The Science Of…

The science of everyday things that you’ve always wondered about.

Hosted by Alison Ballance, Katy Gosset and Simon Morton

A petri dish on a blue background with orange and yellow bacteria growing inside. The text 'The Science Of...' appears both in front and covered by the clear petri dish.

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Season 2 / Episode 1
Simon Morton and Alison Ballance present a three-part series exploring the science of sweat, virtual reality and Vitamin C. This week, the function of a much-maligned bodily fluid that plays a vital role in keeping us humans healthy and alive.

Virtual Reality

Season 2 / Episode 2
We go beyond gaming to explore how VR works, what it's being used for (from treating a fear of spiders, to training young doctors) and ask if it's yet making any compelling case to be in every home.

Vitamin C

Season 2 / Episode 3
What is vitamin C and why do we need it? Which foods have the most vitamin C? Should we pop pills when we think we're getting a cold, or are we just producing expensive urine? And can vit C really cure cancer, or is it all hype?
Lemon and vitamin supplements


Bonus episode
Originally published on Our Changing World, Claire Concannon looks into the science of wastewater.
Two women in white lab coats and lab goggles stand in a lab next to a large machine with about a dozen glass bottles on top of it. The glass bottles are half-filled with clear liquid and have tubes running from them into the machine.