How to submit opinion columns, letters to the editor
Staff report 
The presidential debate: That fire is still burning
Pat Hickey 
Poll: Who won Harris-Trump presidential debate? Share your thoughts
Reno Gazette Journal 
Dodging attacks and interviews — here's what's wrong with today's politics
Pat Hickey 
Open primaries plus ranked choice voting could save our democracy
Randall Bolten 
LGBTQ+ voters are mobilized. Will politicians rise to the occasion?
Kurt Thigpen 
No journalist should have to fear for their safety
Frances Floresca 
America's nuclear 'downwinders' deserve justice
Aspen Coriz-Romero and Anila Lopez Marks 
Breaking the silence on suicide — end the stigma, save lives
Vinay Saranga 
Nuclear fusion and the energy abundance dream
Panos D. Prevedouros 
Vote no on Question 3 — ranked choice voting
Thomas Daly 
Climate change the greatest threat to America's fiscal, economic well-being
Rita Ransom 
The media: watchdog, lapdog or what?
Pat Hickey 
Conservation, clean energy must both be priorities
Shaaron Netherton 
Nevadans ready to embrace unity, elect Harris
Erika Watanabe 
I'm Republican, my husband is a Democrat. How's that working for you? | Terisia Kolesnick
Terisia Kolesnick 
Gettin' 'icky' with it: Nevada Museum of Art's spectacular new exhibit
Pat Hickey 
Denying business licenses for Reno's ex-prisoners would be a crime
Erica Smith Ewing and Daryl James 
A vision for conserving public lands we can all agree on
Tracy Stone-Manning 
Harris should avoid Nixon's price control disaster
Thomas Stindt 
Another tragic death on Reno's streets — we must fix our deadly road designs
Thomas Albright 
Longtime WCSD bus driver was the first, last person many students saw each day
Pat Hickey 
It's time we support universal pre-K
Mike Kazmierski 
Alternatives to PAIN Act will help reduce opioid dependency
Harpreet Tsui 
Olympics reminded us how differently we treat men's dominance, women's dominance
Rost Olsen