The Most Glorious Celebrity Man Buns

Jessica Lawshe
Updated June 11, 2019 22.6K views 20 items
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9.3K votes
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All hail the man bun! Whether you love it or hate it, you can't deny that the man bun has become a part of our current hair culture. Whether you're driving through the streets of Los Angeles or flipping through the pages of Vogue, you're bound to see some form of the now-infamous style. That's exactly why we've put together this list of the most glorious celebrity man buns.

Though the popularity of the man bun soared after Jared Leto started rocking the hair style, he did not, in fact, create the man bun. We've got to give him some credit though, he's probably the reason why even your mom knows what a man bun is. Still, many man buns have come before him, including those on David Beckham, George Harrison, and even Buddha. 

Now buns on men might not be your thing... well... hair buns at least, but our list might just sway you. Seriously, can Brad Pitt ever look bad? Regardless of whether it's a slick top knot, a messy half-up/half-down look, an all business bun, or casual brunch pony, all of these stars have embraced the trend in a way that makes us say, "Hey, we might not totally hate the man bun."

But beware, men who who might be considering trying out the cool guy look. It may look good in the short term, but research shows wearing a too-tight man bun can lead to traction alopecia - meaning baldness on the forehead and temples - all from yanking on your luscious locks over and over again. The price you pay for staying in style!

So get that hair out of your eyes (by putting it up in a bun, perhaps) so you can take a closer look at our list of the best celebrity man buns. Vote up the man bun that makes you the happiest about this celebrity hairstyle trend.Â