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Microbes and More News

September 5, 2024

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New research shows that parasitic nematodes, responsible for infecting more than a billion people globally, carry viruses that may solve the puzzle of why some cause serious ...
There are some pretty strange ingredients in cosmetics and skin care products. One example is snail mucin -- also known as snail slime -- which is used for its moisturizing and antioxidant properties. But researchers might have found something even ...
Biologists are collecting samples from Earth's oceans using SMIRC, which could be the first step in uncovering compounds that lead to next-generation ...
The American Journal of Gastroenterology has published a new guideline on the treatment of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection. The number one recommendation for treatment-na ve patients is ...

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updated 10:49pm EDT

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Staphylococcus aureus has the potential to develop durable vancomycin resistance, according to a new ...

Fungi can transform plant and animal products into delicious foods like cheese, miso and beer. A researcher argues that a type of filamentous mold -- Neurospora intermedia -- could also turn food ...

Microbes are part of the food we eat and can influence our own microbiome, but we know very little about the microbes in our foods. Now, researchers have developed a database of the 'food ...

Researchers are adding new evidence to the emerging concept that 'silent' or synonymous mutations may have crucial consequences. Their study showed how a synonymous mutation in one gene can ...

Bacterial cells can 'remember' brief, temporary changes to their bodies and immediate surroundings, a new study has found. And, although these changes are not encoded in the cell's ...

A research team has verified the antibacterial effect of seven food-derived flavonoids against periodontal pathogenic bacteria. The results showed that though several of the compounds inhibited ...

A team of researchers has discovered that aoudad -- an animal in the sheep and goat family -- can catch and spread many of the same respiratory pathogens that can impact desert bighorn sheep, a ...

Certain types of gut bacteria can hinder the efficacy of the rotavirus vaccine, according to ...

Rocks are generating 'dark oxygen' in an area being explored for deep-sea ...

An article highlights new insights into the PARIS, an immune system that bacteria use to respond to viral ...

Malaria is caused by a eukaryotic microbe of the Plasmodium genus, and is responsible for more deaths than all other parasitic diseases combined. In order to transmit from the human host to the ...

Chlamydiae are sexually transmitted pathogens that can apparently survive in the human gut for a long ...

Mono Lake is a beautiful but harsh environment, its salty and arsenic-laced water home to brine shrimp, alkali flies and little else. Scientists recently discovered an unsuspected resident, however, ...

A new flu vaccine candidate incorporates proteins from 8 strains of ...

Researchers warn the animals we eat could be the gateway for a pandemic in the form of antimicrobial resistance, unleashing a wave of deadly superbugs. The World Health Organization estimates that ...

When you get infected with a virus, some of the first weapons your body deploys to fight it were passed down to us from our microbial ancestors billions of years ago. According to new research, two ...

Honey bees may play a role in increasing virus levels in wild bumble bees each spring, according to researchers who analyzed seasonal trends of parasite and virus transmission in ...

For nearly a century, scientists have waged war on antibiotic-resistant microbes. Researchers say they've found a new way to prevent it -- by unleashing 'DNA scavengers' in wastewater ...

Bioengineers around the world have been working to create plastic-producing microbes that could replace the petroleum-based plastics industry. Now, researchers have overcome a major hurdle: getting ...

Researchers have discovered a novel bioelectrical mechanism that pathogens like Salmonella use to find entry points in the gut lining that would allow pathogens to pass and cause ...

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