
Job Scam Alert

If you are contacted by someone with a suspicious job offer that may not be legitimate, please email [email protected]

Please include the original email that you received complete with the original subject line and complete header information.

Additionally, check out the Federal Trade Commission website to learn more about what to do if you were scammed. We also suggest you read this information from the Internet Crime Complaint Center of the FBI.

Do not send CVs or vacancy applications to unverified contacts as they will not be reviewed or considered. If you wish to apply for a job at Fyllo or Semasio, please submit your application for an open position from the link below.

View open positions at Fyllo

Our recruiters will NEVER

  • Ask for personal information over an informal or unsecured channel, such as Facebook Messenger, Google Hangouts, WhatsApp or Telegram Messenger
  • Ask you to complete actions like buying a gift card, purchasing your job equipment, sending money upfront, or other similar financial transactions
  • Ask you to reach out to an email address that is not connected to our company’s domain (
  • Pressure you to act quickly

Please do not

  • Send any money. Fyllo does not ask for money transfers or payments from applicants to secure a job as an employee or as a contractor.
  • Engage in further communication if you believe the communication may be fraudulent
  • Disclose your personal or financial details to anyone you do not know.
  • Respond to unsolicited business propositions and/or offers of employment from people with whom you are unfamiliar.