Celebrities You Wouldn't Want as Neighbors

Nicole Breanne
Updated September 27, 2024 244.6K views 92 items
Ranked By
81.6K votes
5.1K voters
23 reranks
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Vote up the celebrities who you think would make the worst neighbors.

Latest additions: Tim Walz, JD Vance
Most divisive: Adam Sandler
Over 5.1K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of Celebrities You Wouldn't Want as Neighbors

Well, there goes the neighborhood! This is a list of the celebs you DON'T want moving in next door to you. There are perks to celebrity neighbors, cool parties, something nice to look at over the fence, their cool celebrity friends. But this list is made up of people that would make your life a nightmare, parties, fights, loud vehicles, their very existence annoys you, and they're going to be living right next door. They will be all up in your space, borrowing your lawnmower.

From Kim Kardashian with her entire family always around your house, to Jay Leno revving his motors. How about Angelina with all those kids? Toys strewn about, screaming, fighting, Nerf balls ending up in your yard? Or what if Lindsay Lohan lived next door? I shudder to think of it. This is your home! This list is full of unstable celebs that would be coming to you to borrow a cup of sugar. These are the people that are coming to your backyard BBQ. 

Don't forget Tim Tebow who has scored very high on the neighbor you'd most want list but I say no way. Holier than thou neighbors are the worst, just watch "The Simpsons," I swear Flanders was based on the Tebows. I'd rather have Charlie Manson next door... at least he'd keep to himself! Voice your opinion and vote on this list and add your own least desirable celebrity neighbor!