Celebrity Endorsements You Are Actually Okay With, Ranked

Jacob Shelton
Updated July 15, 2024 25.7K views 36 items
Ranked By
2.2K votes
514 voters

Like all of us, celebrities only have so much time in the day. Most of them have families and canā€™t be jet-setting off all around the world when theyā€™ve got to bring home the bacon. Sometimes, instead of taking a month or five out of their life to make a movie, they opt to spend a day appearing in a commercial, making pretty much the same amount of cash that theyā€™d make working on a film, anyway (at least in some cases). That's the definition of a sweet gig. You canā€™t hate them for taking the money, but sometimes the ads that your favorite stars and Hollywood celebs appear in arenā€™t in line with your particular beliefs, or theyā€™re just not very good. But those commercials are not on this list. This list is here counting down the celebrity endorsements you're actually totally okay with.

On this list of celebrity endorsement deals that weā€™re cool with, there are commercials for everything from high end fashion to cell phones to Japanese energy drinks - if they make it, celebrities will stump for it. Sometimes the products are what makes the celebrity endorsement work so well and sometimes itā€™s the weirdness of the commercial. Seeing a famous person pretend like theyā€™ve never seen this new product before is jarring, but itā€™s also strange to see someone like Matthew McConaughey philosophizing while driving a Lincoln. But for whatever reason, it works.

Take a look at these examples, and vote up the endorsements that celebrities have appeared in for these products that youā€™re actually okay with. Or, be a pal and add some of your favorite celebrity endorsements to the list. With these celebrity endorsed products, we all win.
Most divisive: Ricky Gervais for Optus
Over 500 Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of Celebrity Endorsements You Are Actually Okay With, Ranked