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Support our projects

Schule Schloss Salem offers its student body a unique range of modern teaching, varied activities and much more in impressive premises at the three locations.

Larger projects such as the new building of the Schrote or the renovation of the sports field cannot be financed from the regular school budget. Therefore, we appreciate the support of the Salem community - parents, alumni and friends - in the continuous advancement of Schule Schloss Salem.
Our current projects as well as donation opportunities can be found below.

We thank you for your support!


Current school projects:

A Hockey Pitch for the Härlen Campus

The grass surface of the sports field on the Härlen campus will be replaced this year and converted into a modern artificial turf hockey field. This will strengthen our traditional sport of hockey and professionalise training and tournament opportunities for all age groups. In the future, games up to the 2nd Bundesliga level can be played on the pitch.

The leading landscape architects ps+ from Osnabrück were won over for planning the artificial turf pitch. The selected artificial turf from Polytan, "Poligras Paris GT zero", was developed for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris and is the first climate-neutral hockey artificial turf on the market. The tracks are sewn together and to the ground surface in an elaborate process instead of being glued. With a sophisticated irrigation system, the turf can be ready for play within a very short time.

The conversion of the hockey turf field, amounting to approx. 1 million euros, is being financed in part by donations.

Rebuilding work began in September. Follow the progress in our construction diary

Join in!

We call on all sports enthusiasts, hockey players, Härlen fans, friends, parents and Altsalemer to participate in this project for the hockey pitch. It is important to us to further develop the "sporting heart" of Salem and to let everyone participate.

There are various ways to donate, for example, you can secure your "personal" piece of turf. For more information, please see the project outline.

Donation account

Commerzbank AG, Essen
IBAN: DE42 3608 0080 0404 0764 01

To the donation form

Contact person
Gesa Meyer-Wiefhausen | Leitung Stabsabteilungen, Leitung Kommunikation, Fundraising, Stipendien

Gesa Meyer-Wiefhausen
Head of Strategic Communications

Tel.: + 49 7553 919 - 371
Send Email

Britta Lebherz | Kommunikation, Fundraising, Stipendien, Geschäftsstellenleitung Friends of Salem

Britta Stocker
Fundraising | Office Friends of Salem

Tel.: + 49 7553 919 - 288
E-Mail senden

Our completed projects

The Salem Schrote – Artisan Guilds, Classes & Events

After more than 300 years, the time had come: for the first time, a building was rebuilt in Salem Castle. In the fall of 2017, the former grain sheds on the west wall were demolished. The new Salem Schrote now offers students from grades 5 to 10 a variety of design options:

  • a large guild center with workshops for wood, metal and clay in the basement.
  • a modern learning center for grades 7 and 8 on the first floor
  • a 350-seat auditorium for joint events, school assemblies, theater, cabaret and celebrations on the top floor

The construction was released in December 2019. Since January 2020, classes, guilds and events have been held in the new Schrote. The first school assembly in the new premises was held on January 10, 2020.

Funding & Information

The construction of the new Schrote cost about 5.8 million euros. The project was financed by Schule Schloss Salem gGmbH and the Trägerverein Schule Schloss Salem e.V. The Beck'sche Stiftung Berlin supported the expansion of the Guild Center with 300,000 euros.

The equipment and technology of the auditorium amounting to 225,000 euros were financed by fundraising measures.

The generous accumulation of reserves by Friends of Salem e.V. accounted for more than half of the donations required.

Sports Field

After years of intensive planning and preparation and due to numerous donations and the support of "Friends of Salem Association" , the school is undertaking a thorough renovation of its outdoor facilities at Salem Castle.

 The new outdoor sports' facilities will include

  • a natural grass surface for field hockey and other ball sports 
  • a basketball court
  • a hockey field with artificial turf
  • various running tracks
  • a high-jump, a long-jump and other training areas.

All-School Sports Night

The Official Opening of the sports ground took place on the 14 of July. The students competed in mixed-year teams in hockey, soccer, beachvolleyball and basketball.

Good Deeds Through Art

In order to produce his unique night shots, the artist JanLeonardo wandered around Schule Schloss Salem in complete darkness between the 9th and 12th of February, armed only with a flashlight and a camera. The project titled Night Views will help support our school's scholarship program.

Nighttime Dancing through Historical Rooms

As it slowly became quieter throughout the school, the students having gone to bed and the lights been turned off, work was just beginning for the Bremen artist JanLeonardo and his assistant AnnaLeonarda. As soon as it was completely dark, the artist began to move through a room with his flashlight, following a distinct choreography in order to orchestrate the image piece by piece. Depending upon the size and richness of detail in a given room, it took him up to 15 minutes for a shot. To arrange a single photograph perfectly, it usually takes several hours, if not the entire night.

Visit website

Students Acted as Background Extras

Initiator of this art action was the alumnus and gallery owner Curtis Briggs, who set up the cooperative venture between the artist and Schule Schloss Salem. Creation of these very special photographs was made possible thanks to the students of the photography guild, the dedication of its leader, Christiane Hauser, collaboration with the custodian team, the management team boarding middle school Salem, and Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten. The unique images came about through the support of some students who acted as background extras. A limited edition of the artist's work was on exhibit on Whit Saturday, June 3, during the alumni gathering of the Altsalemer Vereinigung (ASV); also available for sale, the photographs provide a special way of remembering former school days. The proceeds from the sales will go to the scholarship fund of the school's Kurt Hahn Foundation.

Kunstprojekt: Fotografie im Kreuzgang

Projects: Good Deeds Through Art (Kreuzgang Schloss Salem)


Beetsaal in Schloss Salem

Project: Doing good with art (Prayer room Schloss Salem)

E-Pianos for Spetzgart Castle

Support for music at the Schloss Spetzgart location

After 100 years of Salem – in the year 2020 –  it was a desire that, in addition to the successful music promotion at the Salem location, the opportunities at Salem College should also be improved. In the spirit of sustainability, this became a student initiative of the then school speaker Yannick P. Martin (alumnus) as well as the president of the parliament Leon Rudolf (alumnus). 

Encouraging outstanding talents 

In the past, musicians from all Salem locations were able to inspire both within and outside the school community. The aim of the project was to further improve the situation for musicians at Schloss Spetzgart. E-pianos were to create more opportunities for practising. Spetzgart does not have its own music complex, as the Salem and Härlen locations do. Therefore, e-pianos are the optimal solution to balance playing music and living in the boarding school. 

Professional fundraising and a targeted marketing campaign quickly attracted the attention of several donors and well-known partners. Due to the corona pandemic, opportunities for musical development in the context of the project were unfortunately severely limited, but the purchase of electric pianos at the Spetzgart location was nevertheless made possible. 

Schule Schloss Salem and the music department would like to express their warmest thanks. 

College Band Campus Härlen
A vehicle for the fire department

Students at Schule Schloss Salem complete one of many services offered as part of their holistic education beginning in the ninth grade. The oldest of these services is the fire department. This year it celebrates its 75th anniversary.

Gruppenfoto des Feuerwehrdienstes

In the fire department, students learn the basics such as knot tying, vehicle and equipment knowledge, fire fighting, self-rescue and rescue. Since 1986, the fire department has been accompanied by a portable fire pump vehicle. After 36 years, the TSF is now in need of maintenance and repair and hardly meets today's requirements. Therefore, we would like to purchase a new vehicle with your support in order to enable further generations of students to train in the fire department and to continue to spark enthusiasm for the fire department. You can find the project outline here.

The Salem Planet Square - celebrating 40 years of the Kurt Hahn Foundation

The Kurt Hahn Foundation (KHS), founded in 1983 by the Altsalemer Vereinigung, supports the approximately 25% of scholarship holders at Schule Schloss Salem, in the spirit of Kurt Hahn. The creation of scholarships was a premise for him when he founded the school, to make extensive education possible regardless of the parents' income. An anniversary fund was created for the 40th anniversary of the foundation. Curtis Briggs, an alumnus of Salem, has with great commitment created the "Salem Planet Square", a unique square in front of the main Härlen building with five trees representing the five continents of our student body. The square will be supplemented with seating and invites students to linger and meet.

The official opening of the square will take place on Whitsunday.

Salem Planet Square Campus Härlen

You too can support the Jubilee Fund:

For more information, visit www.kurt-hahn-stiftung.de or download the detailed brochure (PDF).

Discover Lake Constance

The ALDEBARAN is a research ship for marine and water research. It is suitable for shallow and coastal waters due to her draught of just under one metre and sails in an almost climate-neutral manner. Once a year the research area of the ALDEBARAN is Lake Constance for a few months. The ALDEBARAN offers school students the opportunity to explore habitats and organisms in Lake Constance on day expeditions, to carry out scientific investigations in the fields of biology and technology in a practical manner and to discuss topics such as: Microplastic contamination, sediment analysis, plankton and algae and to learn and do research on their own.

In 2023 and 2024, Schule Schloss Salem and the German Ocean Foundation will organise the "Lake Constance Safari" - a comprehensive research programme on Lake Constance for various schools and age groups. 
The Lake Constance Safari is supported by the Baden-Württemberg Foundation and the Heinz Sielmann Foundation. 
You can download the full report of the Lake Constance Safari 2023 here

Lake Constance Adventure Trip 
In addition to the Lake Constance Safari, students from Salem have the opportunity to book the Aldebaran for further research days. Under the motto "Lake Constance Adventure Trip" we would like to enable as many classes as possible to experience and explore the Lake Constance ecosystem. To do this, we need your support: donate to the project using the online donation form. You will receive a receipt for every donation.