Ant-Man's Greatest Villains & Foes

Ranker Comics
Updated October 19, 2023 160.1K views 50 items
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11.8K votes
1.7K voters
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Vote on your Favorite Ant-Man supervillains and enemies.

Ant-Man is a mantle taken up by three very different men, but no matter what, he has a long list of formidable villains giving him trouble. This list includes all of Ant-Man's villains, foes, and greatest enemies and needs your votes to help decide which An-Man villain is the best of the series. With more than 50 years of history and villains, and certainly some of the strangest bad guys in comic lore, Ant-Man's greatest foes is no group of slouches.

There are three different men who have donned the Ant-Man mantle. There's Hank Pym, a biophysicist and security operations center expert who discovered a substance that would allow the user to change their size, he also developed a helmet to talk to ants. Then there's Scott Lang (played by Paul Rudd in the 2015 film), a thief who initially stole the Ant-Man suit to save his daughter who had a heart condition, and then became a hero with the encouragement from Pym. Lastly there's Eric O'Grady, who was a low level S.H.I.E.L.D. employee who stumbled on the suit and stole it. He was the irredeemable Ant-Man who basically donned the mantle to seduce women.

All three Ant-Mans have faced numerous villains throughout their story lines, but which Ant-Man enemies are the best evil characters from the Ant-Man comics? Cast your votes below to help decide the ultimate Ant-Man comic book bad guy!