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Child Psychology News

September 5, 2024

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Bad behavior often occurs away from home, leading parents to blame and limit contact with peers. However, a new study shows that banning friendships can backfire, worsening behavior instead of improving it. When moms disapprove of their kids' ...
Researchers took a deep look at tumor samples from patients with diffuse hemispheric glioma and discovered an unexpected vulnerability to CDK4/6 ...
Most exercisers stop 'exer-gaming' when the program gets too tough or dull -- could sensors that tune into a person's emotional state reverse low ...
In a study involving 11-year-olds, researchers have concluded that greater behavioral problems are linked to higher hair cortisol levels. The study also concluded that exposure to certain factors that can simultaneously cause chronic stress may ...

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updated 10:32pm EDT

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Gender nonconformity in 7-year-olds -- as measured by levels of gender-conforming play -- may be associated with autistic traits and behavioral difficulties in girls, and with peer relationship ...

A new study finds more than half of adults surveyed worldwide expect to be seriously harmed by their water within the next two years. The study sought to understand public perceptions of drinking ...

We use the word 'love' in a bewildering range of contexts -- from sexual adoration to parental love or the love of nature. Now, more comprehensive imaging of the brain may shed light on why ...

Enhancing prefrontal cortex (PFC) cognitive functions requires identifying suitable exercises that increase cerebral blood flow. A recent study using functional near-infrared spectroscopy found that ...

Scientists have learned that children find it hard to focus on a task, and often take in information that won't help them complete their assignment. But the question is, why? In a new study, ...

Eating well, exercising and attending regular doctor appointments can support a long healthy life, but a new study identified one possible factor beyond our control: whether you had a grandparent who ...

The sounds babies make in their first year of life may be less random and more self-driven than previously believed, according to new ...

The income and education levels of a child's environment determine their relationship to nature, not whether they live in a city or the countryside. The results run counter to the assumption ...

Researchers found that people who develop sensory disabilities with age tend to have worse mental health, and that different types of sensory disability are associated with different aspects of ...

The statewide study found that the link between pollutants and ER visits is more pronounced in communities that were once denied mortgages due to ...

Parental bed-sharing is unlikely to impact children's psychological development, new research has found. The study looked at nearly 17,000 British babies and tracked them for 11 years -- finding ...

Scientists have found infants and young children treated for brain tumors fell behind early in academic readiness, which predicted falling behind in later school ...

Children who have persistently raised inflammation are at a higher risk of experiencing serious mental health disorders including psychosis and depression in early ...

A study in mice has found that the bacteria Bifidobacterium breve in the mother's gut during pregnancy supports healthy brain development in the ...

Researchers found that a self-guided cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) app, called Maya, significantly reduced anxiety in young adults struggling with mental health challenges. The decrease in ...

U.S. pediatric inpatient psychiatric bed capacity did not change 2017 -- 2020, despite increases in pediatric mental health emergency visits, according to a new study . Researchers also found ...

A new machine learning model can predict autism in young children from relatively limited information. The model can facilitate early detection of autism, which is important to provide the right ...

Hyperactivity, repetitive behavior, and language deficits all appeared in the mice, highlighting an unexpected role the cerebellum seems to play in ...

In humans, the process of learning is driven by different groups of cells in the brain firing together. For instance, when the neurons associated with the process of recognizing a dog begin to fire ...

Babies recognize pretense and around half of children can pretend themselves by 12 months, new research has ...

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