The Biggest Douchebags in Hollywood

Updated July 3, 2024 2.1M views 189 items
Ranked By
2.8M votes
120.7K voters
86 reranks
Voting Rules
People in the entertainment industry - music, film, radio, TV, reality TV. Televised political pundits are okay, but no career politicians.

The biggest douchebags in Hollywood are the people we love to hate and wish we could remove from our happy, cozy world. These people are famous, but often not for being talented, like top Hollywood actors or Grammy-winning musicians, but rather for being entitled, arrogant, self-obsessed, and rude. For many of these people, any press is considered good press which only feeds into their attention-seeking, annoying ways.

An awful trend among many of these biggest Hollywood douchebags is that many are only famous for being famous. Either they came from a reality show, like Spencer Pratt from "The Hills," or Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi from "Jersey Shore." Even Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton fall into that category with little on their early resumes besides being born into high-profile families and releasing celebrity sex tapes.

Others are simply awful people. Rapper Kanye West is no stranger to awkward unscripted moments on live television. Chris Brown will always be marred by his domestic violence against former girlfriend Rihanna. Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck spew hate on a daily basis during their political talk shows. In a perfect world, none of this awful behavior would exist but here, it makes for quite the list of douchebags.

So for whichever reason these people earned top status of Hollywood douchebaggery, be it from their anti-Semitic rants like Mel Gibson or from their womanizing ways like John Mayer and Jesse James, all of these celebs have a very special spot in a very hot place waiting for them. Which celebs grind your gears? Vote up those you think are the most douchbaggy, add any not listed or re-rank this list your way below!

Ranked by
  • Kanye West
    Age: 47
    82,923 votes
    • Birthplace: Atlanta, Georgia, USA
  • Chris Brown
    Age: 35
    63,077 votes
    • Birthplace: Tappahannock, Virginia, USA
  • Kim Kardashian
    Age: 43
    72,206 votes
    • Birthplace: Los Angeles, California, USA
  • Kris Jenner
    Age: 68
    58,182 votes
    • Birthplace: San Diego, California, USA
  • 6ix9ine
    738 votes
  • Caitlyn Jenner
    Age: 74
    12,599 votes
    • Birthplace: USA, New York, Mount Kisco