and brass? And about the
hairs of your head that they are all numbered? What we need is less theory
and more actualtrust in God.
The faith of the text was personal–“thatHe would deliver Him.” Blessedis
that faith which can reachits arm of compassionaroundthe world but that
faith must begin at home. Of what use were the longestarm if it were not fixed
to the man himself at the shoulder If you have no faith about yourself, what
faith can you have about others? “He trusted on the Lord that He would
deliver Him.” Come, Beloved, have you such a faith in the living God? Do you
trust in God through Christ Jesus that He will save you? Yes, you poor,
unworthy One, the Lord will deliver you if you trust Him. Yes, poor Woman,
or unknown Man, the Lord can help you in your present trouble and in every
other and He will do so if you trust Him to that end. May the Holy Spirit lead
you to first trust the Lord Jesus forthe pardon of sin, and then to trust in God
for all things.
Let us pause a minute. Let a man trust in God. Not in fiction, but in fact, and
he will find that he has solid rock under his feet. Let him trust about his own
daily needs and trials and rest assuredthat the Lord will actually appear for
him and he will not be disappointed. Such a trust in God is a very reasonable
thing. Its absence is most unreasonable. If there is a God, He knows all about
my case.If He made my ears He can hear me. If He made my eyes He can see
me. And therefore He perceives my condition. If He is my Father, as He says
He is, He will certainly care for me and will help me in my hour of need. Is
there anything unreasonable, then, in trusting in God that He will deliver us?
I venture to say that if all the forces in the universe were put togetherand all
the kindly intents of all who are our friends were put togetherand we were
then to rely upon those united forces and intents we should not have a
thousandth part so much justification for our confidence as when we depend
upon God, whose intents and forces are infinitely greaterthan those of all the
world beside. “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.
It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes.” If you view
things in the white light of pure reason, it is infinitely more reasonable to trust
in the living God than in all His creatures put together.
Certainly, dear Friends, it is extremely comfortable to trust in God. I find it so
and therefore encourage you to roll your burden upon the Lord since He will
sustain you. We know Him to be faithful and as powerful as He is faithful.
And our dependence upon Him is the solid foundation of a profound peace.
While it is comfortable, it is also uplifting. If you trust in men, the bestof men,
you are likely to be loweredby your trust. We are apt to cringe before those
who patronize us. If your prosperity depends upon a person’s smile you are
tempted to pay homage even when it is undeserved. The old saying mentions a
certain personas, “knowing on which side his bread is buttered.” Thousands
are practicallydegraded by their trusting in men.
But when our reliance is upon the living God we are raisedby it and elevated
both morally and spiritually. You may bow in deepest reverence before God
and yet there will be no flattery. You may lie in the dust before the Majestyof
Heaven and yet not be dishonored by your humility. In fact, it is our greatness
to be nothing in the Presence ofthe MostHigh. This confidence in God makes
men strong. I should advise the enemy not to oppose the man who trusts in
God. In the long run he will be beaten, as Haman found it with Mordecai. He
had been warned of this by Zeresh, his wife, and his wise men, who said, “If
Mordecaiis of the seedof the Jews, before whom you have begun to fall, you
shall not prevail againsthim but shall surely fall before him.”
Contend not with a man who has God at his back. Years ago the Mentonese
desired to break away from the dominion of the Prince of Monaco. They,
therefore, drove out his agent. The prince came with his army, not a very
greatone, it is true, but still formidable to the Mentonese. I know not what the
high and mighty prince was not going to do. But the news came that the King
of Sardinia was coming up in the rear to help the Mentonese andtherefore his
lordship of Monaco very prudently retired to his own rock. When a Believer
stands out againstevil he may be sure that the Lord of Hosts will not be far
away. The enemy shall hear the dash of His horse and the blast of His trumpet
and shall flee before Him. Therefore be of goodcourage andcompel the world
to say of you, “He trusted in the Lord that He would deliver him.”
II. Secondly, I want you to follow me briefly in considering THE TEST
WHICH IS THE ESSENCE OF THE TAUNT which was hurled by the
mockers againstour Lord–“LetHim deliver Him now, if He will have Him.”
Such a test will come to all Believers. It may come as a taunt from enemies. It
will certainly come as a trial of your faith. The Archenemy will assuredlyhiss
out, “Let Him deliver him, seeing he delighted in Him.” This taunt has about
it the appearance ofbeing very logicaland, indeed, in a measure, so it is. If
God has promised to deliver us and we have openly professedto believe the
promise it is only natural that others should say, “Let us see whether He does
deliver him. This man believes that the Lord will help him. And He must help
him, or else the man’s faith is a delusion.”
This is the sortof testto which we ourselves would have put others before our
conversionand we cannot objectto be proved in the same manner ourselves.
Perhaps we incline to run awayfrom the ordealbut this very shrinking should
be a solemn call to us to question the genuineness of that faith which we are
afraid to test. “He trusted on the Lord,” says the enemy, “that He would
deliver him–let Him deliver him.” And surely, howevermalicious the design,
there is no escaping from the logic of the challenge. It is peculiarly painful to
have this stern inference driven home to you in the hour of sorrow.
Becauseone cannotdeny the fairness of the appeal, it is all the more trying. In
the time of depressionof spirit it is hard to have one’s faith questioned, or the
ground on which it stands made a matter of dispute. Either to be mistakenin
one’s belief, or to have no real faith, or to find the ground of one’s faith fail, is
an exceedinglygrievous thing. Yet as our Lord was not spared this painful
ordealwe must not expectto be kept clearof it and Satanknows wellhow to
work these questions till the poisonof them sets the blood on fire. “He trusted
on the Lord that He would deliver him. Let Him deliver him.” He hurls this
fiery dart into the soul till the man is sorely wounded and canscarcelyhold
his ground.
The taunt is speciallypointed and personal. It is put thus–“He trusted on the
Lord that He would deliver him–let Him deliver him.” “Do not come to us
with your fiddle-faddle about God’s helping all His chosen. Here is a man who
is one of His people, will He help him? Do not talk to us of big things about
Jehovahat the Red Sea, orin the Desertof Sinai, or God helping His people in
ages past. Here is a living man before us who trusted in Godthat He would
deliver him–let Him deliver him now.” You know how Satanwill pick out one
of the most afflicted–andpointing his fingers at him will cry–“Let Him deliver
Brethren, the testis fair. God will be true to every Believer. If any child of
God could be lostit would be quite enough to enable the devil to spoil all the
glory of God forever. If one promise of God to one of His people should fail,
that one failure would suffice to mar the veracity of the Lord to all eternity.
They would publish it in the “DiabolicalGazette,”and in every street of
Tophet they would howl it out, “Godhas failed! God has brokenHis promise!
God has ceasedto be faithful to His people!” It would then be a horrible
reproach–“He trustedin God to deliver him but He did not deliver him.”
Much emphasis lies in its being in the present tense–“He trustedin God that
He would deliver Him: let Him deliver Him now.” I see You, O Lord Jesus,
You are in the wilderness, where the Fiend is saying, “If You are the Son of
God, command that these stones be made bread.” No. You are nailed to the
tree–Your enemies have hemmed You in. The legionaries ofRome are at the
foot of the Cross, the scribes and Phariseesand raging Jews compass about
You. There is no escape from death for You! Hence their cry–“Let Him
deliver Him now.” Ah, Brothers and Sisters!this is how Satan assailsus, using
our presentand pressing tribulations as the barbs of his arrows. Yet here,
also, there is reasonand logic in the challenge.
If God does not deliver His servants at one time as well as another, He has not
kept His promise. For a man of Truth is always true and a promise once given
always stands. A promise cannot be broken now and then, and yet the honor
of the persongiving it be maintained by his keeping it at other times. The
word of a true man stands always good–itis goodnow. This is logic, bitter
logic, cold steellogic–logicwhich seems to cut right down your backbone and
cleave your spine. “He trusted on the Lord that He would deliver Him: let
Him deliver Him now.” Yet this hard logic can be turned to comfort. I told
you a story the other day of the brother in Guy’s Hospital to whom the
doctors said that he must undergo an operation which was extremely
They gave him a week to considerwhether he would submit to it. He was
troubled, for his young wife and children, and for his work for the Lord. A
friend left a bunch of flowers for him with this verse as its motto, “He trusted
in God. Let Him deliver Him now.” “Yes,” he thought, “now.” In prayer he
casthimself upon the Lord and felt in his heart, “Come on, doctors, I am
ready for you.” When the next morning came he refused to take chloroform
for he desired to go to Heaven in his senses.He bore the operation manfully
and he is yet alive. “He trusted on the Lord that He would deliver him” then
and there–andthe Lord did so. In this lies the brunt of the battle.
A Christian man may be beatenin business, he may fail to meet all demands
and then Satanyells, “Let Him deliver him now.” The poor man has been out
of work for two or three months, tramping the streets of London until he has
worn out his boots. He has been brought to his last penny. I think I hear the
laugh of the Prince of Darkness as he cries, “LetHim deliver him now.” Or
else the Believeris very ill in body and low in spirit and then Satanhowls,
“Let Him deliver him now.” Some of us have been in very trying positions. We
were moved with indignation because ofdeadly error and we spoke plainly
but men refusedto hear. Those we relied upon desertedus. Goodmen sought
their own ease and would not march with us and we had to bear testimony for
the despisedTruth of God alone–until we were ourselves despised.
Then the adversaryshouted, “Let Him deliver him now.” Be it so!We do not
refuse the test. Our God whom we serve will deliver us. We will not bow down
to modern thought nor worship the image which human wisdom has set up.
Our God is God both of hills and of valleys. He will not fail His servants albeit
that for a while He forbears that He may try their faith. We dare acceptthe
test and say, “Let Him deliver us now.”
BelovedFriends, we need not be afraid of this taunt if it is brought by
adversaries. For, afterall, the testwill come to us apart from any malice–forit
is inevitable. All the faith you have will be tried. I can see you heaping it up.
How rich you are!What a pile of faith! Friend, you are almost perfect! Open
the furnace door and put the heap in. Does it shrink? See how it shrivels! Is
there anything left? Bring here a magnifying glass. Is this all that is left? Yes,
this is all that remains of the heap. You say, “I trusted in God.” Yes, but you
had reasonto cry, “Lord, help my unbelief.” Brethren, we have not a tithe of
the faith we think we have. But regardless, allour faith must be tested.
God builds no ships but what He sends to sea. In living, in losing, in working,
in weeping, in suffering, or in striving, God will find a fitting crucible for
every single grain of the precious faith which He has given us. Then He will
come to us and say–“Youtrusted in God that He would deliver you and you
shall be delivered now.” How you will open your eyes as you see the Lord’s
hand of deliverance! What a man of wonders you will be when you tell in your
riper years to the younger people how the Lord delivered you! Why there are
some Christians I know of who, like the ancient mariner, could detain even a
wedding guestwith their stories of God’s wonders on the deep. Yes, the test
will come againand again. May the ridicules of adversaries only make us
ready for the sterner ordeals of the judgment to come.
O my dear Friends, examine your religion. You have a greatdeal of it, some of
you. But what of its quality? Can your religion stand the test of poverty, and
scandaland scorn? Canit stand the test of scientific sarcasmand learned
contempt? Will your religionstand the test of long sicknessofbody and
depressionof spirit causedby weakness?Whatare you doing amid the
common trials of life? What will you do in the swellings of Jordan? Examine
well your faith, since all hangs there. Some of us who have lain for weeks
together, peering through the thin veil which parts us from the unseen, have
been made to feel that nothing will suffice us but a promise which will answer
the taunt, “Let Him deliver us now.”
III. I shall finish, in the third place, dear Friends, by noticing THE ANSWER
to the test. God does deliver those who trust in Him. God’s interposition for
the faithful is not a dream but a substantial reality. “Many are the afflictions
of the righteous:but the Lord delivers him out of them all.”
All history proves the faithfulness of God. Those who trust Godhave been in
all sorts of troubles, but they have always been delivered. They have been
bereaved. What a horrible bereavement was that which fell to the lot of Aaron
when his two sons were struck dead for their profanity in the Presenceof
God! “And Aaron held his peace”!What Divine Grace was there! Thus will
the Lord sustainyou, also, should He take awaythe desire of your eyes with a
stroke. Grave after grave has the goodman visited till it seemedthat his whole
race was buried and yet his heart has not been broken–he has bowed his soul
before the will of the Ever BlessedOne.
Thus has the Lord delivered His afflicted one by sustaining him. In other ways
the bush has burned and yet has not been consumed. Remember the
multiplied and multiform trials of Job. Yet God sustained him to the end so
that he did not charge God foolishly but held fasthis faith in the MostHigh. If
ever you are called to the afflictions of Job you will also be called to the
sustaining Grace ofJob. Some of God’s servants have been defeatedin their
testimony. They have borne faithful witness for God but they have been
rejectedof men. It has been their lot, like Cassandra, to prophesy the truth
but not to be believed. Such was Jeremiah, who was born to a heritage of
scornfrom those whose benefit he sought. Yet he was delivered. He shrank
not from being faithful. His courage couldnot be silenced. By integrity he was
Godly men have been despised and misrepresentedand yet have been
delivered. Remember David and his envious brothers, David and the
malignant Saul, David when his men spoke of stoning him. Yet he took off the
giant’s head. Yet he came to the throne. Yet the Lord built him a house. Some
of God’s servants have been bitterly persecutedbut God has delivered them.
Daniel came forth from the lions' den and the three holy children from the
midst of the burning fiery furnace. These are only one or two out of millions
who trusted God and He delivered them. Out of all manner of ill the Lord
delivered them. God brought this crowdof witnesses through all their trials
unto His Throne where they rest with Jesus and share the triumph of their
Masterat this very day.
O my timid Brothers and Sisters, nothing has happened to you but what is
common to men. Your battle is not different from the warfare of the restof
the saints. And as God has delivered them He will deliver you also, seeing you
put your trust in Him. But God’s ways of deliverance are His own. He does
not deliver according to the translationput upon “deliverance” by the ribald
throng. He does not deliver according to the interpretation put upon
“deliverance” by our shrinking flesh and blood. He delivers, but it is in His
own way. Let me remark that if God delivers you and me in the same way as
He delivered His own Son, we can have no cause of complaint. If the
deliverance which He vouchsafedto us is of the same kind as that which He
vouchsafedto the Only Begotten, we may well be content.
Well, what kind of a deliverance was that? Did the Father tear up the Cross
from the earth? Did He proceedto draw out the nails from the sacredhands
and feetof His dear Son? Did He setHim down upon that “greenhill far
away, beyond the city wall” and place in His hand a sword of fire with which
to smite His adversaries? DidHe bid the earth open and swallow up all His
foes? No. Nothing of the kind. Jehovahdid not interpose to spare His Sona
single pang. He let Him die. He let Him be taken as a dead man down from the
Cross and laid in a tomb. Jesus wentthrough with His suffering to the bitter
end. O Brothers and Sisters, this may be God’s way of delivering us! We have
trusted in God that He would deliver us. And His rendering of His promise is
that He will enable us to go through with it. We shall suffer to the last and
triumph in so doing.
Yet God’s way of delivering those who trust in Him is always the best way. If
the Fatherhad takenHis Son down from the Cross whatwould have been the
result? Redemption unaccomplished, salvationwork undone and Jesus
returning with His life-work unfinished. This would not have been deliverance
but defeat. It was much better for our Lord Jesus to die. Now He has paid the
ransom for His electand having accomplishedthe greatpurpose of atonement
He has slept a while in the heart of the earth and now has ascendedto His
Throne in the endless glories ofHeaven. It was deliverance of the fullest kind.
For from the pangs of His death have come the joys of life to His redeemed. It
is not God’s will that every mountain should be leveled, but that we should be
the strongerfor climbing the Hill Difficulty. God will deliver. He must deliver,
but He will do it in our cases,as in the case ofour Lord, in the bestpossible
He will deliver His chosen–the taunt of the Adversary shall not cause our God
to forget or forego His people. I know that the Lord will no more fail me than
any other of His servants. He will not leave a faithful witness to his
adversaries. “Iknow that my Avenger lives and that He shall stand at the
latter day upon the earth: and though after my skin worms destroythis body,
yet in my flesh shall I see God: whom I shall see for myself and my eyes shall
behold and not another; though my reins be consumedwithin.”
Is this also your confidence? Thendo not sit down in sorrow and act as though
you despaired. Quit yourselves like men. Be strong, fear not. Castyourselves
on the love that never changes and never faints and the Lord will answerall
the reviling of Rabshakehandthe blustering of Sennacherib.
There are times when we may use this text to our comfort. “Let Him deliver
Him now,” says the text, “if He will have Him.” You, dear Friends, who have
never believed in the Lord Jesus Christ before, how I wish you could try Him
now! You feel this morning full of sin and full of need. Come, then, and trust
the Saviornow. See whetherHe will not save you now. Is there one day in the
year in which Jesus cannotsave a sinner? Come and see whether the 17 th of
June is that day.Try whether He will not deliver you now from the guilt, the
penalty, the power of sin. Why not come? You have never, perhaps, been in
the Tabernacle before and when coming here this morning you did not think
of finding the Savior.
Oh, that the Saviormay find you! Jesus Christ is a Saviorevery day, all the
year round. Whoevercomes to Him shall find eternallife now. “Oh,” you say,
“I am in such an unfit state. I am clothedin carelessnessand godlessness.”
Come along, Man, come along, just as you are. Tarry not for improvement or
arrangement–forboth of these Jesus will give you. Come and put your trust in
the greatSacrifice forsin and He will deliver you–deliver you now. Lord, save
the sinner, now!
Others of you are the children of God but you are in peculiar trouble. Well,
what are you going to do? You have always trusted in God before–are you
going to doubt Him now? “O my dear Sir, you do not know my distress. I am
the most afflicted personin the Tabernacle.”Be it so. But you trusted in the
Lord the past twenty years and I do not believe that you have seenany just
cause for denying Him your confidence now. Did you say that you have known
him from your youth up? What? You are seventy years of age!Then you are
too near Home to begin distrusting your heavenly Father. That will never do.
You have been to sea and have weatheredmany a storm in mid-ocean and are
you now going to be drowned in a ditch? Think not so. The Lord will deliver
you even now.
Do not let us suppose that we have come where boundless love and infinite
wisdom cannot reachus. Do not fancy that you have leapedupon a ledge of
rock so high as to be out of reachof the everlasting arm. If you had done so I
would still cry–Throw yourself down into the arms of God and trust that He
will not let you be destroyed. It may be that some of us are in trouble about
the Church and the faith. We have defended God’s Truth as wellas we could
and spokenout againstdeadly error. But craft and numbers have been
againstus and at present, things seemto have gone wrong. The goodare timid
and the evil are false. Theysay, “He trusted in God: let Him deliver him
now.” Sirs, He will deliver us now. We will throw our soulonce more into this
battle and see if the Lord does not vindicate His Truth. If we have not spoken
in God’s name we are content to go back to the dust from where we sprang.
But if we have spokenGod’s Truth, we defy the whole confederacyto prevail
Perhaps I speak to some missionarywho is mourning over a time of greattrial
in a mission which is dear to his heart. Ah, dear Friend! Christ intended that
the Gospelshould repeatHis own experience and then should triumph like
Himself. The Gospellives by being killed and conquers by defeat. Castit
where you will, it always falls upon its feet. You need not be afraid of it under
any trial. Just now the wisdom of man is its worstfoe, but the Lord will
deliver it now. The Gospellives and reigns. Tellit among the heathen that the
Lord reigns!
The same day in which Jesus died He took with Him into His kingdom and
His inmost Paradise a thief who had hung at His side. He lives and reigns
forever and everand calls to Himself whomsoeverHe has chosen. Let us
drown the taunts of the adversary with our shouts of Hallelujah, The Lord
shall reign forever and ever. Hallelujah. Amen!

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Jesus was claiming to be the son of god

  • 1. JESUS WAS CLAIMING TO BE THE SON OF GOD “Let Him Deliver Him Now” “He trusted in God. Let Him deliver Him now, if He will have Him: for He said I am the Son of God.” Matthew 27:43 THESE words are a fulfillment of the prophecy containedin the twenty- secondPsalm. Readfrom the seventhverse–“Allthey that see Me laugh Me to scorn:they shoot out the lip, they shake the head, saying, He trusted on the Lord that He would deliver Him: let Him deliver Him, seeing He delighted in Him.” Thus to the letter does our Lord answerto the ancient prophecy. It is very painful to the heart to picture our blessedMasterin His death- agonies, surrounded by a ribald multitude who watchedHim and mocked Him. They made sport of His prayer and insulted His faith. Nothing was sacredto them–they invaded the Holy of Holies, His confidence in God and taunted Him concerning that faith in Jehovahwhich they were compelled to admit. See, dearFriends, what an evil thing is sin, since the Sin-bearer suffers so bitterly to make atonementfor it! See, also, the shame of sin, since even the Prince of Glory, when bearing the consequencesofit, is coveredwith contempt! Behold, also, how He loved us! Forour sake He “endured the Cross, despising the shame.” He loved us so much that even scornof the most cruel sort He deigned to bear, that He might take awayour shame and enable us to look up unto God. Beloved, the treatment of our Lord Jesus Christby men is the clearestproof of total depravity which can possibly be required or discovered. Those must be stony hearts, indeed, which can laugh at a dying Saviorand mock even at His faith in God! Compassionwould seemto have desertedhumanity while malice satsupreme on the throne. Painful as the picture is, it will do you good to paint it. You will need neither canvas, norbrush, nor palette, nor colors. Let your thoughts draw the outline and your love fill in the detail. I shall not complain if imagination heightens the coloring. The Son of God, whom angels
  • 2. adore with veiled faces, is pointed at with scornful fingers by men who thrust out the tongue and mockinglyexclaim, “He trusted on the Lord that He would deliver Him: let Him deliver Him, seeing He delighted in Him.” While thus we see our Lord in His sorrow and His shame as our Substitute, we must not forget that He also is there as our Representative. Thatwhich appears in many a Psalmto relate to David is found in the Gospels to refer to Jesus, our Lord. Often and often the student of the Psalmwill say to himself, “Of whom does the Prophet speak?”He will have to disentangle the threads sometimes and mark off that which belongs to David and that which relates to the Sonof God. And frequently he will not be able to disentangle the threads at all because theyare one and may relate both to David and to David’s Lord. This is meant to show us that the life of Christ is an epitome of the life of His people. He not only suffers for us as our Substitute but He suffers before us as our Pattern. In Him we see whatwe have in our measure to endure. “As He is, so are we also in this world.” We also must be crucified to the world and we may look for some of those tests of faith and taunts of derision which go with such a crucifixion. “Marvel not if the world hates you.” You, too, must suffer without the gate. Not for the world’s redemption but for the accomplishment of Divine purposes in you and through you. To the sons of men you must be made to know the Cross and its shame. Christ is the mirror of the Church. What the Head endured, every member of the body will also have to endure in its measure. Let us read the text in this light and come to it saying to ourselves, “Here we see what Jesus sufferedin our place and we learn hereby to love Him with all our souls. Here, too, we see, as in a prophecy, how greatthings we are to suffer for His sake atthe hands of men.” May the Holy Spirit help us in our meditation so that at the close ofit we may more ardently love our Lord, who suffered for us and may we more carefully arm ourselves with the same mind which enabled Him to endure such contradiction of sinners againstHimself. Coming at once to the text, first, observe the acknowledgmentwith which the text begins–“He trustedin God.” The enemies of Christ admitted His faith in God. Secondly, considerthe test which is the essenceofthe taunt–“Let Him deliver Him, if He will have Him.” When we have taken those two things into our minds, then let us for a while considerthe answer to that testand taunt– God does assuredlydeliver His people. Those who trust in Him have no reasonto be ashamedof their faith. 1. First, then, my Beloved, you who know the Lord by faith and live by trusting in Him, let me invite you to OBSERVE THE
  • 3. ACKNOWLEDGMENTwhichthese mockers made of our Lord’s faith–“He trusted in God.” Yet the Saviordid not wear any peculiar garb or token by which He let men know that He trusted in God. He was not a recluse, neither did He join some little knot of separatists who boastedtheir peculiar trust in Jehovah. Although our Savior was separate from sinners, He was eminently a man among men, and He went in and out among the multitude as one of themselves. His one peculiarity was that “He trusted in God.” He was so perfectly a man that although He was undoubtedly a Jew, there were no Jewishpeculiarities about Him. Any nation might claim Him but no nation could monopolize Him. The characteristicsofour humanity are so palpably about Him that He belongs to all mankind. I admire the Welchsisterwho was of opinion that the Lord Jesus must be Welch. When they askedher how she proved it she said that He always spoke to her heart in Welch. Doubtless it was so and I can, with equal warmth, declare that He always speaksto me in English. Brethren from Germany, France, Sweden, Italy–you all claim that He speaks to you in your own tongue. This was the one thing which distinguished Him among men–“He trusted in God,” and He lived such a life as naturally grows out of faith in the Eternal Lord. This peculiarity had been visible even to that ungodly multitude who leastof all caredto perceive a spiritual point of character. Was everany other upon a cross thus saluted by the mob who watchedhis execution? Had these scorners evermockedanyone before for such a matter as this? I Doubt it. Yet faith had been so manifest in our Lord’s daily life that the crowd cried out aloud, “He trusted in God.” How did they know? I suppose they could not help seeing that He made much of God in His teaching, in His life and in His miracles. WheneverJesus spoke it was always godly talk. And if it were not always distinctly about God, it was always about things that related to God, that came from God, that led to God, that magnified God. A man may be fairly judged by that which he makes most of. The ruling passionis a fair gauge ofthe heart. What a soul-ruler faith is! It sways the man as the rudder guides the ship. When a man once gets to live by faith in God, it tinctures his thoughts, it masters his purposes. It flavors his words, it puts a tone into his actions and it comes out in everything by ways and means most natural and unconstrained–till men perceive that they have to do with a man who makes much of God. The unbelieving world says outright that there is no God and the less impudent, who admit His existence, put Him down at a very low figure–so low that it does not affect their calculations. Butto the true Christian, God is not only much, but ALL. To our Lord Jesus, Godwas All in All. And when you
  • 4. come to estimate God as He did, then the most carelessonlookerwill soon begin to say of you, “He trusted in God.” In addition to observing that Jesus made much of God, men came to note that He was a trusting man and not self-confident. Certain persons are very proud because they are self-made men. I will do them the credit to admit that they heartily worship their maker–Selfmade them, and they worship Self. We have among us individuals who are self-sufficientand almost all-sufficient. They sneerat those who do not succeed, for they cansucceedanywhere at anything The world to them is a football which they can kick where they like. If they do not rise to the very highest eminence it is simply out of pity to the rest of us who ought to have a chance. A vat of sufficiency ferments within their ribs! There was nothing of that sort of thing in our Lord. Those who watchedHim did not say that He had greatself-reliance and a noble spirit of self-confidence. No, no!They said, “He trusted in God.” Indeed it was so. The words that He spoke He spoke not of Himself. The greatdeeds that He did He never boastedof but said, “the Father that dwells in Me, He does the works.” He trusted in God, not a boasterin self. Brethren, I desire that you and I may be just of that order. Self-confidence is the death of confidence in God. Reliance upon talent, tact, experience and things of that kind kills faith, Oh that we may know what faith means and so look out of ourselves and quit the evil confidence which looks within! On the other hand, we may wiselyremember that while our Lord Jesus was not self-reliant, He trusted and was by no means despondent–He was never discouraged. He neither questioned His commission nor despaired of fulfilling it. He never said, “I must give it up–I can never succeed.”No–“Hetrusted in God.” And this is a grand point in the working of faith, that while it keeps us from self-conceit, it equally preserves us from enfeebling fear. Our blessed Lord set His face like a flint when, being baffled, He returned to the conflict. When being betrayed, He still perseveredin His love–then men could not help seeing that he trusted in God. His faith was not mere repetition of a creed, or professionof belief but it was childlike reliance upon the Most High. May ours be of the same order! It is evident that the Lord Jesus trusted in God openly, since even yonder gibing crowd proclaimed it. Some goodpeople try to exercise faith on the sly– they practice it in snug corners and in lonely hours but they are afraid to say much before others for fear their faith should not see the promise fulfilled. They dare not say, with David, “My soul shall make her boastin the Lord–the humble shall hear thereof and be glad.” This secrecyrobs God of His honor. Brethren, we do not glorify our God as He ought to be glorified. Let us trust
  • 5. in Him and own it. Why should we be ashamed? Let us throw down the gauge of battle to earth and Hell. God, the true and faithful, deserves to be trusted without limit. Trust your all with Him and be not ashamed of having done so. Our Savior was not ashamed of trusting in His God. On the Cross He cried, “You did make Me hope when I was upon My mother’s breast.” Jesus lived by faith. We are sure that He did, for in the Epistle to the Hebrews He is quoted as saying, “I will put my trust in Him.” If so glorious a Personageas the only begottenSon of God lived here by faith in God, how are you and I to live exceptby trust in God? If we live unto God, this is the absolute necessityof our spiritual life–“the just shall live by faith.” Shall we be ashamedof that which brings life to us? The cruel ones who saw Jesus die did not say, “He now and then trusted in God.” Nor, “He trusted in the Lord years ago.” Theyadmitted that faith in God was the constant tenor of His life–they could not deny it. Even though, with malicious cruelty, they turned it into a taunt, yet they did not casta question upon the fact that, “He trusted in God.” Oh, I want you to live that those who dislike you most may nevertheless know that you trust in God! When you come to die, may your dear children sayof you, “Our dear mother did trust in the Lord”! May that boy who has gone furthest awayfrom Christ and grievedyour heart the most, nevertheless sayin his heart, “There may be hypocrites in the world but my dear father does truly trust in God”!Oh, that our faith may be known unmistakably! We do not wish it to be advertised to our own honor. That is the farthestthing from our minds. But yet we would have it knownthat others may be encouragedand that God may be glorified. If nobody else trusts in God, let us do so. And thus may we uplift a testimony to the honor of His faithfulness. When we die, may this be our epitaph–“He trusted in God.” David, in the twenty-secondPsalm, represents the enemies as saying of our Lord–“He trusted on the Lord that He would deliver Him.” This practical faith is sure to be knownwherever it is in operation, because it is exceedingly rare. Multitudes of people have a kind of faith in God but it does not come to the practicalpoint of trusting that God will deliver them. I see upon the newspaperplacards, Startling News!People in the Planets!“ Not a very practicaldiscovery. For many a day there has been a tendency to refer God’s promises and our faith to the planets, or somewhere beyond this present everyday life.
  • 6. We sayto ourselves, “Ohyes, God delivers His people.” We mean that He did so in the days of Moses and possibly He may be doing so now in some obscure island of the sea. Ah me, the glory of faith lies in its being fit for everyday wear. Can it be said of you, “He trusted in God, that He would deliver him”? Have you faith of the kind which will make you lean upon the Lord in poverty, in sickness, in bereavement, in persecution, in slander, in contempt? Have you a trust in God to bear you up in holy living at all costs andin active service even beyond your strength? Can you trust in God definitely about this and that? Can you trust about food and raiment, and home? Can you trust God even about your shoes, that they shall be iron and brass? And about the hairs of your head that they are all numbered? What we need is less theory and more actualtrust in God. The faith of the text was personal–“thatHe would deliver Him.” Blessedis that faith which can reachits arm of compassionaroundthe world but that faith must begin at home. Of what use were the longestarm if it were not fixed to the man himself at the shoulder If you have no faith about yourself, what faith can you have about others? “He trusted on the Lord that He would deliver Him.” Come, Beloved, have you such a faith in the living God? Do you trust in God through Christ Jesus that He will save you? Yes, you poor, unworthy One, the Lord will deliver you if you trust Him. Yes, poor Woman, or unknown Man, the Lord can help you in your present trouble and in every other and He will do so if you trust Him to that end. May the Holy Spirit lead you to first trust the Lord Jesus forthe pardon of sin, and then to trust in God for all things. Let us pause a minute. Let a man trust in God. Not in fiction, but in fact, and he will find that he has solid rock under his feet. Let him trust about his own daily needs and trials and rest assuredthat the Lord will actually appear for him and he will not be disappointed. Such a trust in God is a very reasonable thing. Its absence is most unreasonable. If there is a God, He knows all about my case.If He made my ears He can hear me. If He made my eyes He can see me. And therefore He perceives my condition. If He is my Father, as He says He is, He will certainly care for me and will help me in my hour of need. Is there anything unreasonable, then, in trusting in God that He will deliver us? I venture to say that if all the forces in the universe were put togetherand all the kindly intents of all who are our friends were put togetherand we were then to rely upon those united forces and intents we should not have a thousandth part so much justification for our confidence as when we depend upon God, whose intents and forces are infinitely greaterthan those of all the world beside. “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.
  • 7. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes.” If you view things in the white light of pure reason, it is infinitely more reasonable to trust in the living God than in all His creatures put together. Certainly, dear Friends, it is extremely comfortable to trust in God. I find it so and therefore encourage you to roll your burden upon the Lord since He will sustain you. We know Him to be faithful and as powerful as He is faithful. And our dependence upon Him is the solid foundation of a profound peace. While it is comfortable, it is also uplifting. If you trust in men, the bestof men, you are likely to be loweredby your trust. We are apt to cringe before those who patronize us. If your prosperity depends upon a person’s smile you are tempted to pay homage even when it is undeserved. The old saying mentions a certain personas, “knowing on which side his bread is buttered.” Thousands are practicallydegraded by their trusting in men. But when our reliance is upon the living God we are raisedby it and elevated both morally and spiritually. You may bow in deepest reverence before God and yet there will be no flattery. You may lie in the dust before the Majestyof Heaven and yet not be dishonored by your humility. In fact, it is our greatness to be nothing in the Presence ofthe MostHigh. This confidence in God makes men strong. I should advise the enemy not to oppose the man who trusts in God. In the long run he will be beaten, as Haman found it with Mordecai. He had been warned of this by Zeresh, his wife, and his wise men, who said, “If Mordecaiis of the seedof the Jews, before whom you have begun to fall, you shall not prevail againsthim but shall surely fall before him.” Contend not with a man who has God at his back. Years ago the Mentonese desired to break away from the dominion of the Prince of Monaco. They, therefore, drove out his agent. The prince came with his army, not a very greatone, it is true, but still formidable to the Mentonese. I know not what the high and mighty prince was not going to do. But the news came that the King of Sardinia was coming up in the rear to help the Mentonese andtherefore his lordship of Monaco very prudently retired to his own rock. When a Believer stands out againstevil he may be sure that the Lord of Hosts will not be far away. The enemy shall hear the dash of His horse and the blast of His trumpet and shall flee before Him. Therefore be of goodcourage andcompel the world to say of you, “He trusted in the Lord that He would deliver him.” II. Secondly, I want you to follow me briefly in considering THE TEST WHICH IS THE ESSENCE OF THE TAUNT which was hurled by the mockers againstour Lord–“LetHim deliver Him now, if He will have Him.”
  • 8. Such a test will come to all Believers. It may come as a taunt from enemies. It will certainly come as a trial of your faith. The Archenemy will assuredlyhiss out, “Let Him deliver him, seeing he delighted in Him.” This taunt has about it the appearance ofbeing very logicaland, indeed, in a measure, so it is. If God has promised to deliver us and we have openly professedto believe the promise it is only natural that others should say, “Let us see whether He does deliver him. This man believes that the Lord will help him. And He must help him, or else the man’s faith is a delusion.” This is the sortof testto which we ourselves would have put others before our conversionand we cannot objectto be proved in the same manner ourselves. Perhaps we incline to run awayfrom the ordealbut this very shrinking should be a solemn call to us to question the genuineness of that faith which we are afraid to test. “He trusted on the Lord,” says the enemy, “that He would deliver him–let Him deliver him.” And surely, howevermalicious the design, there is no escaping from the logic of the challenge. It is peculiarly painful to have this stern inference driven home to you in the hour of sorrow. Becauseone cannotdeny the fairness of the appeal, it is all the more trying. In the time of depressionof spirit it is hard to have one’s faith questioned, or the ground on which it stands made a matter of dispute. Either to be mistakenin one’s belief, or to have no real faith, or to find the ground of one’s faith fail, is an exceedinglygrievous thing. Yet as our Lord was not spared this painful ordealwe must not expectto be kept clearof it and Satanknows wellhow to work these questions till the poisonof them sets the blood on fire. “He trusted on the Lord that He would deliver him. Let Him deliver him.” He hurls this fiery dart into the soul till the man is sorely wounded and canscarcelyhold his ground. The taunt is speciallypointed and personal. It is put thus–“He trusted on the Lord that He would deliver him–let Him deliver him.” “Do not come to us with your fiddle-faddle about God’s helping all His chosen. Here is a man who is one of His people, will He help him? Do not talk to us of big things about Jehovahat the Red Sea, orin the Desertof Sinai, or God helping His people in ages past. Here is a living man before us who trusted in Godthat He would deliver him–let Him deliver him now.” You know how Satanwill pick out one of the most afflicted–andpointing his fingers at him will cry–“Let Him deliver HIM.” Brethren, the testis fair. God will be true to every Believer. If any child of God could be lostit would be quite enough to enable the devil to spoil all the glory of God forever. If one promise of God to one of His people should fail, that one failure would suffice to mar the veracity of the Lord to all eternity.
  • 9. They would publish it in the “DiabolicalGazette,”and in every street of Tophet they would howl it out, “Godhas failed! God has brokenHis promise! God has ceasedto be faithful to His people!” It would then be a horrible reproach–“He trustedin God to deliver him but He did not deliver him.” Much emphasis lies in its being in the present tense–“He trustedin God that He would deliver Him: let Him deliver Him now.” I see You, O Lord Jesus, You are in the wilderness, where the Fiend is saying, “If You are the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.” No. You are nailed to the tree–Your enemies have hemmed You in. The legionaries ofRome are at the foot of the Cross, the scribes and Phariseesand raging Jews compass about You. There is no escape from death for You! Hence their cry–“Let Him deliver Him now.” Ah, Brothers and Sisters!this is how Satan assailsus, using our presentand pressing tribulations as the barbs of his arrows. Yet here, also, there is reasonand logic in the challenge. If God does not deliver His servants at one time as well as another, He has not kept His promise. For a man of Truth is always true and a promise once given always stands. A promise cannot be broken now and then, and yet the honor of the persongiving it be maintained by his keeping it at other times. The word of a true man stands always good–itis goodnow. This is logic, bitter logic, cold steellogic–logicwhich seems to cut right down your backbone and cleave your spine. “He trusted on the Lord that He would deliver Him: let Him deliver Him now.” Yet this hard logic can be turned to comfort. I told you a story the other day of the brother in Guy’s Hospital to whom the doctors said that he must undergo an operation which was extremely dangerous. They gave him a week to considerwhether he would submit to it. He was troubled, for his young wife and children, and for his work for the Lord. A friend left a bunch of flowers for him with this verse as its motto, “He trusted in God. Let Him deliver Him now.” “Yes,” he thought, “now.” In prayer he casthimself upon the Lord and felt in his heart, “Come on, doctors, I am ready for you.” When the next morning came he refused to take chloroform for he desired to go to Heaven in his senses.He bore the operation manfully and he is yet alive. “He trusted on the Lord that He would deliver him” then and there–andthe Lord did so. In this lies the brunt of the battle. A Christian man may be beatenin business, he may fail to meet all demands and then Satanyells, “Let Him deliver him now.” The poor man has been out of work for two or three months, tramping the streets of London until he has worn out his boots. He has been brought to his last penny. I think I hear the laugh of the Prince of Darkness as he cries, “LetHim deliver him now.” Or
  • 10. else the Believeris very ill in body and low in spirit and then Satanhowls, “Let Him deliver him now.” Some of us have been in very trying positions. We were moved with indignation because ofdeadly error and we spoke plainly but men refusedto hear. Those we relied upon desertedus. Goodmen sought their own ease and would not march with us and we had to bear testimony for the despisedTruth of God alone–until we were ourselves despised. Then the adversaryshouted, “Let Him deliver him now.” Be it so!We do not refuse the test. Our God whom we serve will deliver us. We will not bow down to modern thought nor worship the image which human wisdom has set up. Our God is God both of hills and of valleys. He will not fail His servants albeit that for a while He forbears that He may try their faith. We dare acceptthe test and say, “Let Him deliver us now.” BelovedFriends, we need not be afraid of this taunt if it is brought by adversaries. For, afterall, the testwill come to us apart from any malice–forit is inevitable. All the faith you have will be tried. I can see you heaping it up. How rich you are!What a pile of faith! Friend, you are almost perfect! Open the furnace door and put the heap in. Does it shrink? See how it shrivels! Is there anything left? Bring here a magnifying glass. Is this all that is left? Yes, this is all that remains of the heap. You say, “I trusted in God.” Yes, but you had reasonto cry, “Lord, help my unbelief.” Brethren, we have not a tithe of the faith we think we have. But regardless, allour faith must be tested. God builds no ships but what He sends to sea. In living, in losing, in working, in weeping, in suffering, or in striving, God will find a fitting crucible for every single grain of the precious faith which He has given us. Then He will come to us and say–“Youtrusted in God that He would deliver you and you shall be delivered now.” How you will open your eyes as you see the Lord’s hand of deliverance! What a man of wonders you will be when you tell in your riper years to the younger people how the Lord delivered you! Why there are some Christians I know of who, like the ancient mariner, could detain even a wedding guestwith their stories of God’s wonders on the deep. Yes, the test will come againand again. May the ridicules of adversaries only make us ready for the sterner ordeals of the judgment to come. O my dear Friends, examine your religion. You have a greatdeal of it, some of you. But what of its quality? Can your religion stand the test of poverty, and scandaland scorn? Canit stand the test of scientific sarcasmand learned contempt? Will your religionstand the test of long sicknessofbody and depressionof spirit causedby weakness?Whatare you doing amid the common trials of life? What will you do in the swellings of Jordan? Examine well your faith, since all hangs there. Some of us who have lain for weeks
  • 11. together, peering through the thin veil which parts us from the unseen, have been made to feel that nothing will suffice us but a promise which will answer the taunt, “Let Him deliver us now.” III. I shall finish, in the third place, dear Friends, by noticing THE ANSWER to the test. God does deliver those who trust in Him. God’s interposition for the faithful is not a dream but a substantial reality. “Many are the afflictions of the righteous:but the Lord delivers him out of them all.” All history proves the faithfulness of God. Those who trust Godhave been in all sorts of troubles, but they have always been delivered. They have been bereaved. What a horrible bereavement was that which fell to the lot of Aaron when his two sons were struck dead for their profanity in the Presenceof God! “And Aaron held his peace”!What Divine Grace was there! Thus will the Lord sustainyou, also, should He take awaythe desire of your eyes with a stroke. Grave after grave has the goodman visited till it seemedthat his whole race was buried and yet his heart has not been broken–he has bowed his soul before the will of the Ever BlessedOne. Thus has the Lord delivered His afflicted one by sustaining him. In other ways the bush has burned and yet has not been consumed. Remember the multiplied and multiform trials of Job. Yet God sustained him to the end so that he did not charge God foolishly but held fasthis faith in the MostHigh. If ever you are called to the afflictions of Job you will also be called to the sustaining Grace ofJob. Some of God’s servants have been defeatedin their testimony. They have borne faithful witness for God but they have been rejectedof men. It has been their lot, like Cassandra, to prophesy the truth but not to be believed. Such was Jeremiah, who was born to a heritage of scornfrom those whose benefit he sought. Yet he was delivered. He shrank not from being faithful. His courage couldnot be silenced. By integrity he was delivered. Godly men have been despised and misrepresentedand yet have been delivered. Remember David and his envious brothers, David and the malignant Saul, David when his men spoke of stoning him. Yet he took off the giant’s head. Yet he came to the throne. Yet the Lord built him a house. Some of God’s servants have been bitterly persecutedbut God has delivered them. Daniel came forth from the lions' den and the three holy children from the midst of the burning fiery furnace. These are only one or two out of millions who trusted God and He delivered them. Out of all manner of ill the Lord delivered them. God brought this crowdof witnesses through all their trials unto His Throne where they rest with Jesus and share the triumph of their Masterat this very day.
  • 12. O my timid Brothers and Sisters, nothing has happened to you but what is common to men. Your battle is not different from the warfare of the restof the saints. And as God has delivered them He will deliver you also, seeing you put your trust in Him. But God’s ways of deliverance are His own. He does not deliver according to the translationput upon “deliverance” by the ribald throng. He does not deliver according to the interpretation put upon “deliverance” by our shrinking flesh and blood. He delivers, but it is in His own way. Let me remark that if God delivers you and me in the same way as He delivered His own Son, we can have no cause of complaint. If the deliverance which He vouchsafedto us is of the same kind as that which He vouchsafedto the Only Begotten, we may well be content. Well, what kind of a deliverance was that? Did the Father tear up the Cross from the earth? Did He proceedto draw out the nails from the sacredhands and feetof His dear Son? Did He setHim down upon that “greenhill far away, beyond the city wall” and place in His hand a sword of fire with which to smite His adversaries? DidHe bid the earth open and swallow up all His foes? No. Nothing of the kind. Jehovahdid not interpose to spare His Sona single pang. He let Him die. He let Him be taken as a dead man down from the Cross and laid in a tomb. Jesus wentthrough with His suffering to the bitter end. O Brothers and Sisters, this may be God’s way of delivering us! We have trusted in God that He would deliver us. And His rendering of His promise is that He will enable us to go through with it. We shall suffer to the last and triumph in so doing. Yet God’s way of delivering those who trust in Him is always the best way. If the Fatherhad takenHis Son down from the Cross whatwould have been the result? Redemption unaccomplished, salvationwork undone and Jesus returning with His life-work unfinished. This would not have been deliverance but defeat. It was much better for our Lord Jesus to die. Now He has paid the ransom for His electand having accomplishedthe greatpurpose of atonement He has slept a while in the heart of the earth and now has ascendedto His Throne in the endless glories ofHeaven. It was deliverance of the fullest kind. For from the pangs of His death have come the joys of life to His redeemed. It is not God’s will that every mountain should be leveled, but that we should be the strongerfor climbing the Hill Difficulty. God will deliver. He must deliver, but He will do it in our cases,as in the case ofour Lord, in the bestpossible manner. He will deliver His chosen–the taunt of the Adversary shall not cause our God to forget or forego His people. I know that the Lord will no more fail me than any other of His servants. He will not leave a faithful witness to his
  • 13. adversaries. “Iknow that my Avenger lives and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: and though after my skin worms destroythis body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: whom I shall see for myself and my eyes shall behold and not another; though my reins be consumedwithin.” Is this also your confidence? Thendo not sit down in sorrow and act as though you despaired. Quit yourselves like men. Be strong, fear not. Castyourselves on the love that never changes and never faints and the Lord will answerall the reviling of Rabshakehandthe blustering of Sennacherib. There are times when we may use this text to our comfort. “Let Him deliver Him now,” says the text, “if He will have Him.” You, dear Friends, who have never believed in the Lord Jesus Christ before, how I wish you could try Him now! You feel this morning full of sin and full of need. Come, then, and trust the Saviornow. See whetherHe will not save you now. Is there one day in the year in which Jesus cannotsave a sinner? Come and see whether the 17 th of June is that day.Try whether He will not deliver you now from the guilt, the penalty, the power of sin. Why not come? You have never, perhaps, been in the Tabernacle before and when coming here this morning you did not think of finding the Savior. Oh, that the Saviormay find you! Jesus Christ is a Saviorevery day, all the year round. Whoevercomes to Him shall find eternallife now. “Oh,” you say, “I am in such an unfit state. I am clothedin carelessnessand godlessness.” Come along, Man, come along, just as you are. Tarry not for improvement or arrangement–forboth of these Jesus will give you. Come and put your trust in the greatSacrifice forsin and He will deliver you–deliver you now. Lord, save the sinner, now! Others of you are the children of God but you are in peculiar trouble. Well, what are you going to do? You have always trusted in God before–are you going to doubt Him now? “O my dear Sir, you do not know my distress. I am the most afflicted personin the Tabernacle.”Be it so. But you trusted in the Lord the past twenty years and I do not believe that you have seenany just cause for denying Him your confidence now. Did you say that you have known him from your youth up? What? You are seventy years of age!Then you are too near Home to begin distrusting your heavenly Father. That will never do. You have been to sea and have weatheredmany a storm in mid-ocean and are you now going to be drowned in a ditch? Think not so. The Lord will deliver you even now. Do not let us suppose that we have come where boundless love and infinite wisdom cannot reachus. Do not fancy that you have leapedupon a ledge of
  • 14. rock so high as to be out of reachof the everlasting arm. If you had done so I would still cry–Throw yourself down into the arms of God and trust that He will not let you be destroyed. It may be that some of us are in trouble about the Church and the faith. We have defended God’s Truth as wellas we could and spokenout againstdeadly error. But craft and numbers have been againstus and at present, things seemto have gone wrong. The goodare timid and the evil are false. Theysay, “He trusted in God: let Him deliver him now.” Sirs, He will deliver us now. We will throw our soulonce more into this battle and see if the Lord does not vindicate His Truth. If we have not spoken in God’s name we are content to go back to the dust from where we sprang. But if we have spokenGod’s Truth, we defy the whole confederacyto prevail againstit. Perhaps I speak to some missionarywho is mourning over a time of greattrial in a mission which is dear to his heart. Ah, dear Friend! Christ intended that the Gospelshould repeatHis own experience and then should triumph like Himself. The Gospellives by being killed and conquers by defeat. Castit where you will, it always falls upon its feet. You need not be afraid of it under any trial. Just now the wisdom of man is its worstfoe, but the Lord will deliver it now. The Gospellives and reigns. Tellit among the heathen that the Lord reigns! The same day in which Jesus died He took with Him into His kingdom and His inmost Paradise a thief who had hung at His side. He lives and reigns forever and everand calls to Himself whomsoeverHe has chosen. Let us drown the taunts of the adversary with our shouts of Hallelujah, The Lord shall reign forever and ever. Hallelujah. Amen!